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The Integrated Catalog. The integrated catalog…. A system of linking databases to each other so that content may be updated once and delivered in diverse media across platforms and processes Increases return on investment for all data-building activities.
The integrated catalog… • A system of linking databases to each other so that content may be updated once and delivered in diverse media across platforms and processes • Increases return on investment for all data-building activities
…starts with the Catalog Management System database • XML and standards help!
Single source • One data source for all information • May be distributed……but is never repeated
Integration • One-way • Round-trip • Three-sided • All are effective • Risk management vs. efficiency
SIS one-way • Courses are exported annually from SIS to SmartCatalog SmartCatalog Macro or XML SIS - <Text> <p id="177">ADC-2030-A</p> <p id="178">Mon., 09/18/06-12/18/06</p> <p id="178">3.50 CEUs; $510.00</p> <p id="179">Like most beginners, you harbor so much anxiety when you start an ad that you stop at the very first idea because you're so happy to have one. In this course, you'll see that ideas aren't finite and that every ordinary product has an extraordinary point of view. You'll discover that working hard on an ad doesn't mean you have to get a cerebral hemorrhage over it. But most importantly, you'll see how to keep panic from killing your best ideas before you even get them. Who knows, you might even learn to have some fun in the process. Note: Please bring an ad that you like and one that you don't like from a current publication to the first session.</p> <p id="180">LISA E RETTIG, T. Romeo</p> </Text> <VariableAssignments /> Section:::ADC-2030-A!BREAK!Synonym:::31590!BREAK!Term:::06/CF!BREAK!CourseNumber:::ADC-2030!BREAK!Availability:::Open!BREAK!Title:::Take the Fear Out of a Blank Piece of Paper!BREAK!Short Title:::THE BLANK PAGE!BREAK!Instr.Name:::LISA E RETTIG<br>T. Romeo!BREAK!Instr.ID:::0003035<br>0003056!BREAK!Cred:::3.50!BREAK!Fee:::0.00!BREAK!Tuition:::510.00!BREAK!StartDate:::09/18/06!BREAK!EndDate:::12/18/06!BREAK!Method1:::STU!BREAK!Building1:::E21!BREAK!Room1:::207A!BREAK!Day1:::M!BREAK!StartTime1:::06:30PM!BREAK!EndTime1:::09:30PM!BREAK!SecChanges:::!BREAK!Comments:::Like most beginners, you harbor so much anxiety when you start an ad that you stop at the session.!BREAK!PrintedComments:::!BREAK!Dept1:::1030!BREAK!Dept2:::!BREAK!SchedType:::E!BREAK!SecLocation:::CE!END! Take the Fear Out of a Blank Piece of Paper ADC-2030-A Mon., 09/18/06-12/18/06 3.50 CEUs; $510.00 Like most beginners, you harbor so much anxiety when you start an ad that you stop at the very first idea because you're so happy to have one. In this course, you'll see that ideas aren't finite and that every ordinary product has an extraordinary point of view. You'll discover that working hard on an ad doesn't mean you have to get a cerebral hemorrhage over it. But most importantly, you'll see how to keep panic from killing your best ideas before you even get them. Who knows, you might even learn to have some fun in the process. Note: Please bring an ad that you like and one that you don't like from a current publication to the first session. Lisa E. Retig, T. Romeo
Plan for integration • Build good data • Understand XML • Work with standards (PESC) • Have a plan • Think big
Which method works for you? Catalog database Transfer Admissions Website Student Information Systems • Degree Audit System • National Course Database
What makes integration work? • Single source • Established policies • Keeping the goal in mind • Keeping it simple