1. Current Health Concerns: Tuberculosis Saharwash Jamali
Hamna Jaffar
3. Some facts
Affects 2billion people
1.6million deaths in 2005 (WHO)
Is prevalent with sufferers of HIV; causes most of their deaths.
Is, seemingly, on the decline.
5. Pakistan Facts and Figures. TB quite high
High burden country
Far out places hard to reach with aid
Increased awareness, figures still increasing though (WHO) use information from WHO fact sheets. Have hard copies present.use information from WHO fact sheets. Have hard copies present.
6. About TB Caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mainly pulmonary TB
Can spread to other locations in body
Can remain dormant in body; asymptomatic carriers ? may develop active TB later in life. explain the mechanisms mainly from microbiology book.explain the mechanisms mainly from microbiology book.
7. Identification of TB Acid fast bacilli, Ziehl-Neelson staining culture
Molecular techniques nucleic acid amplification test, polymerise chain reaction (PCR)
9. Treatment 1st line drugs (chemotherapeutic)
Begin with 2 drugs to stop TB resistance developing with just one.
Long term 12-18months, short course 6 months
Directly observed therapy
Complications ? resistance MDR-TB, XDR-TB
10. Vaccinations Produced from Bacille-Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
attenuated strain of M.Bovis
80% protectiveness conferred, provides macrophages with killing ability
11. WHO Aims and Targets 2006 Stop TB Strategy ?plan to eradicate TB by 2050
DOTS enhancement and expansion
Address the growing concern of MDR-TB and XDR-TB
12. Resources Lippincotts, Microbiology 2nd Edition
http://www.who.int/tb/en/ (WHO website)
www.wikipedia.org (Wikipedia, medical students bible)
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