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M-COMMERCE. Group 3 Amy Ruble, Marva Holiday, D. J. McBride, Josh Hamm. What is M-Commerce?. The use of any portable electronic device that allows information interaction that leads to the transfer of new information.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. M-COMMERCE Group 3 Amy Ruble, Marva Holiday, D. J. McBride, Josh Hamm

  2. What is M-Commerce? • The use of any portable electronic device that allows information interaction that leads to the transfer of new information. • The use of handheld wireless devices to communicate and transact via high-speed connection to the internet.

  3. What does M-Commerce do? • It helps consumers keep track of their net worth while using on-line options with their financial institution like investments and transfers. • It helps consumers with shopping, travel and entertainment.

  4. Benefits to Businesses • Consumer has access to the business 24 hours each day. • Fewer employees on the floor. • Increased revenue even when store is closed. • Customer satisfaction.

  5. M-Commerce Devices • Cell Phones • PDA’s • Blackberries • Laptop Computers

  6. Who’s using M-Commerce? • More than 48 million users in the US alone! • This results in a market in excess of $40 billion. • Up to $60-80 billion worldwide.

  7. One day in the life of a marketing professional. • Wakes to alarm on cell phone. • Checks e-mail. • PDA has reminders set for appointments. • GPS service in vehicle. • Bluetooth for phone service in vehicle.

  8. M-Banking • Broadens business by allowing customers to access account information. • Customer has the ability to perform transactions when the banks are closed.

  9. Travel • Check arrival and departure times. • Ticket-less service. • On-line ticket purchase.

  10. Benefits of M-Commerce • Customer satisfaction • Cost savings • New business opportunities

  11. Other Advantages for Businesses • Automating sales • Improving customer service • Competitive advantages

  12. Conclusion • Growing popularity of M-Commerce • Commonly used Devices • Benefits to Businesses • Benefits to Customers • Future of M-Commerce

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