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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) & 2009-2010 ESEA Consolidated Application. April 2009 — Part 2 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Application and Reporting Updates Title I Basic and ARRA. Main Menu Screen Reservations Screen Title I Basic Program Plan Screen
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)&2009-2010 ESEA Consolidated Application April 2009 — Part 2 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Application and Reporting Updates Title I Basic and ARRA • Main Menu Screen • Reservations Screen • Title I Basic Program Plan Screen • ARRA Program Plan Screen • Checklist Screen • Self-Check
Finding Your Allocations • Allocations— All ESEA Titles and ARRA • As soon as estimated allocations are available, they will be posted at: www.dpi.wi.gov/esea/xls/esea_alloc_2009-10est.xls
Reservations/Set-Asides and Budget Details • Items on the Reservations screen should also be entered in the budget details. • CESA Title I services should be identified as Administrative services, professional development, parent involvement, etc. Administrative services must be entered on the administrative screens. Other CESA Title I services will generally need to be on both the reservations and budget detail screens. If you aren’t sure – ask your Title I consultant.
Program Plan Reminders • Develop plan based on annual district needs assessment • Identify appropriate actions and funding sources to meet ESEA goals • Align budget to program plan goals • Include services to private schools, homeless students, and migrant students • Identify actions as supplementary to district responsibilities • Use active verbs
Please read the help screens for additional guidance. Please find the help screen icon located at the upper right hand side of the tool bar.
Don’t Forget to Submit! When you have selected “submit”, one of two things will happen: • A message will tell you the submission is complete. OR • A list of errors or sections still needing data will appear. These issues must be resolved before the application or end-of year report can be successfully submitted.
Title I End-of-Year Report Changes New questions have been added to collect information on the amount of funds that have been used for school choice and supplemental services in Title I DIFI and SIFI Schools.
Title I Reminders • A PI-9551 Assurances and Narrative form found at dpi.wi.gov/forms/doc/f9551.doc must be on file at DPI for all Schoolwide programs. Please be sure to use the updated form. • Enrollment numbers are only for students at least 5 and less than 18 years old at the time of the count (usually January count).
Title I-C and I-D • There are no changes for Title I-C. • Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 will receive Title I ARRA funds. The ARRA application will be available as the second part of the 2009-2010 application. • ARRA Reporting will be separate from Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Basic.
Title V-A Funds • Districts using Title V carryover funds during the 2008-2009 school year will need to complete the EOY report for Title V.
Questions? Please send comments or questions regarding this presentation and/or the process for the ESEA Consolidated Application and End-of-Year Report to your district’s assigned DPI consultant. Contact information is found in the help screens of the application and at: http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/esea/pdf/contacts.pdf
For More Information • DPI Title I Education Consultants http://dpi.wi.gov/titleone/aspx/t1consultants.aspx • ESEA 101 - PowerPoint overview of all the ESEA programs • Presentations available on ESEA website http://dpi.wi.gov/esea/index.html • ARRA DPI website http://www.dpi.wi.gov/recovery/index.html
Title I-A Guidance • US Department of Education on Title I-A www.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/legislation.html • Designing Schoolwide Programs (federal guidance) www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/caroi/schoolwide.html • Wisconsin Title I Guidelines www.dpi.wi.gov/titleone/guidelines.html
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