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Le Chatelier Principle and industry The Haber Process The Contact Process. Equilibrium (hl). A volatile liquid Some molecules will evaporate Eventually dynamic equilibrium will be reached between evaporation and condensation Rate of vapourisation = Rate of condensation
Le ChatelierPrinciple and industry The Haber Process TheContactProcess Equilibrium (hl)
A volatileliquid Somemoleculeswillevaporate Eventuallydynamicequilibriumwill be reachedbetweenevaporation and condensation Rate of vapourisation = Rate of condensation At thispointthepressureexertedisthevapourpressure Liquid-VapourEquilibrium
Moleculesneedenergyto escape thesurface Dependsonstrength of intermolecular forces Endothermicprocess Thisenergyiscalledenthalpy of vapourisation TheEnthalpy of Vapourisation
Theamount of energyrequiredtoconvertone mole of substancefromliquidtogaseousphase Definition
A liquidboilswhenitsvapourpressureisequaltothethepressureonthesurface of theliquid Theboilingpointisthetemperature at whichthevapourpressureisequaltostandardatmosphericpressure Temperatureincreasesvapourpressure….
Concentrations, whenputintotheequilibriumexpression, willonlyequaltheequilibriumconstantifthesystemis at equilibrium. Howeverwe can still use ittopredictthewaytheequilibriumwillmove. TheEquilibriumLaw
Thisisthevalueproducedbytreatingtheconcentrationsthesame as theequilibriumconstant. If Q > K thenvalue of Q mustfall (systemshiftstoleft i.e. reverse direction) If Q = K thenequilibriumisestablished If Q < K thenvalue of Q mustrise (systemshiftstoright) ReactionQuotient q
When a mixture initiallycontaining 0.0200 mol/L sulphurdioxide and anequalconcentration of oxygenisallowedtoreachequilibrium in a container of fixedvolume at 100K, itisfoundthat 80.0% of thesulphurdioxideisconvertedtosulphurtrioxide. Calculatethevalue of theequilibriumconstant at thattemperature. Question
Thereadingispages 192 to 195. Thequestionsstarton page 195. Reading and questions