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Superintendents’ Webcast February 26, 2013 2:00 to 3:00 p .m. (EST) (E-mail questions to maryann.miller@education.ky.gov ). Professional Growth and Effectiveness System. Professional Growth & Effectiveness System (PGES). Winter Summits Successful 811 participants, 111 districts represented
Superintendents’ WebcastFebruary 26, 20132:00 to 3:00 p.m. (EST)(E-mail questions to maryann.miller@education.ky.gov)
Professional Growth & Effectiveness System (PGES) • Winter Summits Successful • 811 participants, 111 districts represented • Summit materials now available on the PGES website • PGES Webcast • March 13th 3:00 p.m. EST • Student Voice Survey • Student Voice questions available on PGES website • Field Test Districts to implement March 4th – 12th • Declaration of Intent to adopt PGES • Watch for in commissioner’s weekly e-mail More Information – KDE website – PGES in search box
Answer questions 1 and 2 of the interactive poll questions.URL: App.GoSoapbox.comAccess Code: kde
Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools (704 KAR 7:160) • On February 1, 2013, 704 KAR 7:160 Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools became final. • Implementation begins in the 2013-2014 school year. Districts should strive to revise their local policies and procedures within 90 days of the effective date but no later than July 1, 2013. • The KDEGuidance Document is now available to assist districts with implementation of the regulation. Text of the Regulation http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/704/007/160.htm Guidance Document KDE Guidance Document for 704 KAR 7 160.pdf
Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools (704 KAR 7:160) • The KDE, in partnership with Kentucky Educational Television (KET), is developing content for the web-based option for the training required of all school personnel, pursuant to Section 6 of the regulation. • Training will focus on positive behavioral supports and interventions to increase appropriate student behaviors, decrease inappropriate or dangerous student behaviors, and respond to dangerous behavior. • The web-based option for the required trainings will be available to districts prior to the start of the 2013-2014 school year.
Answer question 3 of the interactive poll questions.URL: App.GoSoapbox.comAccess Code: kde
CSIP/CDIP Moving Forward • A new calendar is available that begins Feb. 1, 2013 for continuous school improvement planning. • It can be accessed now at: http://education.ky.gov/school/csip/Pages/default.aspx. • If you have questions on the calendar, e-mail csipdsip@education.ky.gov or call 502-564-5130.
Answer question 4 of the interactive poll questions.URL: App.GoSoapbox.comAccess Code: kde
ESEA Flexibility Waivers Used in 2012-2013 Waivers used most frequently And, a few others 2 highly qualified teachers 5 transferability (2 subsections) 2 spending restriction requirements for small, rural school achievement program • 15 school improvement requirements under Section 1116(b) except ((b)(13)) • 12 LEA improvement requirements under Section 1116(c3) and (5)-(11) • 7 LEA improvement requirements under Section 1116(e)
Comments About Waivers from Districts • “We would have been required to set aside 10% for professional development; it allowed us to supplement our instructional needs.” (4 comments like this) • “It gave us more flexibility in utilizing funds.”(6 similar comments) • “In the past funds set aside for transfer and supplemental educational services have been distributed to Title I schools to provide direct services to students.” (4 similar comments) • “The supplemental education services (SES) providers for a small rural community were limited so these funds could now be used more directly to supplement instruction.” (8 similar comments) • “Professional development was provided by the district at no cost and the required 10% was utilized for instructional materials and technology to support curriculum, instruction, and assessment.” (5 similar comments)
Answer questions 5 and 6 of the interactive poll questions.URL: App.GoSoapbox.comAccess Code: kde
Legislative Update:2013 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly
Kentucky Board of Education/Kentucky Department of Education Legislative Agenda Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Amend KRS 156.557 to update statutory language to reflect the changes to the teacher effectiveness system. HB 180– Rep. Carl Rollins
Kentucky Board of Education/Kentucky Department of Education Legislative Agenda Preschool Funding Formula Update 157.3175 and Repeal KRS 157.226 to adjust the funding formula for preschool. SB 18andSB 36 – Senator Jimmy Higdon HB 220 – Representative Rita Smart BothSB 18andHB 220are identical and have passed their respective chambers.
Kentucky Board of Education/Kentucky Department of Education Legislative Agenda Career and Technical Education (CTE) Amend various KRS Chapters 12, 151B, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, and 165. HB 207– Rep. Wilson Stone and Rep. John Carney
Kentucky Board of Education/Kentucky Department of Education Legislative Agenda Compulsory School Attendance Amend KRS 159.010 to raise the compulsory school age for attendance from 16 to 18. HB 224– Rep. Jeff Greer SB 97– Sen. David Givens, Sen. Mike Wilson SB 99– Sen. Jimmy Higdon HB 224andSB 97have passed their respective chambers.
Answer question 7 of the interactive poll questions.URL: App.GoSoapbox.comAccess Code: kde