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Taking Your EMS to the Next Level

Taking Your EMS to the Next Level. Bet Zimmerman, CEP, EMS-A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory National Environmental Partnership Summit May 9, 2006 Atlanta GA. Taking Your EMS to the Next Level. You’ve put an EMS in place You’re registered to ISO 14001:1996

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Taking Your EMS to the Next Level

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  1. Taking Your EMS to the Next Level Bet Zimmerman, CEP, EMS-A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory National Environmental Partnership Summit May 9, 2006Atlanta GA

  2. Taking Your EMS to the Next Level • You’ve put an EMS in place • You’re registered to ISO 14001:1996 • You upgraded to ISO 14001:2006 • NOW WHAT? • Maintain and sustain EMS, continually improve • Ensure you don’t forget • Lessons Learned tendtofade 2


  4. Road Map to Continual Improvement • Drive improvement with objectives, measure performance • Share resources • Maintain strong internal auditing program • Implement strong preventive and corrective action program • Look beyond nonconformities and organizational boundaries • ISSA 4

  5. 1. Improve Performance with Objectives and Targets • Flow corporate objectives down to organization and individual level (even offsite) • Suggest generic goals with examples (pick list) 5

  6. Objectives and Targets • “Touch” more people with EMS • Goals that impact many staff • Valued rewards and recognition for those who go above and beyond 6

  7. Emphasize ownership by line • Provide trained environmental staff to help line succeed • Meet with line: conduct mini-review of aspects, issues, assessment results, performance, support • Conduct annual corporate-level review (roll-up) • Link performance to managers’ raises 7

  8. Measure Performance • Right set of measures to monitor: • effectiveness of the EMS • environmental performance • whether you really are improving in key areas • Useful for management-decision making • Reminds you why you have an EMS 8

  9. Objectives and Targets • Clearly communicate performance and progress 9

  10. 2. Share • Share Lessons Learned • Provide corporate leadership, coordination • Benchmark • Mentor 10

  11. Share Auditing Resources BNL PNNL BSTI ORNL • “We tend to walk into our own spaces day after day and not see hazards that a new set of eyes may notice.” 11

  12. Plan well Assemble competent team Encourage cooperation Take objective, hard look Report results in a meaningful way USE results to improve 3. Get the Most Out of Internal Audits 12

  13. 4. Corrective/Preventive Action Management • View mistakes and near misses as a learning experience • Determine extent of condition and severity • Identify REAL cause • separate individual errors from system deficiencies to focus preventive actions • Correct AND prevent recurrence • Assign to REAL owner • Track, Verify prior to closure with complete documentation • Proactively assess effectiveness of preventive actions • Trend issues 13

  14. Corrective/Preventive Action Management Attributes of a “Best in Class” System • Automated tracking and management system • Easy to use, useful, widely used • Integrate with assessment documentation system • Anyone can access and report conditions to communicate concerns • Employees have stop work authority • Management reviews conditions, classifies by severity, quickly assigns to line owners • Independent group reviews adequacy of corrective action planning • Hold staff accountable 14

  15. 5. Look Beyond Nonconformities • Address select opportunities for improvement identified during internal assessments • Select and share organization-level noteworthy practices, and consider institutionalizing or standardizing systems and tools 15

  16. Look Beyond Organization • Look for issues that cross organizational boundaries - address with corporate fixes • more efficient, economies of scale • more resources can be brought to bear • prevents future problems elsewhere 16

  17. Expand Your Sphere of Influence • More attention to offsite work, contractors, and visitors. Help foreign nationals work within your system • Provide experienced mentors (ideally from same culture), use buddy system, on the job/hands on training, repetition, monitoring • Apply corporate programs to offsite activities • Involve contractors, suppliers, tenants in EMS 17

  18. 6. ISSA • Integrate, Simplify, Standardize and Automate (ISSA) • Try to take some work OUT of the system • Don’t overdo paperwork 18

  19. Take Home Messages • Drive improvement with objectives, measure performance • Share resources • Maintain strong internal auditing program • Implement strong preventive and corrective action program • Look beyond nonconformities and organizational boundaries • Integrate, simplify, standardize and automate These approaches work for “E” as well as “S&H” 19

  20. All done! 20

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