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The Characteristics Of A Good Teacher. Three Categories:. Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency Personal Attributes Professional Attributes . Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency. Knowledge of key concepts. Knowledge of governing curriculum. The teaching of relevant and engaging content.
Three Categories: • Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency • Personal Attributes • Professional Attributes
Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency • Knowledge of key concepts. • Knowledge of governing curriculum. • The teaching of relevant and engaging content. • Knowledge of available resources and technologies. • Awareness of different learning styles. • Awareness of different pedagogical strategies.
Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency(Continued) • Encouragement of self-directed learning. • Flexible and diverse teaching practice. • Building student security and confidence. • Challenge student abilities. • Clear communication of tasks, goals and expectations. • Application of effective classroom management strategies.
Personal Attributes • Modelling student respect. • Empathic understanding. • Nurturing. • Passionate about learning. • Personally committed to teaching as a vocation. • Fair and non-authoritarian.
Personal Attributes (continued) • Personal authenticity. • Effective interpersonal skills. • Advanced communication skills. • Confident teacher presence. • Self-insight and self-control.
Professional Attributes • Reflective practice. • Time management skills. • Evidence based self-correction. • Seeks feedback and constructive criticism. • Ongoing development of current pedagogical thinking.
Professional Attributes (continued) • Participation and collaboration with school and wider community. • Effective stress management. • Appropriate modelling. • Responsible behaviour (legal, ethical etc). • Appropriate personal presentation.
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