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U.S. Department of Energy. Office of Science. Top Five Government Basic Research Organizations for*:. Physical Environmental Mathematics Life Sciences Sciences & Computing Sciences. 1. NSF (691) 2. NASA (684) 3. NIH (268) 4. Energy (256)
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Top Five Government Basic Research Organizations for*: Physical Environmental Mathematics Life Sciences Sciences & Computing Sciences 1. NSF (691) 2. NASA (684) 3. NIH (268) 4. Energy (256) 5. DOD (171) 1. Energy (1,519) 2. NASA (935) 3. NSF (720) 4. NIH (286) 5. DOD (171) 1. NSF (779) 2. Energy (198) 3. DOD (149) 4. NIH (26) 5. NASA (24) 1. NIH (13,502) 2. USDA (782) 3. NSF (569) 4. Energy (266) 5. DOD (199) • Source: NSF -- Federal Funds for Research and Development Fiscal Years 2003, 2004, and 2005 -- Federal obligations for basic research, by agency and field of science and engineering: fiscal year2005 • All Energy funds are from the Office of Science Department of Energy Science
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science SC Funding Profile(dollars in millions)
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science BER Funding Profile(dollars in millions)
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science BER Funding Profile(dollars in millions) FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 AppropriationAppropriationRequest Biological & Environmental Research Life Sciences 198.6 202.0 264.2 Climate Change Research 135.5 141.5 134.9 Environmental Remediation 100.6 93.7 97.2 Medical Applications & Measurement Science 44.614.014.0 Subtotal, BER 479.3 451.2 510.3 Project Engineering and Design (PED) 9.90.0 0.0 Subtotal, BER 504.6 451.2 510.3 Congressional Direction 77.3130.0 0.0 Total, BER 566.6 581.2 510.3