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The National PE & Sport Professional Development Programme

The National PE & Sport Professional Development Programme. PD/H: Assessing progress and attainment in PE. SECTION 1: By the end of this section we will:. Understand what is meant by improving pupils’ progress and attainment in PE

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The National PE & Sport Professional Development Programme

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  1. The National PE & Sport Professional Development Programme PD/H: Assessing progress and attainment in PE

  2. SECTION 1: By the end of this section we will: • Understand what is meant by improving pupils’ progress and attainment in PE • Understand how effective assessment, recording and reporting can help pupils to make progress in their learning • Have identified specific aspects of pupils’ progress in PE that we want to improve by using effective assessment, recording and reporting procedures

  3. Task 1: Understanding progress • Describe what it means when pupils make progress • What does it look like? • How do we recognise it? • In what different ways can pupils make progress?

  4. Notes: Pupils make progress in: • Acquiring & developing skill • Selecting & applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas • Evaluating & improving performance • Knowledge & understanding of fitness & health When evaluating & improving connections should be made between the other three

  5. Understanding progress How do you use the four aspects when: • Teaching for progress? • Evaluating progress?

  6. Task 2: How do you use assessment? In groups of 4: • How do you assess pupils’ ongoing work in PE? • How and when do you record and report pupil attainment? • Is there a common approach in your school?

  7. What information do you use for monitoring?: • tasks that link and build on each other within and between units? • self and peer assessment? • merit systems used to reward significant progress • Ofsted inspection findings? • pupils records to plan work? • No. of pupils accessing out of hour learning opportunities? • other systems and processes?

  8. How do you monitor and record pupil progress and attainment in PE? • Which aspects do you monitor & why? • How do you use information that you record? • Do you record everything that you monitor? • What and how do you use records? • Achievement v attainment in PE ~ how do your records distinguish this? • Are pupils involved in monitoring & recording?

  9. Task 3: Pre-course task In groups of 4: • Share findings • What issues did you uncover? • Did you discover anything surprising? • Are there issues common to everyone in the group? One person summarise discussion to whole group

  10. Task 4: Identifying objectives to improve pupils progress and attainment in PE Note down at least 3 key objectives (that are pupil focused) e.g. We want to… • Increase the number of pupils who make progress beyond unit expectations

  11. SECTION 2: By the end of this section you will: • Understand how to provide authentic contexts for assessing, recording and reporting pupils’ progress • Have learnt a range of different ideas and approaches to assessing, recording and reporting pupils’ progress that you can use to improve pupils’ progress and attainment in your school

  12. What is a core task? • Authentic context for performance • Combination of three aspects which are inter-related and have impact on each other • Evaluating & improving enables pupils to analyse their own and others performance

  13. Task 5: Developing a framework for pupils’ progress • Look at the core tasks from a KS1 &/or a KS2 unit • Look at link between core tasks and expectations Discuss how core tasks: • Might be used at the start, during and end of a unit to provide a picture of progress How might pupils’ progress through the core tasks be recorded in a way that would help pupils make further progress?

  14. Task 7: Pupils’ self-assessment strategies • See page 22 • Why might these work? • Why might they be problematic? • Other ways? (Use examples of opportunities provided in your school)

  15. Task 8: Recording evidence of pupils’ progress in PE On 5 separate sheets of paper: • What do you record? • When do you record it? • How do you record it? • Who does the recording? • What do you use the information for?

  16. Task 8 contd. • Look at 4 questions on page 23.

  17. Task 9: Looking at record sheets • How do you use information from record sheets? • Importance of clear purpose • See page 29

  18. Task 9 contd. ~ questions • Would this sheet give you useful information? What for? How could you use it? • Is the sheet user friendly? • Does the sheet reflect the need to track progress in the 4 aspects? • Are words better than ticks? • Would a register comment do as good a job? • Would a traffic light system be enough? • How does the sheet compare with what you use? • How easy would it be to extract info for reporting? • Could any of this be shared with pupils? Why?

  19. Task 9: Reporting pupil attainment • How useful do pupils and parents find the reports you write? • How are reports used after they have been written? • What are reports intended to convey and to whom? • Do you receive any feedback from Senior management on your report writing? • As a group share ideas on how report writing could be used to improve pupils’ progress and attainment in PE

  20. SECTION 3: By the end of this section you will: • Know what you will see pupils doing and hear them saying when you have used assessment, recording and reporting pupils progress and attainment in PE • Know how to collect information to show that pupils’ progress and attainment are improving

  21. Task 10: Identifying signs of success • Look back to objectives task • Imagine pupils in 6/12 weeks / 6/12 months time when they have started trying to achieve these objectives • What will you see them doing different from now? • What will you hear them saying?

  22. Task 11: Collecting information • Registers • Listening to pupils • Looking at pupil activity diaries • Using video footage or photographs • Listening to parents • Using questionnaires What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods?

  23. Task 11 contd. Plan an information collection strategy: • Baseline ~ how? • Information already in place • Who would collect additional information? • When to collect/collate? • How often? From how many people? • Who should be involved? • How will you ensure information is put to good use?

  24. Section 4: By the end of this section you will: • Have drafted an action plan • Understand why it is important to keep a record of what you do and the difference it makes to pupils • Have been introduced to the possibility of joining an e-learning community

  25. Task 12: Completing an action plan • See page 12

  26. Task 13: Keeping a record of progress and success • See page 13 • Why? • Improvement • Module evaluation • Your stories shared

  27. Task 14: Supporting each other • Strengths and weaknesses of a one day course • Email group

  28. Thank you • Safe journey!

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