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Keeping pace with an ever changing world. Project Grundtvig for the University for seniors in Czeladź, Poland
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Project Grundtvig for theUniversity for seniors in Czeladź, Poland This Grundtvig Partnership project brings together adult educational institutions from Poland,Ireland,Turkey and Italy.Project planned duration-2 years(09.2012-06.2014). The main aims of our project focus on the challenges that older people face in an attempt to align themselves with all the latest and fast paced changes that are taking place all over Europe.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Themission of theUniversity for seniorsin Czeladź includeseducation, dissemination of lifelong learning, active engagement inthesocial and cultural city life, developing interests- allwhatmakes a senior feeluseful and sensible. Experiencingeverchangingworldmaycausehelplessness and loss. Participatinginclasses and lecturesgivesrise to friendship and protectspeople form feelingalone. Itmotivates to improvebothmental and physical state. Itenables to createnewposiibilitie to fulfilldreams and ambitionswhichhadbeengivenupwhen one hadhad to fit this intotheirfamily and career life. TheUniversity for seniorsistheresult of thecooperationbetween Czeladź Community and Business High Schoolin Dąbrowa Górnicza, beganin 2009. The City Libraryin Czeladź isnowresponsible for coordinatingthiseducationalproject.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Participants of thetheUniversity for seniorsin Czeladź duringclasses
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Senior students havea chance to take partinlectures and workshops. Among the topics there were: psychology, pedagogy, law, styles of living, medicine, new technology and science – this is only a part ofthe range of subject matters. Almostall the lecturers were academic teachers. The talkswerebroadly about: • Modern financing – friendly for seniors. • Intuition-readingother`sthoughts, paranormaleffects. 3. Churcharchitecture 4. Fryderyk Chopin and Franciszek Liszt – the Pole and theHungarian – two brothers.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld • 5. Backbone – fromthe point of thetherapistview. • 6. Communicationinconflictsituations • 7. Is Internet safe for ourgrandchildren?. • 8. Life and work of Wisława Szymborska (Nobel laureatein poetryin 1996 ). • 9. Conservation of monuments. • 10. Diabetes and hypertension – effect on eyes. • 11. Preciousnature: herbs for health. Duringthelastschoolyear (2011-2012) 15 lectureswereheld.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Participants of thetheUniversity for seniorsin Czeladź attandinglectures:
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Amongtheworkshopsthatwerecarried out duringthelastschoolyeartherewere: • 1.Computers withoutbarriers. • 2.English classes. • 3. Recreational and keep-fitexercises. • 4. Floristicworkshop. • 5. Voluntary service for seniors. Eachworkshopwerecomposed of sevenmeetings.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Participants of thetheUniversity for seniorsin Czeladź attandingworkshops:
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld TheSecond Ball for SeniorsinJuly 2012. Holiday atmosphere and thegreatestmusichitsaccompaniedgraduates of thesucceedingschool-year of theUniversity for Seniorsin Dąbrowa Górnicza and Czeladź atthe Ball for Seniorsorganized by the High School of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza. Almost 120 seniorsdancedtogetherwiththeschoolauthorities.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Ball for Seniors in 2012
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Whilecarrying out the first projecttask : Description of the target group, inSeptember 2012 we asked 92 seniors –attendees of theUniversity of the Third Age to fillin a questionnairetitled: „The profile of an attendee of the UTY in Czeladź”. Thequestionnairecontainedquestionsconcerningthefollowingmatters: 1. Age 2.Education 3.Status 4. Whethertheattendee of the UTY: livesaloneorwith his/herfamily 5. Interests 6. Whethertheattendee of the UTY works 7. Reasons to attendthe UTY.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld • According to theresults of thesurvey most of theseniorsarebetween 61 – and 65 , and 64 aregraduatedfrom high schools ; theyaremostlyretired. • 47 attendees of the UTY live withtheirfamilies , 45 live alone. • Seniorsareinterestedin: film, workingwith a computer/Internet, tourism / travelling and doingcrosswords. • 88 answerersstated , thattheirmotive for enrollingthe UTY was to gaingreaterknowledge; for 83 personsthemainreason was to developinterests; 64 answererspointedmotivesconnectedwithmakingfriends. • Among 92 answerersthereare 84 women and 8 men. • In sum, we canalledgethatalltheanswerersaredeeplymotivated to participateinlectures and workshopsoffered by theUniversity of the Third Agein Czeladź.
Keeping pace with an everchangingworld Thankyou for yourattention. Thepresentation was made by thePolishproject team. November 2012 Theprojectisrealizedwiththe finance support of theEuropeanCommissionwithinthe "Longlife learning program".Thepublicationreflectsthestandpoint of theauthorsonly and neithertheEuropeanCommission nor the National Agencybearresponsibility for theessentialcontentsincludedinthepresentation and for theway of usingtheenclosedinformation.