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Promoting tourism innovation in Slovenia and border areas of Italy

Promoting tourism innovation in Slovenia and border areas of Italy. www.slovenia.info. Dejan Križaj University of Primorska Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož - Turistica. Third Workshop on Maritime Affairs in the Adriatic and Ionian M acro - R egion. September 2012 Portorož.

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Promoting tourism innovation in Slovenia and border areas of Italy

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  1. Promotingtourism innovationin Slovenia and border areas of Italy www.slovenia.info DejanKrižaj University of Primorska Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož - Turistica Third Workshop on Maritime Affairs in the Adriatic and Ionian Macro-Region September 2012 Portorož

  2. OUTLINE TOURISM INNOVATION SUPPORT dejan.krizaj@turistica.si www.BTPS.si TOPIC Promotingtourism innovation in the region SHORTCOMINGS Tourism is traditionally weak in R&D activities Tourismhas weak R&D networks ACTION(S): Tourism innovation support Awareness, education, training, consulting, networking, investing, … POTENTIAL PROJECTS: Upgrade of Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia to the whole region From 2006 BTPS was acknowledged by UN WTO, OECD, EU, Nordic Innovation Center, San Francisco State University, ...


  4. INNOVATIVE MEASURES • Sejalec – award for successfully introduced creativeandinnovativetourismproducts in Slovenia • Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia (BTPS) - networking of ideas and their realization opportunities in (Slovene) tourism arena • Snovalec – annualpromotion and realization of new ideas or inventions in tourism (award fund 40.000 – 100.000 Euros) • Študentski Snovalec, Sinergetik, BTPS Challenges, InnovativeSlovenianTourism, BTPS blog, EYE – constantlynewmechanisms for stimulatinginnovation in Slovenetourism AWARDS, CALLS NETWORKING NOVELTIES

  5. BANK OF TOURISM POTENTIALS IN SLOVENIA BTPS PARTNERS SlovenianTouristBoard (STB) MinistryofEconomicDevelopmentandTechnology - DirectorateforTourismandInternationalization Universityof Primorska – FacultyofTourismStudies, Turistica established in 2006, initiated by Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož – Turistica (University of Primorska) partners: Slovenian Tourist Board, Directorate for Tourism andInternationalizationat Ministry of EconomicDevelopmentandTechnology& UP FTŠ Turistica externalactivitycoordinator: New Tourism Institute goal: to become the central information focal point for all opportunities in Slovenian tourism & to spur innovation and increase the innovative potential of tourism on national level assisting Slovenian tourism businesses and individuals bring ideas to life STIMULATE

  6. BANK OF TOURISM POTENTIALS IN SLOVENIA IDEAS ENERGIES KNOWLEDGE NEWS IDEA DEPOSIT  I have an idea and want to bring it to life! ENERGY DEPOSIT  I have resources and can help bring you idea to life! KNOWLEDGE DEPOSIT  I want to share my findings with you (seminar, thesis, conference article…). NEWS general news concerninginnovation in tourism.

  7. BANK OF TOURISM POTENTIALS IN SLOVENIA IDEAS ENERGIES KNOWLEDGE NEWS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS www.btps.si (part of STB’s businesswebpages) 356 ideadeposits 90 energydeposits 141 knowledgedeposits 363 newsdeposits 1.258 registeredusers, 1.280+ Facebookfriends 2 mio SLO 170.000 visits, 540.000 pageviews 83 realizeddeposits awards, BTPS as bestpractice

  8. NEW: PROJECT T-LABcross-border cooperation with Italy • Upgrade of BTPS mechanism to the cross border area of Slovenia and Italy. • T-lab portal - networking and exchange of information. • Encouragement of new/innovative tourist projects, approaches, services. • Establishment of new tourismcompanies (TC) • -> 10-15 incubated new companies. • Integration of existing TC – creation of joint tourist products and common promotion. • Establishment of pool of trainers that will be offering support to T-lab users(experienced/successfulentrepreneursetc.). • Contribution to the sustainable development of the region (workshops, consultancy – specialized T-lab partner). T-lab@slovenia.info www.tourism-lab.eu

  9. OUTLINE TOURISM INNOVATION SUPPORT dejan.krizaj@turistica.si www.BTPS.si TOPIC Fostering tourism innovation in the region SHORTCOMINGS Tourism is traditionally weak in R&D activities Tourismhas weak R&D networks ACTION(S): Tourism innovation support Awareness, education, training, consulting, networking, investing, … POTENTIAL PROJECTS: Upgrade of Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia to the whole region From 2006 BTPS was acknowledged by UN WTO, OECD, EU, Nordic Innovation Center, San Francisco State University, ...

  10. PROPOSALS FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN MACRO-REGION GREEN INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY COOPERATION dejan.krizaj@turistica.si Expansion of mechanisms for increasing the potentials for creation of innovative and sustainable tourism products. Offering diversesupport mechanisms for creation of new products and processes with added value. Creating more possibilities and stronger platforms for cross border cooperations (joint tourist offers, combined programmes…) Fostering innovativejoint promotion of the region’s tourism providers as well as promotion of the macro-region as a rich tourism destination as a whole. Encouragement of small self-sustainable initiatives and their cooperation in order to increase potential for sustainable growth of the tourism branch.

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