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Artificial Immortality - Should It be Applied on Human?

Explore the concept of artificial immortality and its implications on human beings. Dive into the history of immortality quests, discuss positive and negative aspects, and weigh the necessity of applying this technology. Consider overpopulation, selective privilege, family values, and religious implications.

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Artificial Immortality - Should It be Applied on Human?

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  1. LANG 501 T10 Fall Semester 2006 Artificial Immortality - Should It be Applied on Human? Stephen Chan (CENG) Tin Lau (BIEN) Slinky Lee (ECE) 12 Oct 2006 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm


  3. Outline • Objectives • History of men’s search for immortality • Technological immortality • Positive and negative aspects of immortality • Group discussion • Conclusion

  4. Objectives • To discuss the possibility and necessity of applying artificial immortality on human beings • To identify the potential drawbacks of immortality on human beings

  5. What Is Immortality? “Immortality is the concept of existing for a potentially infinite, or indeterminate, length of time” From wikipedia encyclopedia ?

  6. Human Desires for Immortality Goddess of the Moon (嫦娥 )

  7. Historical Quest for Immortality Emperor of Chou Dynasty (秦始皇) Xu Fu (徐福)

  8. Oldest Man on the Earth • Habib Miyan • Claimed to be 132 years old • Witness of the rule of FOUR kings in India • Outlived his wife and 3 of his children • Blind and low mobility If he can live even longer, will life be miserable and meaningless to him?

  9. Life Expectancy From 1950 to 2003: Life Expectancy increased from 68 years to 77.8 years (14.4% increasing) Reasons: • Improving hygiene conditions • Advancing drug technology Source:http://mwhodges.home.att.net/healthcare.htm

  10. Life Extension (Anti-aging) “Life extension refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging.” From wikipedia encyclopedia Current methods: • Calorie restriction • Nutrient supplementation Source: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/content/en/other/pyramid.jsp

  11. Life Extension (Anti-aging) Death = Fate for Human? Limitations of anti-aging method: • Preventing diseases, but not natural death • Stretchingout the middle years of life only • BUT still need to face natural death! May not !

  12. News Doctor John Langmore “Human Immortality: A Scientific Reality?” If you're alive in 20 years, you may be able to live forever. • The cause of human aging is now being understood • Doctor John Langmore had successfully applied artificial immortality on a cell • Theoretically, the technology can make human to be immortalized Source: http://www.viewzone.com/aging.html

  13. Artificial Immortality: Technological Principles DNA Telomerase What causes aging? • During DNA replication, DNA molecule becomes shorter and shorter • A small portion of the DNA molecule is lost and not copied • New cellsincomplete genetic information Source: http://www.viewzone.com/aging.html Telomerase: key enzyme to act against aging • Catalyzing the self-repetition of a region in DNA (Telomere) • Length of the DNA can be sustained • Human beings would not get older Source: http://www.exn.ca/Stories/1998/05/12/52.asp

  14. Artificial Immortality: Technological Principles The natural productivity of Telomerase in our body: Unfortunately, productivity of the body to generate Telomerase naturally is decreasing through the life Fortunately, nowadays scientist is able to synthesize Telomerase artificially! >

  15. Positive Aspects of Artificial Immortality 1. Treating of genetic-related diseases Such as Parkinsonism, Accelerated aging disease, Cancer 2. Extending the life span of VIPs Especially the scientists and some political leaders So that they can contribute more to our society Albert Einstein (1897-1955)

  16. Positive Aspects of Artificial Immortality 3. Advance in cosmetic development Applying the technology to face, hands or other parts of your body. Keep young, energetic and attractive 4. Saving the animals & plants on the brink of extinction Indirect benefit from the new technology

  17. Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality 1. Overpopulation Taipei MRT Crowds source: United Nations, http://esa.un.org/unpp/

  18. Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality 2. Selective privilege Bill Gates Bin Laden Paris Hilton Q: Will artificial immortality be available to the rich only?

  19. Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality Immortality become privilege conflict between moral people and immortal people

  20. Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality 3. Violate the traditional value of family Confusing !! The relationship of the family, even the whole society, will become complicated.

  21. Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality 4. Challenge on religious beliefs It's not natural to escape aging. It's playing God !

  22. Summary • Immortality is desired by human since ancient time • Artificial immortality makes human to possibly be immortalized • Positive Aspects of Artificial Immortality • Treating of genetic-related diseases • Extending the life span of VIPs • Advance in cosmetic development • Saving the animals & plants on the brink of extinction • Negative Aspects of Artificial Immortality 1. Overpopulation 2. Selective privilege 3. Violate the traditional value of family 4. Challenge on religious beliefs

  23. Group Discussion • Would you prefer to use this technology if possible? • In an immortal society, how do you make room for new generations? • Who can determine the lifespan of an individual? • If the lifespan of human is extended, will people just live for today? • Is immortality beneficial to scholars whose studies can be carried on continuously and indefinitely? • Is an immortal life equal to meaningful life?

  24. Conclusion • The technology of artificial immortality is worth developing • We need to prevent the overuse/misuse of this technology • Further research should focus on 1. Curing diseases 2. Feeding the starved 3. Postponing frailty, not death

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