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George Washington

George Washington. Establishing Precedents. Precedent Setting President. Precedent _something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same kind. Give an example of a precedent.

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George Washington

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Presentation Transcript

  1. George Washington Establishing Precedents

  2. Precedent Setting President • Precedent_something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same kind. • Give an example of a precedent. • Does the example work when compared with the definition?

  3. Precedent Setting President • Washington accomplished many firsts for the presidency of the United States.

  4. Movie • Focus on the contributionsand precedents of George Washington as related by Dr. Higganbotham Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. • List at least 3 contributions and 3 precedents on a piece of paper.

  5. Dr. Higginbotham Quick Time Movie George Washington’s Contributions to the Office of the Presidency Script: George Washington’s Contributions to the Office of the Presidency

  6. Contributions • What contributions did you list? • What precedents established by Washington did you list?

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