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HARLEM RBI Strategic Plan Reference Deck August 2007. OVERVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENT. This document contains the supporting data that was used to develop Harlem RBI’s 5-year strategic plan
OVERVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENT • This document contains the supporting data that was used to develop Harlem RBI’s 5-year strategic plan • These materials were developed in conjunction with a series of working sessions with the Harlem RBI Strategic Planning Team, conducted from March through August 2007 • Harlem RBI’s 5-year strategic plan is presented in a separate document
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
CORE STRATEGIC QUESTIONS OF THIS PROJECT • Programmatic focus • Identity/name • Environmental influences • Program codification • Space needs • Stability over time • Strategic priorities • To what extent should we continue our focus on “using baseball, softball and the power of teams” with our current age groups vs. broadening our work to other areas, such as a high school, preschool, or mental and physical health? • Does Harlem RBI need to change its identity and/or name? • The name “Harlem RBI” connotes baseball • As the organization moves into running a school, is there a need for an identity and/or name change? • How will our program be impacted by our changing environment (such as the gentrification happening in the area) and what implications does this have for our future strategy? • Is there a way we can codify our programs and make them available to others in order to replicate our work, and potentially generate revenue? • Given our tight physical space and our expectations for continued growth, how will we best meet our facility needs in the future? • How can we create more stability for the organization, recognizing that it is currently vulnerable to uncertainties in fundraising, the political climate, reputation effects, etc? • What are our priorities for the coming five years, and the sequencing of those priorities?
PROJECT TIMELINE Months Work modules Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug • Module 1: Assemble a baseline • Module 2: Analyze external trends • Module 3: Listen to customers • Module 4: Assess competitors and partners • Module 5: Investigate analogs for a school/CBO combo • Module 6: Assess opportunities for program codification • Module 7: Develop strategic direction • Meet with Harlem RBI planning team • Hold all-staff meetings • Meet with Harlem RBI Board • Module 8: Investigate space options • Module 9: Perform financial projections • Module 10: Define an action plan
RESEARCH CONDUCTED • Completed over 60 interviews with: • Funders • Community-based organizations • Experts on gentrification • Real estate professionals • Board members • Staff • Researched 12 analogous community-based organizations in-depth • Reviewed published materials on East Harlem demographic data and trends • Conducted survey and focus groups of teen participants, parents, and alumni • Analyzed Harlem RBI’s space needs and growth opportunities • Facilitated a series of monthly 3-hour meetings with the Strategic Planning Committee, consisting of staff, board members and one volunteer
STAFF AND BOARD INTERVIEWS Staff Board Members Kelly Adams, Director of Social Services Rich Berlin, Executive Director Vince Coleman, Director of Baseball and Softball Maleka Covington, Development Associate Rachel Cytron, Deputy Director of Programs Megan Demarkis, Director of REAL Kids Joy Harris, Director of Operations Kara Logan, Director of Development Jamie McClelland, IT Consultant Elese Resneck, Director of External Communications Saran Shields, Program Coordinator Trish Williford, Director of Team Enrichment Michael Buckley Charles Butler David Cohen Stacey Cooper Katherine DeFoyd Stuart A. Fraser Daniel M. Healy Marc E. Jaffe Chris Leonard Gilbert Liu Peter Danaker(1) Ken Rosh Jeff Samberg Robert Sheehan Jamie Stecher Ron Taylor Jenny M. Valdez Carmen Vega-Rivera Gregg Walker Claudia Zeldin Volunteer (1) Responses from interview have been combined with Board responses
CBO-COMBO AND ANALOGOUS ORGANIZATION INTERVIEWS Organization Interviewee Title CBO-subsidiary “Combo” or Analog? BELL Boys and Girls Harbor Citizen Schools Good Shepard Services Harlem Children’s Zone Higher Achievement Latin American Youth Center Northwestern University Settlement House Self Enhancement, Inc. Stanley Isaacs Center Union Settlement University Settlement Earl Phalen Hans E. Hageman Eric Schwartz Sister Paulette George Khaldun Richard Tagle Lori M. Kaplan Ron Manderschied Tony Hobson Wanda Wooten Ellen Simon Michael H. Zisser Executive Director Executive Director President/CEO Executive Director COO Executive Director Executive Director President President Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Analog Analog Analog Combo Analog & Combo Analog Combo Combo Combo Analog Analog Combo
FUNDER INTERVIEWS Name Title Organization Emary Aronson Tom Brasuell Charles Buice Charles Hamilton Roderick Jenkins Anne Lawrence Kenneth Merin Holly Nuechterlein Elizabeth Olofson Lisa Philp Laura Samberg Peter Sloane Carol Van Atten Denice Williams Director, Relief Fund and Education VP, Community Affairs Trustee Executive Director Program Officer, Children, Youth and Families Program Officer President and CEO Grant Program Manager Executive Director VP, Global Foundations Group Co-Director Chairman Assistant Secretary Assistant Commissioner, Capacity Building Robin Hood Foundation Major League Baseball Tiger Foundation Clarke Foundation New York Community Trust The Robert Browne Foundation The Charles Hayden Foundation Louis Calder Foundation Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation JP Morgan Chase Private Bank Samberg Family Foundation The Heckscher Foundation for Children The Charles Hayden Foundation NYC Department of Youth and Community Development
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
INTERVIEWEES IDENTIFIED A VARIETYOF STRENGTHS OF HARLEM RBI • Talented and committed staff • Routinely looks to improve • Low turnover of senior staff • Attractive after-school model • Uses baseball / softball as a hook • Prioritizes education, learning, and long-term success of kids • High quality, innovative programming • Positive, developmental culture • Respectful of everyone • Fun • Brand recognition • Strong, contributing Board • Harlem RBI leadership is effective in engaging the Board • Volunteer recruitment and management Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007
INTERVIEWEES ALSO SUGGESTED A SET OF CHALLENGES There is a need to decide whether and how to grow the after-school program, especially in light of the charter school endeavor Gentrification, and its implications for Harlem RBI A lack of programming and administrative space, particularly if a decision is made to grow The charter school opportunity will encompass Harlem RBI for the next few years Insufficient documentation of programming and processes A need to be deepen or refine some of Harlem RBI’s programs Some kids are not succeeding in school, despite participation in Harlem RBI The operational infrastructure may have lagged organizational growth Some questions about the connection with the immediate East Harlem community The lack of diversity on the Board and staff The lack of a succession plan for key staff positions Strategic planning will: Address this directly Address this in part Not address this directly Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007, Wellspring
CURRENT FUNDERS SPEAK VERY HIGHLY OF HARLEM RBI, AND CITE SEVERAL LIMITATIONS AS WELL Strengths cited Limitations cited • All funders said Harlem RBI is “attractive” or “highly attractive” when compared with other youth development organizations • They recognize strengths similar to those cited by Board and staff • Baseball / softball as a hook • Ability to retain kids for long periods of time • Model which serves older kids, and boys in particular • Strong board • High quality staff • Funding mix • Particularly commend Harlem RBI’s transition from a sports-centric program to a robust after-school program • Space / capacity constrained • Lack of an effective approach to performance measurement • There is inconsistency in capturing data such as school attendance, grades • Harlem RBI is seen as high cost per youth, but some say better measures are needed in the field (e.g. outcome measures, cost per service hour per youth, ratio of adult hours to youth hours) • Some funders would like to see Harlem RBI tracking kids through college graduation, but other funders questioned whether expecting after-school work to drive to academic outcomes is realistic • Home-grown and unproven curriculum - question revenue potential Source: Interviews with funders, April-May 2007
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
INTERVIEWEES CITED MULTIPLE CONCERNSABOUT A NAME OR IDENTITY CHANGE • Most staff noted Harlem RBI’s success in educating its audiences about the nature of its programming • “The organization has done a good job getting funders to understand we are not a baseball program. It would be a mistake to change this” • ….and were unsure how big of a barrier the name actually is for the organization • “With the name we have, people assume we are a baseball organization. I am not sure if it is a problem. Sure it’s a challenge but I am not sure how much of a detriment it is” • “I think the name is definitely a barrier; it requires a 20 word description…but I don’t think its worth changing the name over [right now]” • One staff member suggested that a name change might be in Harlem RBI’s future, but not in the next five years • “We don’t want to do two re-brandings over ten years...in maybe seven years when the school is running smoothly and [the programs are fully developed] then we’re really going to be ready for rebranding” • Even staff open to a name change noted the risks of this move due to the strong existing branding • “Its a sticky question. We have phenomenal recognition. Our PSAs are going nationwide. We would have to do amazing PR” • The one staff member in favor of a name change was less worried about the risks • “Name change would be helpful; our name is difficult to explain…Harlem RBI does not say what we do. Harlem Children's zone used to be Rheedlen Centers and its better for [the change]” Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007
INTERVIEWEES SUPPORT KEEPING NAME THE SAME “Do you believe Harlem RBI needs to change its name?” Yes Maybe Maybe No No Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007
OVERALL, FUNDERS SAY HARLEM RBISHOULD NOT CHANGE ITS NAME • Funders say the brand recognition is very strong • “There are not a huge number of youth organizations in the city with their level of brand recognition” • While some say that the name itself does not immediately suggest an after-school program… • “When I first heard the name, it took some time for me to come to like it” • …all agree that the foundation community looks well beyond the name in making decisions about who to fund • “It doesn’t help or hinder with foundations” • And, funders recognize the appeal of the brand to individual donors Source: Interviews with funders, April-May 2007
THERE IS HIGH AWARENESS OF HARLEM RBI’S OFFERINGS AMONGST CURRENT CUSTOMERS “I have been aware that Harlem RBI provides the following services” Source: Survey done by Harlem RBI with parents during uniform nights in April 2007, (n=99)
THERE IS SOME DISAGREEMENT ON THE EXTENT TO WHICH HARLEM RBI IS KNOWN IN THE COMMUNITYFocus Group Participants Offered Suggestions For Improved Awareness • Most views on Harlem RBI’s presence are positive: • “Hell, yeah. It is [known] now; it used to be a joke; now everyone wants to join. It’s very popular… people ask about it; the field is famous; Carlos Beltran came to the field” (Alumni group) • “Metro North and East River know Harlem RBI, but that may be it” (Parents) • 38% of survey participants only heard about Harlem RBI in the past 3 years • Suggestions on how to better market Harlem RBI: • More word-of-mouth • MySpace • Radio and TV commercials • Street fairs • Big mailing to the10029 and 10035 zip code • Presence at the Puerto Rican Day Parade Source: Parent survey, April 2007. Focus groups done with Harlem RBI parents, youth and alumni, May 2007
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
INTERVIEWEES STRONGLY AFFIRMED THE IMPORTANCE OF BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL TO HARLEM RBI’S MODEL • Attracts kids, including those who would otherwise not participate in baseball • Creates opportunities to engage kids’ families • Provides distinctive branding • Facilitates fundraising • Attracts volunteers from a variety of communities and socio-economic backgrounds • Easily lends itself to key educational opportunities • Mathematical skills • Team participation • Leadership opportunities • Provides much-needed physical activity to counter obesity trends There is value in ensuring that all of Harlem RBI’s programming is linked to a “hook”, whether or not it is related to baseball / softball Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007
MANY IDEAS WERE CITED FOR HOWHARLEM RBI COULD EXPAND ITS WORKSpanning Five Different Ways to Grow Continue to strengthen academics Offer additional team-based sports, particularly in the winter Offer more social work services Broaden health and mental health components Provide financial literacy training Increase marketing efforts Offer additional team-based sports Provide support to alumni (e.g. college internship assistance, coping with cultural adjustments, etc.) Develop programming for K to 1 grade-levels, particularly in light of charter-school plan Open satellite locations (e.g. upper East Harlem, Washington Heights, etc.) Hold more community events Provide support to parents, such as job training and ESL classes Provide fee-based consultation to disseminate model • Increase programming to current kids • Increase number of kids in current programming • Serve additional age groups and constituencies • Expand to new geographies • Pursue ancillary work Source: Interviews conducted with staff and Board Members, March-April 2007
OTHER TEAM SPORTS ARE A RELATIVELYLOW INTEREST OF CURRENT PARTICIPANTS “Please rate your how likely you are to participate in each of the following activities?”(1) % of respondents (n=64) • Respondents could choose from “Extremely likely”, “Very likely”, “Likely”, “Not so likely” and “Not likely at all” • Source: Teen focus groups conducted by Harlem RBI staff, May 2007
PARENTS CITE A VARIETY OF SERVICE NEEDSMany Already Receive Services, But Want More Parents were asked whether they need the following services. They could choose from: “Have but want more”, “Have and don’t need more”, “Don’t have, need” and “Don’t have, don’t need” Don’t have / need Have / want more Percent of respondents (n=60) Source: Parent survey of teens ages 13-18, April 2007
ALUMNI INTERESTS REVOLVE LARGELY AROUNDCOLLEGE SUCCESS AND JOB PLACEMENT Alumni are interested in helping out current youth in some limited ways (Caveat: Small sample) Alumni would like to receive support for getting through college, finding jobs • “What are some things you could see Harlem RBI offering to its alumni?” • Resource help • Help with papers • Essay writing • Money for school • Mentors • Jobs during school • Family planning • Career options, • College advice (courses) • Dorm life help • Networking “Please rate how likely you are to participate in each of the following activities?”(1) Extremely likely Very likely When asked to prioritize this list, alumni scored “money for school”, “mentors” and “career advice” as the top three interests % of respondents (n=7) • Respondents could choose from “Extremely likely”, “Very likely”, “Likely”, “Not so likely” and “Not likely at all” • Source: Teen focus groups conducted by Harlem RBI staff, May 2007
FUNDERS’ VIEWS ON HARLEM RBI’SWORK GOING FORWARD • Most frequently cited strategic priorities were: • Quality enhancement (8 mentions)(1) • Success with charter school (7 mentions) • Youth retention (4 mentions) • Performance measurement (4 mentions) • Succession planning / adding “bench strength” (2 mentions) • Funders are mixed on whether Harlem RBI should increase the number of kids it serves • Most funders say increasing the population served is not necessary for success • However, some suggest that the volume of kids served is important for demonstrating results to sustain funding • Funders question revenue potential of codification • “I think there are a lot of good youth development principles and practices out there already” • “I’m not sure of the appetite for this” • “They have a great hook, but I’m not sure if there is an ‘academic model’ they could sell” (1) Unprompted.; out of 13 interviews (1 of the 14 interviewees was not in a position to comment on Harlem RBI’s priorities); several other items received one mention. Source: Interviews with funders, April-May 2007
FUNDERS SAY THAT SCHOOL QUALITYIS THE TOP ISSUE IN EAST HARLEMBut Raise Cautions About Harlem RBI’s Planned Charter School School quality concerns were cited by most funders Yet, funders question whether Harlem RBI should pursue a charter school “The first thing that comes to mind in terms of challenges in East Harlem is the lack of strong schools” “What is lacking is quality public education… the public schools are insufficient” “Other than the Charter school, I’m not sure what else they could do in East Harlem. There seem to be a lot of programs already” “There is a lot of frustration about how bad the schools are” “Most of the schools are pretty poor” “I’m not sure the solution is really to have youth development programs setting up charter schools” “The school will have a tremendous impact on how Rich spends his time” “You can’t do things piece-meal when you do a school” “Starting a school is no small endeavor. It’s not an easy task to do that and manage everything else” “Charter schools are a mess. I’m a huge supporter, but I’m concerned that Harlem RBI is not equipped to deal with staff and facility headaches” Source: Interviews with funders, April-May 2007
PROGRAMMING QUALITY AND QUANTITY TO CURRENT YOUTH SEEN AS MOST ATTRACTIVE FUNDING STRATEGIESMany Other Strategies Are Quite Unattractive On a scale of 1-5, (1-not attractive and 5-very attractive) how attractive would this funding opportunity be to you over the next five years? % of survey Respondents (n=12) Suggests funders support investing in deeper relationships with kids Harlem RBI currently reaches (1) Two of the fourteen funders interviewed were not asked to rate funding attractiveness (DYCD and MLB); in some cases, responses did not rate each category Source: Interviews with funders, April-May 2007
THERE ARE LIMITED WEEKDAY HOURS TOADD PROGRAMMING FOR REAL KIDS Discussion: Should We Consider Growing Into Saturday Hours? School hours Harlem RBI hours Other hours potentially available for programming Source: Harlem RBI Program Schedules
METHODOLOGY FOR RANKING MAJOR PROGRAM ENDEAVORS • A list of seven potential major endeavors was generated through research and discussion: • Introduce two new teams per grade-level for the teen programs in East Harlem • Pursue a second charter school for K-8 • Launch a charter high school • Conduct early childhood programming • Develop young adult program (may include: college retention; summer jobs; networking etc.) • Replicate Harlem RBI in a nearby location • Replicate Harlem RBI in another city • Members of the Strategic Planning team and six additional senior staff members assessed which of these endeavors Harlem RBI should pursue, after a successful charter school launch. The potential endeavors were rated according to the following six criteria: • The extent of unmet need • Prioritizes deeper relationships with youth • Allows Harlem RBI to improve lives of families • Contributes to long-term outcomes • Expresses our culture, core values and strengths • Synergy between endeavor and the after-school and charter school
PROVIDING EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS RECEIVED THE HIGHEST RANKING (1) Percent of scores above 4 or 5 = Average number of 4s and 5s (2) Average number of 4s and 5s: 61% 55% 46% 40% 31% 28% 22% Survey questions The extent of the unmet need Contributes to long term outcomes • Scores given on a 1-5 scale, 1= Very Low, 5= Very High • Doubling the teen program would suggest a doubling of the Real Kids academic year program, which acts as a feeder • Source: Harlem RBI Major Endeavors Survey, June-July 2007 Prioritizes deeper relationships Expresses our culture, core values, and strength Allows us to improve lives of each family Synergy between endeavor and the afterschool and charter school
MAJOR ENDEAVORS SURVEY QUESTIONS Survey questions asked of senior staff and strategic planning committee members. Responses could be: “Very high”, “Somewhat high”, “Moderate”, “Somewhat low”, “Very low”, and “Don’t know” • “In your opinion, what is the extent of unmet need for this endeavor? The level of unmet need is…” • “To what extent do you believe this endeavor prioritizes pursuing deeper relationships with a smaller number of kids and their families over working with a high number of kids? The extent to which this endeavor can prioritize deep relationships with kids is...” • “ To what extent do you believe this endeavor will focus on helping Harlem RBI improve the lives of each family? This endeavor's potential to help the youth's family improve their lives is...” • “To what extent do you believe this endeavor will contribute to long-term outcomes for youth? This endeavor's focus on long-term outcomes for youth is...” • “To what extent do you believe Harlem RBI can readily incorporate its culture, core values and strengths, in this endeavor? (Note: Harlem RBI’s core values include: Growth, Excellence, Team, Aspiration) The extent to which this endeavor can readily incorporate Harlem RBI's culture and values is...” • “How much synergy would you expect between this endeavor and the current work of the after-school program and the pending Charter School? The level of synergy I would expect is...”
THERE IS BENEFIT IN LAYING OUT THE PROGRAM DESIGN AND DESIRED OUTCOMES IN ANTICIPATION OF FURTHER GROWTH • BELL, Higher Achievement, and Citizen Schools invested in solidifying their afterschool models before attempting to significantly replicate their models • Higher Achievement went through a process of redesigning programs and establishing outcome goals to position itself for growth • “We decided to restructure the organization to become an outcome-based model. We looked at what would it take to generate ‘X’ results...We started with the results and then reconfigured our program model, which then fed into the organization’s theory of change” • While BELL was still just a couple of school sites in Boston , the organization spent time clarifying the model and desired outcomes • “In the first stages we were trying to get proof of concept. Did it work? What’s the curriculum we need? What’s the training we need to provide?” • Citizen Schools focused on growing and proving its model in Boston, before thinking about replicating beyond Boston • Spent time aligning the model with Boston Public Schools learning standards Source: Interviews with Analogous Organizations, May 2007. “Citizen Schools: Creating a strong program locally as a basis for national expansion” 2004. The Bridgespan Group
ORGANIZATIONS USE METRICS FOR BOTH PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT AND OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY Growing organizations have invested in monitoring program performance Use of operational metrics can lead to increased efficiency • All analogs that are seeking to grow have at least one staff member whose sole role is to lead program evaluation and data collection • Higher Achievement’s data monitoring system provides regular feedback to staff on the performance of specific sites • Data is reviewed at bi-weekly staff meetings • BELL’s performance tracking system allows management at all levels to utilize real-time site performance data • Including student skills assessments and attendance • Early on, Higher Achievement used data to identify the ideal size of program sites • “The more kids we added beyond 100 the less efficiency there was. Less kids were completing homework. There was tardiness... If you go less than 80 students it is cost inefficient” • BELL monitors operational indicators, including staff shift time on a regular basis • “We said what are the top 20 things we need to look at, from attendance to shift management…we realized that if someone was supposed to work thirty minutes, but it was taking them an hour - that was costing us” Source: Interviews with Analogous Organizations, May 2007
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Case for codification • Harlem RBI Codification Process Space Needs • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
Case for Codification THE CASE FOR CODIFICATION • Research indicates that codification is an important precursor to significant growth • There is an opportunity for Harlem RBI to make a concerted effort to document the tools and procedures used throughout the organization(1) • This likely will have results in visible and invisible costs, including time spent recreating processes and knowledge loss due to staff exit • Codification will strengthen Harlem RBI internally by • Promoting efficiency so that high repetition functions do not need to be recreated • Allowing complex tasks to be more easily communicated and executed • Supporting organizational learning and improvement, as old documents are updated • Ensuring consistency and coherence across the organization • There will likely be external benefits as well • Protecting against legal or brand risk • Allowing Harlem RBI to more effectively communicate desired components of our model to desired audiences • Staff interviews
Case for Codification CODIFICATION IS VALUABLE WHEN PLANNING TO GROWRequires Management Attention • For analogs, codification entailed documenting programs and establishing processes to keep materials up-to-date, and incorporating use of materials into programs and staff training • In order to replicate while maintaining quality, BELL, Higher Achievement, and Citizen Schools have devoted significant attention to program codification • Higher Achievement has documented their program model through written materials and training; includes a culture document and culture focused training modules • Citizen Schools has documented its program model and runs multiple trainings to help sites to implement the model successfully • BELL’s model has been documented and it is taught through staff trainings; BELL is exploring licensing its model so it can spread its outcomes to more children • Programs which have not fully codified acknowledge lack of sufficient management attention as the main cause • Boys and Girls Harbor would like to document its programs but struggles because there is not a senior program manager to coordinate it • In the past, Stanley Isaacs and Union Settlement have codified some programs, but acknowledge their efforts are incomplete, out of date, and only sporadically utilized Source: Interviews with Analogous Organizations, May 2007
1. Design and prioritize (Focus of strategic planning) 2. Document Develop codification approach Identify and group Harlem RBI work activities Prioritize activities to be codified, based on criteria Identify and document content, tools and procedures for prioritized activities Make documented files accessible 3. Set-up system 4. Keep materials up-to-date Develop IT system to store codified documents Establish processes for accessing documents Set review schedule for each activity Review documents and make changes as needed Track “freshness” of content as part of performance Codification Process THERE ARE FOUR PARTS TO CODIFICATION
Codification Process SUMMARY OF HARLEM RBI’s CODIFICATION APPROACH • Four steps associated with codifying Harlem RBI’s work were identified: • Lay out approach to codification and prioritize work activities • Document each activity, starting with highest priority items • Develop systems and processes to support codification • Keep codification materials up to date • A review of Harlem RBI’s work resulted in 45 distinct activities, falling into five categories(1) • These activities were ranked using the following questions on a 5-point scale(2) by senior Harlem RBI staff • Repetition: “How frequently is this activity repeated, when compared with other activities?” • Risk: “What is the level of business risk (e.g. brand risk, legal risk) for this activity, when compared with other activities?” • Complexity: “How complex is this activity, when compared with other activities?” • Influence: “How much influence does this activity's effectiveness have on other Harlem RBI activities?” • Visibility: “How visible is this activity to outside audiences, such as parents, funders, etc., when compared with other activities? • Developed by Harlem RBI staff with support from Wellspring • For each question, participants could chooose from “Very High”, “Somewhat high”, “Moderate”, “Somewhat Low” and “Very low”
Codification Process GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CODIFICATION • Codification will be performed in a way that will: • Ensure that Harlem RBI’s culture is practiced in all its work • Allow high priority activities to be documented in advance of other items • Demonstrate uniform approaches across all departments and programs • Support use of codified materials (e.g., user friendly documents) • Allow for innovation over time • Establish clear ownership of codified documents • Involve all staff members in documentation, sharing and innovation
Codification Process HIERARCHY FOR CODIFICATIONPage 1 of 2 1. Codification area 2. Activity 3. Content, procedures and tools • Five areas cover all work at Harlem RBI • Organization-wide activities (e.g., culture) • Development • Programs • Supporting operations • Management and governance • Each codification area contains 5 to 15 activities Identified activities cover all of the major work done by Harlem RBI Codification is prioritized at the activity level Each activity contains anywhere from 2-20 tools and procedures which can be documented There should be a staff lead identified for each activity Discreet work, which can be strengthened through codification Harlem RBI aims to ensure that the majority of its work is documented through content, procedures and tools There should be a staff lead identified for each procedure or tool
Codification Process HIERARCHY FOR CODIFICATIONPage 2 of 2 Codification Area (e.g, Programs) Activity 1 (e.g., Develop and deliver sports) Activity 2 Activity 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Documents: Content, procedures and tools
Codification Process FORTY-FIVE WORK ACTIVITIES IN FIVE AREAS WERE IDENTIFIED Organization-wide activities Management and governance Programs Development Supporting operations Articulate Harlem RBI’s culture and identity Build Harlem RBI “community” (e.g., staff and youth events) Manage inter-departmental activities (staff meetings, communications) Facilitate staff evaluations, career development (includes staff exit as needed) Recruit staff Build relationships with external communities (e.g., East Harlem, CBOs, etc.) Procure supplies Undertake program planning and integration Develop and deliver sports Develop and deliver academics/enrichment Develop and deliver special events and youth opportunities Provide social work services (TLC) Communicate with parents Communicate with schools Ensure youth safety Evaluate programs Plan for programs (Schedules/ logistics) Recruit and enroll youth Track and manage youth Recruit volunteers Manage volunteers Train staff and volunteers • Undertake development planning • Hold fundraising events • Bids for Kids • Diamond Ball • Golf Outing • Foster spokespersons for Harlem RBI • Conduct marketing and communications • Manage giving campaigns • Public • Private • Individual • Report to donors • Get sponsors for teams • Utilize Board of Directors for development • Perform donor stewardship • Manage donor relationships with programs Manage budget and monthly reconciliations Maintain emergency preparedness plan Conduct financial reporting Ensure legal compliance Manage benefits and compensation Manage facilities Manage information technology Perform general office functions (e.g., equipment maintenance, reception) • Maintain effective Board, Junior Board and Home Leadership Council • Recruiting • Committee structure • Communication and engagement • Manage MLB relationship • Conduct strategic planning and business planning routinely • Plan for succession • Manage government relations Source: Developed by Harlem RBI staff with support from Wellspring
Codification Process RESULTS OF CODIFICATION PRIORITIZATION SURVEYTop Fifteen Activities, of Forty-five Source: Harlem RBI Codification Survey, June 2007
Codification Process RESULTS OF CODIFICATION PRIORITIZATION SURVEY(Items 16-30) Source: Harlem RBI Codification Survey, June 2007
Codification Process RESULTS OF CODIFICATION PRIORITIZATION SURVEY(Items 31-45) Source: Harlem RBI Codification Survey, June 2007
Codification Process DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST - PRELIMINARY Complete for each document (content, procedures, tools) Has the owner of this document been identified? Does this document reinforce Harlem RBI’s culture? Is the document clear and user-friendly? Does the document clearly specify when it is to be used? Does the document allow for variations by program, if appropriate? Were the staff who use this document given the opportunity to provide input? Was the document reviewed for consistency with other similar documents? If this document concerns youth safety or other related matters, does the document follow legal guidelines? Has the next review date for this document been established? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No
Codification Process THREE ASPECTS TO ENSURE EFFECTIVESHARING OF CODIFIED DOCUMENTS Master filing system Consistent tagging of documents for ease of use Human resource practices An electronic filing system which classifies documents in logical groupings and facilitates ease of searching Location of all documents on a share drive Contact information for the person or program responsible for creating the document Date the item was last updated Next scheduled update date • New staff will participate in an orientation on the contents of the system and how to use it • Managers will be responsible for encouraging staff to use documentation system
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Project Overview • Research Findings Organized by Topic • Overall strengths and challenges • Identity/Name • Programming: Improvement and growth • Programming: Codification • Space Needs • Gentrification and other external trends • Stability over time • Effect of launching a charter school
CURRENT SPACE IS TIGHT BUT COSTS ARE LOW • Harlem RBI currently has approximately 5,500 square feet of space across two locations • There are several program and administrative limitations to the space • RealKids program and parts of teen programs are held in off-site locations, usually public schools • Harlem RBI has limited opportunity to influence the space • This space lacks air conditioning for summer programming • At times, staff have faced challenges finding private spaces to meet with youth one-on-one for sensitive matters • Due to lack of conference and meeting space, administrative efficiency is sometimes compromised • Interviews are conducted in hallways and open spaces • Meetings have to be scheduled around program times • Larger meetings and trainings must be conducted off-site • However, Harlem RBI currently only spends $120,000 per year (~$22 per square foot) for rent • Most estimates from brokers for currently available space exceed $30 per square foot Source: Harlem RBI estimates and internal data; staff interviews