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Combat Patrol for Squad Task Organization: A-team Support, B-team Assault

Detailed guide on combat patrol strategies for squad task organization, including leader's recon, movement to objective, actions on objective, and consolidation/reorganization.

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Combat Patrol for Squad Task Organization: A-team Support, B-team Assault

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Combat Patrol for Squad Task organization: A-team: support B-team: assault ALT EPW PRI AID & LITTER pri recorder R pri compass alt pace AR G SL TL TL alt compass G pri pace AR ALT AID & LITTER alt recorder R PRI EPW

  2. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Establish ORP Squad halts (not clearing ORP) Forms 360o perimeter

  3. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Leader’s Recon - 1 Leader’s Recon: Squad Leader Support TL - ATL Two from assault 5-point GOTWA From: SL To: BTL BTL moves to 12 o’clock to count out leader’s recon

  4. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Leader’s Recon - 2 Leader’s recon counted out by BTL Perimeter readjusted 5 – point disseminated Rucks put in position

  5. SL TL G R Assault line Leader’s Recon - 3 Leader’s recon stops just short of OBJ Support line RP OBJ Establish release point (RP)

  6. SL TL G R Assault line Leader’s Recon - 4 Release point (RP) established 5 point GOTWA given from SL Support line ATL recons support positions RP OBJ SL recons assault positions

  7. SL TL G R Assault line Leader’s Recon - 5 SL gives 5-point GOTWA to RP security SL/ SPT TL move back to ORP for main body Support line RP OBJ RP security maintains “eyes on” RP sets up claymores

  8. AR TL SL TL AR R G Movement to OBJ 1 SL/ATL return from leader’s recon Main body moves in file to OBJ OOM: support then assault

  9. AR G SL TL TL G AR R R Assault line Movement to OBJ 2 Support team (A) “breaks left” ATL emplaces as they go/assign sector ATL return to SL, verify in position Support line RP OBJ

  10. AR G SL TL TL G AR R R Assault line Movement to OBJ 3 Support team (A) “breaks left” ATL emplaces as they go/assign sector ATL return to SL, verify in position Support line RP OBJ Assault (B) team “breaks right” RP security becomes part of assault element SL verifies position of each element SL provides sectors of fire

  11. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Assault line Actions on OBJ SL initiates with…. BOTH elements engage OBJ with… Support line Signal to lift and shift…. RP OBJ

  12. AR AR SL TL TL G G R R Assault line Actions on OBJ 2 LOA ASSAULT team IMT’s across in teams Support line • don’t bunch - kick weapons RP OBJ SL moves to direct assault and establish LOA

  13. AR G SL TL TL G AR R R Assault line Actions on OBJ 3 LOA SL calls support team across OBJ Support line SL moves to best control AOO RP OBJ

  14. R AR G SL TL TL 12 O’CLOCK G AR R Actions on OBJ 4 SL dictates 12 O’clock Squad adjusts perimeter to provide 360 security EWP Team called out - mark EPW; put material in front of SL - repeat until all EPW’s marked OBJ EPW team back on security ASSAULT TL gather ACE give to SL; SL decides what to carry/destroy SUPPORT TL gather ACE give to SL

  15. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Withdrawal from OBJ SL contacts higher, OBJ secure, ACE/SALUTE to follow BTL to RP to count RP OBJ Withdrawal = reverse set in Signal 1 – assault off OBJ Aid and litter…. Squad leader gets headcount from BTL Signal 2 – support off OBJ Signal 3 – SL pulls pin on demo

  16. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R Actions at ORP TL’s get S-2 TL’s disseminate while SL radios ACE/SALUTE reports to higher Rucks policed up

  17. R AR G SL TL TL G AR R New azimuth & distance Actions at ORP TL’s get S-2 TL’s disseminate while SL sends ACE/SALUTE reports Rucks policed up BTL moves to NEW12 O’clock based on… Squad files by; headcount passed to SL

  18. Combat Patrol for Squad SUMMARY: Task organization Leader’s recon Movement to Objective Actions on Objective Consolidate / reorganize QUESTIONS ???

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