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Welcome to Year 2 2019 to 2020

Welcome to Year 2 (2019-2020)! Get details on the school day, curriculum highlights, parent workshops, uniform guidelines, P.E. schedule, healthy eating, school council, rewards, and sanctions. Stay informed with important reminders for a successful school year.

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Welcome to Year 2 2019 to 2020

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  1. Welcome to Year 2 2019 to 2020

  2. We would like to introduce ourselves…

  3. The School Day • Please note that your child will be taken to the office at 3:25pm for late collection

  4. Maths & English Maths • Timetables – 2s, 5s and 10s • 4 Operations (2-digit numbers) • Properties of 2D + 3D shapes • Fractions of shapes, objects and amounts - Time (nearest 15 minutes) English • Fiction & non-fiction – writing for different purposes (simple narrative / recount / poem) - Application of phonics and common exception words • Expanded noun phrases – e.gyummy, cold ice-cream / small, slimy frog • -Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions – e.g because/ or / but / and • Punctuation – CL . ! ? commas in a list apostrophes for contraction and possession • Proof-reading and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar

  5. ParentWorkshops • We recognise how valuable it is for the children if home and school work together in partnership. Throughout the year we run a series of parental workshops to empower parents with the knowledge of how your child is taught in school and some ideas of how you can support them at home. • These workshops are advertised on our website and you will also see posters around the school. • Our first workshop is in November and the focus is Mathematics.

  6. Grow your brain • Growth mind set - Growth mind set revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. The opposite, a fixed mind set, refers to the belief that a person’s talents are set in stone.

  7. Year 2 Themes • Autumn Term – A Bug’s Life • Science • Jonathan’s Jungle Roadshow • Spring Term – The Vile Victorians -History • Museum visit • Summer Term – The Great Outdoors • Science and Geography • Redwood Forest

  8. Reminders about uniform • Jewellery – Studs only, no hoops please. • Children should always bring in a coat (preferably a wet weather coat). • Children should not wear nail polish. • Shoes should be black school shoes (without heels) and not trainers. • Please name ALL clothing that your child wears into school to help us locate it, if it gets lost. • Children should wear a school jumper/cardigan/fleece or a grey jumper (not a hooded top), grey or black trousers/skirt/shorts and • a white shirt/blouse/polo neck t-shirt.

  9. P.E. kit and times • Your child will have 2 sessions of P.E. per week. • Autumn Term – Throwing and catching / Kicking / Multi-skills • 2J – Monday and Tuesday • 2K – Wednesday and Thursday • 2M – Monday and Thursday • P.E. kit should consist of labelled black shorts (black joggers for colder weather), white t-shirt, daps and trainers. PLEASE make sure kits are in school at all times. We will send them home in the holidays to be washed. • Hair should be tied back for P.E. and earrings should be removed or covered with medical tape (which the children should provide.)

  10. Healthy Lunchboxes • We pride ourselves in being a healthy school. • Year 2 children are still provided with free school meals, although if your child does choose to bring in a lunchbox we encourage healthy choices. • A polite reminder that chocolate and fizzy drinks are not allowed. • If lunch boxes do not have sufficient food children will be provided with a school dinner.

  11. HealthySnacks • Break time snack can ONLY be a piece of fruit (available in the classroom or it can be brought in from home) or toast which is available for 20p.

  12. Allergies • We have many children that suffer with allergies. • As a school we have worked hard to minimize these triggers which includes becoming a nut free school. • Please make sure there are no nut products in your child’s lunchboxes. • Could we also ask you to remind your children not to share or swap foods.

  13. SchoolCouncil • Each term children will have the opportunity to be elected to represent their class on the school council. • The council meet regularly and discuss topics of relevance, for example: healthy lunchboxes, things they would like to change about school etc. • The council is led by Year 6 cabinet members and supervised by Miss Field.

  14. Rewards and sanctions We reward the children with house points which they can earn through positive attitudes and effort. There are also a number of other rewards that the children can achieve for positive behaviour. These include Kingsholm Star and Monday certificates. We have sanctions for the children in the form of traffic lights for any inappropriate behaviour.

  15. Traffic Light System All children will start each day on the Greentraffic light– expected behaviour. Amber– following two warnings for behaviour within a session the child is placed on amber. This will lead to a playtime time-out. If the behaviour continues they will receive a further two warnings and progress to red. Red– either a progression from amber or automatic red for high level inappropriate behaviour. Year group lead over sees behaviour.

  16. Home – School Communication • From time to time issues may arise where you need to speak to somebody about your child’s well being. Given that we are now a school of over 600 children, senior staff have many additional responsibilities. • We would ask you to please contact staff in the following order: • Class Teacher • Year Group Lead (Mrs Jeffreys) • Co-head teacher (Mr Ferris) • or Head teacher (Mrs Buckland)

  17. HomeLearning Reading As developing readers, it is very important for your child to read regularly at home. Please ensure that you hear your child read at least three times a week and that you sign their reading record sheet. Weekly Home Learning sheet This will consist of different activities, including: handwriting practice and English, maths and phonic activities. Bug Club and Times Table Rock Stars We also use the websites/apps - Bug Club (for reading) and Times Table Rock Stars as alternative learning resources. We will send out log in’s attached to reading records so your child is able to access these at home.

  18. The children still have access to many resources to support them with their learning, alongside written methods. Some of these are: The four operations in Year 2

  19. Useful information • The class teacher will let the children come into the classroom from 8:45am and will take the register at 8.50am. If your child comes in later than 8.50am they will need to go through the office. Before 9am they will receive a black late mark on the register and after 9am they will receive a red late mark on the register. • School finishes at 3.10pm in KS1. If your child is not collected by 3.25pm, they will go to the office to wait. It is also helpful if your child knows who is picking them up.

  20. Other useful information to note… • It is useful to know in advance, where possible, if your child has an appointment which requires them to leave school early or arrive late. • Please ensure the office has an up to date list of people responsible for picking up children. • If you/ or other contacts change your mobile number please ensure that you let the Office know ASAP. • Parent Pay- You can pay online for trips, school dinners etc. When you pay on Parent Pay please remember to tick the permission box. • Children are not allowed to bring in their own stationery/pencil cases. • Please ensure that if your child needs an inhaler it is in school and in date. • No electronic items allowed such as mobile phones. • Water is provided in class but if your child would like to bring in a water bottle this is permitted but ONLY water is allowed in class.

  21. Communication • School uses a texting service to alert you of trips that are running late, • etc, so as previously mentioned please keep the office up to date with • your contact number. • Monthly newsletters are the first Thursday of the month– these will now • only be available on the website. • Necessary information can be found on the school website or provided by letters sent home. • Spare letters can be found outside the office. • Weekly blogs are posted by each year group on a Friday. • You can access this through the school website or our Facebook page.

  22. Attendance • We are aiming to have a whole school attendance of 100%. You will have been informed in your child’s end of year report if your child’s attendance was less than 100%. • Appointments in mid morning or afternoon please attend school first so they get an attendance mark. • Please ensure that your child is at school at all times unless they are genuinely too unwell to attend. • If your child is absent please phone the school office.

  23. Cool Kids and After School Clubs • Out of hours care (chargeable) - We offer both a breakfast and afterschool club run at school called Cool Kids. • Breakfast club runs from 7:45 am to the start of school. • Cool Kids runs from 3:15pm to5.30pm apart from Fridays when it closes at 4.30pm. • There is a small charge for these services. • Please see the office for more information. • This service is extremely popular and does get booked up, so please ask for spaces well in advance. • A range of other free after school clubs are run by members of staff, you will be given a list of new clubs at the start of each term ~ please sign up early as spaces are limited.

  24. Kingsholm FRIENDS • We are always looking for parents to join Kingsholm FRIENDS. • Your role would be: • -Ambassador for our school • -Help with fundraising • -Support with school trips and other events • -Support with parent meetings and workshops • If you are interested please see Miss Field via the office.

  25. OPAL Outdoor Play and Learning Practise skills learnt in the classroom which include • Problem solving • Team building • Social and communication skills • Managing risks Wellies • Please bring in for your child for the year as they will be outside in all weathers • If you have any wellies you could donate to the school we would be very grateful

  26. Thank you for coming. We are looking forward to another exciting and successful year. Please stay and ask us any questions if you would like to.

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