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UC Counselor Conference 2013

The Transfer Path: Having the Conversation with Students and Families Advising Students on the Community College Option. UC Counselor Conference 2013. Presentation Overview:. UC’s commitment to transfer How transfer works “Best advice” for prospective transfer students Resources and tools

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UC Counselor Conference 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Transfer Path: Having the Conversation with Students and FamiliesAdvising Students on the Community College Option UC Counselor Conference 2013

  2. Presentation Overview: • UC’s commitment to transfer • How transfer works • “Best advice” for prospective transfer students • Resources and tools • Counselor best practices

  3. UC Commitment to Transfer “We at UC will actively partner with the CSU and the community colleges to help students understand that the transfer option is achievable and affordable.“ - UC President Mark Yudof, March 2010

  4. UC Welcomes Transfer Students • Goal is to enroll 1 new CA transfer student for every 2 freshmen each fall • Over last decade, UC increased enrollment of new transfers up ~40% and freshmen ~15% • All 9 UC campuses have agreements with all 112 California community colleges on course equivalencies hosted on ASSIST.org

  5. UC Transfer Student Succeed • Persist at same rates as freshmen • Graduate at same rates as freshmen • Virtually same UC GPA when they graduate • Average time to degree: 2.4 years after transfer

  6. How Transfer Works

  7. Jr. Level Transfer – 60 Sem Units Includes minimum eligibility courses for UC Includes lower division courses preparing students for their major

  8. Jr. Level Transfer – 60 Sem Units Includes minimum eligibility courses for UC Students can choose courses strategically that fulfill both Major Prep and General Ed. This is good for competitive majors

  9. Transfer is a Partnership Between High Schools, community colleges, and UC

  10. Partnership • All ten UC campuses participate in partnerships to raise student achievement and close achievement gaps • Partnerships represent a system wide commitment to work intensively with public schools and colleges that serve the most disadvantaged students

  11. Academic Prep Programs • Academic Advising and Motivation • Peer Mentoring • Summer and Residential Programs • Community College and High School Support • Counselor Professional Development • Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) • Excluding Berkeley, Los Angeles and San Diego

  12. Transfer Planner Guide

  13. UCTransfer Admissions Planner (TAP) • A web-based tool to help students plan and track their academic plan to satisfy transfer requirements to any UC campus • Students can begin their plan as soon as they register at the community college • Allows students to communicate with their community college counselors and UC representatives

  14. UC TAP Homepage

  15. UC TAP Academic Information

  16. UC TAP: AP & IB Exams

  17. UC TAP: Course Summary

  18. UC TAP: Applying for the TAG

  19. Best Practices: Prepare High School students to transition into community college and Transfer Success

  20. Steps in Enroll at a Community College • Complete and submit a CCC application* • Or more than one! • Take the assessment exam* • New student orientation* • May not necessarily be required at all CCC, but highly recommended. • Register for classes* • Meet with a CCC counselor* • Pay registration fees • Student support services • EOPS, DSS, Puente, Career Services, CARE, etc… • Apply for financial aid • Visit CCC to process aid • Monitor Cal Grant B utilization to save for 4-yr • Go full time, if possible, to “efficiently” use aid • AB540 Affidavit (as needed) • CA Dream Act application * Mandatory matriculation steps

  21. ‘Best Advice’ for High School Students Improve college readiness: take rigorous college prep courses throughout high school Research your options Enroll in community college on time! Attend full time, work part time Decide on a major and campus no later than the start of sophomore year at CCC Work closely with an academic adviser, Transfer Center Director, and UC rep to develop a transfer plan early

  22. Counselor Best Practices • Include CCC and transfer information in your general college-going presentations starting in ninth grade to ensure students are aware of academic expectations in CCC and transfer opportunities and requirements • Provide awareness of the enrollment timeline and matriculation process for CCC • Get student familiar with college vocabulary such as ‘units’ instead of ‘credit’ and ‘IGETC’ instead of GE. • Teach students how to use www.assist.org • Teach students how to read a college catalog

  23. Counselor Best Practices Support students in completing matriculation steps: • Partner with local CCCs & universities to assist CCC-bound students • CCC Application Days • Direct students to CCC student support programs (EOPS, Puente, etc) • Encourage students to participate in on-site assessments if offered by your local CCC at your high school campus • Field trips: • To tour and experience CCC campuses • To take assessment exam and participate in new student orientations Provide introduction to the transfer process: • Provide workshops on transfer to students and parents • Invite representatives from four-year universities, local CCC and successful transfer students to speak to your students and parents

  24. Information & Resources • ASSIST: www.assist.org • CCCApply.org • Counselors’ Resource Website: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors\ • Counselors’ Resource Website: www.ccctransfer.org • UC System wide Admissions Website:www.admissions.universityofcalifornia.edu • UC Online Transfer Admission Planner: https://uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu • CSAC California Dream Act Application: http://www.csac.ca.gov/dream_act.asp

  25. Campus Selection Criteria • Berkeley: http://admissions.berkeley.edu/transferstudents • Davis: http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/admission/transfers/ • Irvine: http://www.admissions.uci.edu/resources/transfer_selection.html • Los Angeles: http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_tr.htm • Merced: http://admissions.ucmerced.edu/transfer-requirements • Riverside: http://admissions.ucr.edu/Home/transfer • San Diego: http://admissions.ucsd.edu/transfers/index.html • Santa Barbara: http://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/ • Santa Cruz: http://admissions.ucsc.edu/apply/transfer-students/index.html

  26. UC Transfer Preparation Programs

  27. Presenter Contact Information: Kia Vue Transfer Preparation Coordinator/Adviser kvue3@ucmerced.edu

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