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Internet Gossip

Internet Gossip. Scene #1. Tabitha- hey girl Shaneice - What you up to ? Tabitha – oo nothing on the internet being nosey . Scene #2. Shaneice- let me sign on 2 an be nosey its nothing else to do why not Tabitha-ok Tiffany just hit me up wit sum news im gonna see what she talking about

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Internet Gossip

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet Gossip

  2. Scene #1 Tabitha- hey girl Shaneice- What you up to ? Tabitha –oo nothing on the internet being nosey

  3. Scene #2 • Shaneice- let me sign on 2 an be nosey its nothing else to do why not • Tabitha-ok Tiffany just hit me up wit sum news imgonna see what she talking about • Shaneice- ok don’t forget to let me know whats its about • Tabitha- okiedokie

  4. Scene #3 • Tiffany- hey Tabitha did you see what they put up about shaneice on the internet omg you should go look its messed up • Tabitha- Omg no what is it saying ? What website? • Tiffany – Its saying she’s a hoe she’s a slut she had sex with the whole team and she got rape last month you should go look for your self Vanessa showed me

  5. Scene #4 • Vanessa- shaneice Even though we really don’t get along I don’t think its really right for some one to be on da internet talking about you an I thought that I should let you know • Shaneice – Thanks a lot for your concern but wow that’s crazy do you know who did this ?who seen it? Im so hurt • Vanessa –shaneiceim very sory but enough people seen it ..it have almost 200 likes

  6. Scene #5 • Tabitha- I know you heard about it don’t worry Ima get to the bottom of this • Shaneice- ok this is crazy I'm moving away • Tabitha – No ima handle this

  7. Scene #6 • Krystal- if u tell that dumb girl shaniece or any of her friends we wrote about her on the internet Ima end your whole career and trust me it will be ugly and ima lie an said you did this all by your self and the other girls are going to back me up!!!! • Vanessa- you know what you are a very mean person and you should go 2 hell • Kristen- if u tell Vanessa were gonnacuttyour hair off shaneice deserves it she think she all that you just want 2 be friends with her again let it go

  8. Scene# 7 • Vanessa- Idc what you guys say im telling just because your guys is evil • Krystal- Dontplz • Vanessa- nope im deleting you guys and saving these messages

  9. Scene#8 message between shaniece ,Tabitha ,and Tiffany send by Vanessa • Vanessa –hey I made this big chat for us all 2 see because I feel terrible well to be down with krystal and kristen group I had to do a lot but im tired of them and I feel I have to let shaniece and you guys no that the internet gossip was made by krystal and kristen they hate you and was been planning this sorry 2 tell you late an hope you understand

  10. Message with all girls part 2 • Shaneice- thank you so much this is crazy an Im very hurt but im going to switch my school and do what I gotta do cant live like this • Tabitha- thanks Vanessa you are the best an maybe you should move your school with us an shaneicewe know those are all lies • Tiffany –love you guys • Vanessa –you welcome an sure why not

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