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Explore the safety issues in the electric power production sector in the Russian Federation, analyzing accidents, emergencies, and infrastructure vulnerabilities. Learn about the reorganization of the power system and compare with the US experience.
SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION: BRIEF REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES Irina Prokopyeva, New-Zima Heat-Electric Generating Station of Irkutskenergo Corp, Sayansk, Irkutsk Region, RF Andrey Trufanov, Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, RF
1. Introduction into Electric Power Industry Fundamental problems relating to the prosperity of mankind include food, environment, energy, and health. Energy Supplement Continuity supplies all the modern technologies processing. Electric power industry for Public Health : Electricity is the lifeblood of a hospital. Accidents and emergencies in electric power industry: In whole energy systems might be referred to national critical infrastructure. The National Strategy for Homeland Security in the US categorizes critical infrastructures into the following sectors: Agriculture, Food, Water, Public Health, Emergency Services, Government, Defense Industrial Base, Information and Telecommunications, Energy, Transportation, Banking and Finance, Chemical Industry and Hazardous Materials, Postal and Shipping Accidents and emergencies , in any critical industry , may be caused by natural disasters or by technical failures, by personnel errors or terrorist attacks . Accidents in electric industry result to the following consequences: - Outage of consumers; - Influence on sensitive institutions (medical , sanitary, air traffic control, law-enforcement etc.); - Transport problems ; - Outage of ICT devices; - Outage of devices of storage of foods ;- Influence on system failures of functioning of dangerous industrial units;- Emergency protection and action of the personnel on nuclear energy units; - environment damage . SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
2. Electric power systems : Usually an electric power system of any country is a group of generation, transmission, distribution, communication, and other facilities that are physically connected and operated as a single unit under one control. Specificity of electric power systems : -Because electricity cannot be stored, it must be generated, transmitted to the consumer, and consumed instantaneously. -Electric utility companies world wide have been treated as monopolies because duplicate facilities, particularly transmission and distribution lines, would be inefficient. -Accident at one unit impacts on the whole Electric System and might cause a crisis in the vast region -Events happen faster than experts are able to react to them. 3. Reorganization of power system in Russia : From technical operators to organizers. The privatization and market competition have resulted in radical change of a control system. The government of the Russian Federation in July, 2001 nevertheless has concluded the decision ¹ 526 “ About reforming electric power industry of the Russian Federation ” which provided division of a uniform electropower complex into numerous commercial structures on generating , Transmission, distribution and selling electric power. The decision reflected interests of management of RAO UES (the United Energy System of Russia) Corp, . In 2003 the Act “ About electric power industry ”, has started liquidation of regional power Joint-stock companies - association of federal power generating stations of the wholesale market in incorporated generating companies , and also breakage of the centralized system of dispatching management of electric power complex of the country. SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
4. US experience in electric power industry • The power industry of the US is experienced to the condition of market: • There are five functioning independent system operators (ISOs) in the United States. • 16 756 generating companies in the US have a total capacity of 1 000 000 MWts • Transmission of electric power is utilized through The Interconnected Networks • The U.S. bulk power system has evolved into three major networks (power grids): • the Eastern Interconnected System, • the Western Interconnected System, and • the Texas Interconnected System. • Virtually all U.S. utilities are interconnected with at least one other utility by these three major grids. The bulk power system makes it possible for utilities to engage in wholesale (for resale) electric power trade. • However whole sale trading does not lead automatically to greater reliability : • Scale blackout in USA in 2003 - • On August 14, 2003, a series of power surges over a 12-second period triggered a cascade of shutdowns at more than 100 generating plants throughout eight U.S. states and Ontario. The result was the biggest blackout in North American history. 61,800 megawatts of power were lost to over 50 million people. SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
5. Reliability of the Russian power supply system • Russia : severe climate and extremely high level of energy consumption . • Russian market partisan experts almost exclude an opportunity of a power interruption within the country : • In USA there is no integrated power system providing operative redirection of the electric flow from one region to another; • Moreover the American system has no uniform dispatching centre similar to Russian system operator.; • In FSU countries, power systems work in parallel: in 1998 NIS members signed such the agreement and supported the work that reduces risk of outages up to a minimum. • 6. Recent accidents in Russian electric power industry • Contrary to above-stated arguments Russia has faced to frequent large scale failures in electric supply - • May, 2005 : About a thousand residential blocks in the south, southeast and southwest of Moscow and downtown did not have electricity, 113 kindergartens and 106 schools, one maternity home, one tuberculosis sanatorium and other establishments (a total of 219 educational establishments and three healthcare facilities) had no electricity. • June, 2005: electricity outage in • - Dubna, Moscow region, as a consequence of hurricane , that damages power transmission lines • -Blagovestshensk, Amur region as a result of energy energetic step that generates outage of central transmission substation and consequent cascade outage of smaller substations: • regional hospital had had no electricity for 1 hour as its emergency power supply equipment failed. • July 2005 : electricity outage in • - Vladivostok , because of sever traffic accident – a crane truck damaged a high voltage power transmission line SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
7. No access to realistic information on accidents and emergencies in electric power industry There is no data on accidents on the map of the site of RAO UES Corp. (http://www.rao-ees.ru/ru/internet/map.cgi) nor in the report of « The federal network company of Uniform power system » (http://www.fsk-ees.ru/ru/) Russian Search Engine Yandex (http://www.yandex.ru/ ) proposed 4 sites with no references to concrete figures and digits when it is required “Accidents and emergencies in electric power industry”. 8-1. Accidents and Emergencies in Electric Power Production Corporation “Irkutskenergo” “Irkutskenergo” Corporation is the third largest power generating company in Russian Federation and is number one in Asian part of the country. Generator Nameplate Capacity (MW) of the Irkutskenergo Corp - 12881,6 МW. In 2004 by units Irkutskenergo Corp produced 53 , 717 billion kWh . The corproration : 3 hydroelectric power stations, 12 thermal power stations, 5 Electric grids, 3 heat grids, Trading company, Renovation Company " Irkutskenergoremont“, and Civil engineering Company " Irkutskenergostroy" The cost price of electric energy for 2004 has made 0.7 cent/kWh, The tariff for the electric power for urban population makes 1.1 cent/kWh More than 12000 persons work for the corporation SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
8-2. Accidents and Emergencies in Electric Power Production Corporation • “Irkutskenergo” • Total of technological infringements, including failures and incidents in 2004 in Comparison with 2003 (( In brackets ) • - incidents 202 (266), • - principal accidents (1 ) • - Total short-delivery of electric energy - 2140.6 ( 818.41) MWh • -: Total short-delivery of heat energy - 2.7 ( 0.67) GBtu • Economic damage on all infringements – 4,368 (4,170) M roubles • technological infringements • 1(1) - Infringement of treaty obligations on delivery of energy • 1 (0) - Damage of technological buildings, constructions, • 1 (0) - Full dump of electric or thermal loading of unit • 103 (99) - Damage of the equipment of unit • 51(73) - Damage of the equipment of electric grid of kV and higher • 3 (1) - Damage of the equipment of heating grids • 16(11) - Error reactions of protection automatics • 38 (84) - Outage of the equipment because of inadmissible deviations of technological parameters • 0(1) - Infringement of functioning of dispatching and technological control tools for the term of more than 1 hour (loss of connection of dispatching service with controlled object) SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
8-3. Accidents and Emergencies in Electric Power Production Corporation • “Irkutskenergo” • b) infringement of conditions of safe operation of a dangerous industrial target : • 66 (44) - The boiler equipment • 3 (4 )- The turbine equipment • 2(0) - The auxiliary thermal-mechanical equipment • 9(9) - The electrotechnical equipment • 1(0) - Natural disaster impact • c) infringements of organizing rules and codes : • 11 (16 )- Inaccurate or Unauthorized actions of operators • 6 (9)-Inaccurate or Unauthorized actions of the personnel of services • 15 (8) - Inaccurate or Unauthorized actions of the involved personnel • 10(13) - Inaccurate or Unauthorized actions of repair personnel • 2 (2) - Inaccurate or Unauthorized actions of chief personnel • 2 (2) - Unsatisfactory quality of instructions, • 7 (10) - Default of volumes and terms of maintenance service • 25 (34) - Third party ( organizations and persons) impacts, • 16 (57)- Natural disasters impacts, • These data are delivered to safety departments of units of Irkutskenergo Corp. SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
9 . Automatics and the equipment in the prevention of failures versus human factor • Obviously technical solutions and advanced load control techniques to prevent accidents are welcome in the industry . • But it becomes clear that the most basic issue is not a technical technological one. • Mainly It is not a problem of gizmos it is a problem of people. • 10. Information Security approaches for the decision of problems of power industry • Instruments to prevent accidents in Electric Power Production Industry may be classified just the same way as in InfoSec : • Ethical • Legislative • Organizational • Physical ( technical facilities and equipment ) • Technical ( hardware and software ) • Math • InfoSec: Renovation of a system makes that vulnerable. • Some principles that are claimed in InfoSec: Security Policy, Analysis of threats , • Personnel Security – Management and audit, Interdisciplinary Approach and Networking as a tool of InfoSec . • Also : Principle of Continuity, Principle of Simplicity, Principle of Openness • Most powerful tool in InfoSec is Neworking SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
11. Networking • Networking -> to prevent accidents in Electric Power Production Industry • Networking contemplates not only technical P2P connection inside corporation but effective, reliable and fruitful information exchange between diverse disciplines (Interdisciplinary Networking) , diverse management level (Inter-level Networking) and through over the world ( International Networking ). • Conventional Networking: Reliable and Target Corporative P2P information exchange • Interdisciplinary Networking: Implementation of Experience of Nuclear Industry, Information Security, Supercourse • Inter-level Networking: G2P, G2B, B2P information exchange to solve prevention tasks more accurately and in time • International Networking : Implementation of experience of excellence , that other nations have • Pluses for implementation Networking : Restructuring of the industry, Modern ICT, Current experience on electricity market of the US, Educated Personnel • Minuses for implementation Networking : • Anti- networking - The separation that was created intentionally; • Execution of natural networking foundation - The Changing Electric Power Industry ; • New Management scheme based on family- friend interest structure. • In Russian industrial environment is very problematic to make work the theoretical networking schemes because of set of threats and obstacles. • It is not technological problem it is a social one. SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
12. Conclusion • During the USSR the main electric power industry feature was electricity generating , and the centralized scheme control the structure of energy delivering up to object. That very inexorable scheme of control was technically enough reliable. • The significant part of this scheme has been kept to nowadays. • With introduction of market mechanisms, separation of the industry on three components: generation, distribution and trading , old methods are not capable to provide former reliability. It is obvious that to to freeze re-structuring of old control system , as though it was not criticized a new one, it is impossible. This re-structuring requires effective means of reliability of work. • The point is not in type of the market, but whether its is controlled by society (through the government). Networking is just necessary for such management to prevent accidents and emergencies. • Critical infrastructures should be reliably protected, such protection should be provided at all levels – government , corporate and personal. • Therefore it seems reasonable to support networking as interdisciplinary, inter-level and international , allowing to use experience of other industry, but also the one of other level or other nation. • All the efforts are always worthwhile in the end. SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION
“All the efforts are always worthwhile in the end” THANK YOU ! Irina Prokopyeva , New-Zima Heat-Electric Generating Station of Irkutskenergo Corp, Sayansk, Irkutsk Region, RF E-MAIL: pi333@mail.ru Andrey Trufanov, Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, RF E-MAIL: troufan@istu.edu SAFETY ISSUES OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION