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Microscopic Anatomy- Cytology, Histology Gross MacroscopicAnatomy-Surface, Regional, Systemic Embryology,Comparative An

RenalNeuroCardiovascular. Physiology. ChemicalCellularTissueOrganSystemOrganism. Levels of Organization. Maintaining boundaries-internal/externalResponsiveness-stimuli/responseMovement-somatic/visceralGrowth-increase in biomass/differentiationDigestion-breakdown of ingested foodMetabol

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Microscopic Anatomy- Cytology, Histology Gross MacroscopicAnatomy-Surface, Regional, Systemic Embryology,Comparative An

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    1. Microscopic Anatomy- Cytology, Histology Gross (Macroscopic)Anatomy-Surface, Regional, Systemic Embryology,Comparative Anatomy-Emphasizes morphology Anatomical specialties-Medical/Surgical, and Radiographic Anatomy

    2. Renal Neuro Cardiovascular

    3. Chemical Cellular Tissue Organ System Organism

    4. Maintaining boundaries-internal/external Responsiveness-stimuli/response Movement-somatic/visceral Growth-increase in biomass/differentiation Digestion-breakdown of ingested food Metabolism-sum of biochemical processes Excretion-waste products Reproduction-cellular/organismal levels

    5. The Language of Anatomy Anatomical position Axial Appendicular part

    6. Body Planes and Sections Sagittal:mid, para Frontal/Coronal Transverse/Horizontal

    7. Posterior/Dorsal Anterior/Ventral Superior/Cranial Inferior/Caudal Lateral Medial Proximal Distal Superficial Deep

    8. Body Cavities Dorsal-cranial,vertebral Ventral-thoracic (pleural, pericardial), abdominopelvic

    9. Membranes in Ventral Body Cavity Visceral serosa Parietal serosa Serous fluid Organ association Pericardium Pleura Peritoneum

    10. Umbilical region Epigastric region Hypogastric region Inguinal regions (right/left) Lumbar regions (right/left) Hypochondriac regions (right/left)

    11. Right Upper Left Upper Right Lower Left Lower

    12. Basic unit of all multicellular organisms Smallest structural unit producing all vital functions Pre-existing cells produce cells

    13. Cell Membrane Cytosol Organelles Inclusions

    14. Physical isolation: Extra/intracellular barrier Regulation of exchange Sensitivity:Affected by changes in extracellular fluid; receptors for recognition and communication; alterations affect physiology Structural support

    15. Diffusion Osmosis Filtration-Hydrostatic pressure forces water across membrane; solutes selected according to size. Facilitated diffusion

    16. Active transport-Na, K, Ca, Mg Endocytosis-phagocytosis, pinocytosis

    17. The cellular material between the plasma membrane and nucleus;site of most cellular activities. EM has revealed that it consists of cytosol, organelles, and inclusion bodies.

    18. Viscous, semitransparent fluid substance Complex mixture of salts Dissolved proteins (enzymes) Amino acids Lipids Low carbohydrate [ ]

    19. Non functional units/chemical substances Glycosomes-hepato and myocytes Lipids-adipocytes

    20. Specialized cellular compartments Non membranous- cytoskeleton, centrioles and ribosomes Membranous- mitochondria, peroxisomes, lysosomes, nucleus,endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.

    21. Intracellular network that supports cell’s structures & providing machinery to generate various cell movements Components:microtubules, microfilaments

    22. Thinnest elements of the cytoskeleton Primary protein: actin Forms dense cross-linked network under cell membrane Involved in motility or changes in cell’s morphology.

    23. Elements with largest diameter; spherical protein subunits (tubulin);determine cell’s overall morphology and organelle distribution. Functions as primary component of cytoskeleton/anchor organelles; can adhere to organelles for intracellular movement

    24. Microscopic, finger-shaped projections of membrane; increase surface area (absorption) (jejunum/ileum, kidneys). Small, barrel shaped oriented at right angles to each other (nine triplets); evident during cell division; form bases; lacking in osteocytes/mature RBCs

    25. Contain nine groups of microtubule doublets surrounding central pair (9+2) Basal body anchor Exposed aspect of cilia covered by membrane and “beat” rhythmically Propel substances across cell surface Substantially longer projections Propels cell

    26. Small, dark staining granules composed of ribosomal RNA Two globular subunits (small, large) Free ribosomes produce soluble proteins that will function in the cytosol Membrane-bound (fixed) ribosomes synthesize proteins destined for cellular membranes or cellular export.

    27. Threadlike, double membraned organelle Inner membrane forms cristae (ATP) Number may vary according to cell type DNA/RNA Cellular respiration

    28. Gene containing control center Controls synthesis of proteins Numbers vary: (osteoclasts, hepatocytes, myocytes, RBCs) Shapes vary: spherical,elongate Has three distinct regions: nuclear envelope, nucleoli, and chromatin.

    29. Dark staining spherical bodies located within nucleus responsible for ribosomal production Non-membrane bound Typically one or two per cell Subunits assembled

    30. Composed of equal amounts of DNA and globular histone proteins Chromosome-condensed chromatin coils forming short “barlike” bodies.

    31. Network of intracellular membranes and cisternae Functions: (1) Synthesizes carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins; (2) Transportation

    32. Manufactures secreted proteins Continuum of RER Lipid metabolism and synthesis/cholesterol-steroid synthesis Absorption/transport lipids-detoxification

    33. Principal “traffic director” for cellular proteins Modifies, concentrates, and packages “Receiving” side is cis face, “shipping” side is trans face Secretory vesicles pinch off from trans face and fuse to membrane.

    34. Digests particles taken in by endocytosis Degrade worn-out or nonfunctional organelles/break down nonuseful tissues Metabolic functions: glycogenolysis; releasing of ThyH from thyroid cells Breakdown of bone to release Ca ions

    35. Membranous sacs containing powerful enzymes(oxidases/catalases) Oxidases use O2 to detoxify alcohol and formaldehyde Numerous in hepatocytes and kidney cells Self replicating/do not arise from Golgi apparatus

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