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Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall. How does the Watergate cover up lead to Nixon’s downfall?. All The President’s Men :. John Mitchell– Head of CREEP (Nixon’s re-election). HR Haldeman- Chief of Staff. John Ehrlichman– Domestic Policy Advisor. John Dean - White House Counsel.
Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall How does the Watergate cover up lead to Nixon’s downfall?
All The President’s Men: John Mitchell– Head of CREEP (Nixon’s re-election) HR Haldeman- Chief of Staff John Ehrlichman– Domestic Policy Advisor John Dean - White House Counsel Charles Colson- Special Counsel to President Howard Hunt CIA
Break in at the DNC • After Pentagon Papers, John Ehrlichman & Charles Colson appoint Howard Hunt to run “the plumbers” to stop future leaks • Plumbers break-in to Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office • June 17th, 1972: Burglars are caught trying to “bug” the Democrats’ HQ at the Watergate hotel • The Press learns that leader of burglary James McCord worked for CREEP (Committee to RE-Elect the President) Answer Question #1
The Cover Up • HR Haldeman informs Nixon of break-in & suggests a cover up • Shred all documents pertaining to break-in • Use CREEP money to buy burglars silence • Ask FBI to stop investigation (national security) • Only media covering the story are two Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein • 1972 election Nixon wins in a landslide Answer Question #2
Cover-up Unravels • As the burglars are about to go on trial, James McCord admits that he originally lied about the break-in • Woodward & Bernstein find out McCord worked with Howard Hunt & the Plumbers • W & B find out Colson, Haldeman, Ehrlichman Mitchell and John Dean knew about plumbers & were trying to cover it up • W & B are being fed more information by an informant at the White House code named “Deep Throat” Answer Question #3 Answer Question #4 2005: Washington Post has confirmed that Mark Felt, Asst FBI director, was Deep Throat
White House Tapes • CREEP director John Mitchell resigns, Colson, Haldeman & Ehrlicman are forced to resign for their role in the cover-up • Nixon fires WH counsel John Dean • Senate begins an investigation, Dean reveals President knew of the cover up, White House denies accusations • During hearings its revealed that there was a taping system in the Oval Office • Senate demands Nixon turn over tapes, Nixon claims innocence
Nixon v. US • Nixon refuses to give up tapes cites “executive privilege” • Sp Prosecutor Archibald Cox takes Nixon to court over tapes • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5AndvL7Y9k • Answer Questions 5,6,7 • VP Spiro Agnew resigns due to tax evasion issues • New Sp Pros Jaworski takes case to Supreme Court – SC forces Nixon to hand over tapes • Despite 18 minute missing gap, tapes show Nixon knew of cover-up – House begins impeachment proceedings
Downfall of a President • Vice President Gerald Ford sworn in as President • August 9th, 1974: Rather than face impeachment, Nixon resigns the Presidency