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JINR participation in CMS JINR Topic 02-0-1083-2009/2013. Anatoli Zarubin JINR SC, 15 September, 2011. R DMS Participation in CMS Project. Russia, JINR and JINR member-states participate in the CMS experiment as RDMS CMS Collaboration
JINR participation in CMS JINR Topic 02-0-1083-2009/2013 Anatoli Zarubin JINR SC, 15 September, 2011
RDMS Participation in CMS Project • Russia, JINR and JINR member-states participate in the CMS experiment as RDMS CMS Collaboration • In fact RDMS physicists have participated in CMS since 1992 even before formal decision were made and agreements were signed. • Dubna Member States participate in CMS thought the JINR 2
Russia • Russian Federation • Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino • Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow • Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow • Moscow State University, Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow • Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg • P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow Associated members: • High Temperature Technology Center of Research & Development Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow • Myasishchev Design Bureau, Zhukovsky • Electron, National Research Institute, St. Petersburg • Dubna Member States • Armenia • Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan • Belarus • Byelorussian State University, Minsk • Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Minsk • National Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk • Research Institute for Applied Physical Problems, Minsk • Bulgaria • Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia • University of Sofia, Sofia • Georgia • High Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi • Institute of Physics, Academy of Science ,Tbilisi • Ukraine • Institute of Single Crystals of National Academy of Science, Kharkov • National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov • Kharkov State University, Kharkov • Uzbekistan • Institute for Nuclear Physics, UAS, Tashkent • JINR • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna Armenia LPI PNPI Belarus Dubna Member States - 80 JINR, Dubna - 68 MSU 5 9 36 22 27 CMS members: countries 7 institutions 20 scientists 303 students 32 Associated members: institutions 3 Bulgaria ITEP 21 19 Georgia 11 INR 19 Ukraine IHEP 10 45 Uzbekistan JINR Russian Federation - 155 11 68 InRDMSare about 300 scientists 3
RDMS Participate in CMS according to the RDMS Project RDMS CMS Project CMS Document 96-85, 1995 4
Principles and Strategy of RDMS CMS • Main principles: • participation of Institutions in the CMS experiment as independent scientific groups and; • unification of technical and financial contributions and obligations of different Institutions as the joint Collaboration deliverables to experiment. • Main aims of the Collaboration strategy: • unification of the efforts of many groups from different institutions and countries; • concentration of efforts at several well defined CMS sub-systems (for example Endcap) and • broad involvement of Industry of participating States Concerning to such participation the three-parties Agreements between Member State, JINR and CERN are very important. 5
CMS Operations pp-collisions Run @ 7 TeV of 2010 (30.03 - 03.11) : 47.03 pb-1 delivered by LHC and 43.17 pb-1of data collected by CMS. Overall data taking efficiency ~92%. PbPb-collisions Run @ 5.5 TeV/nucleon (08.11 - 06.12) : 8.38 b-1 delivered by LHC and 7.82 b-1of data collected by CMS. Overall data taking efficiency ~93%. L≈ 2.97x1033cm-2s-1 L≈ 1.28x1033cm-2s-1 L≈ 1027cm-2s-1 • pp-collisions Run @ 7 TeV from 14.03 2011: • 3.09 fb-1 delivered by LHC and • 2.78 fb-1of data collected by CMS. • Overall data taking efficiency ~90%. • Excellent performance in coping with more than 6 orders of magnitude increase in instantaneous luminosity from L≈ 1027cm-2s-1 up to L≈ 2.97x1033cm-2s-1 • PbPb Run is expected in November-December
Sub-detectors Operations and RDMS Obligations In order to be an author of the CMS physics papers, collaborator should payaccording to MoU category A and B contribute for data taking and operation (shifts, technical services etc.) - 3 months per author RDMS Responsibility for 2011 is defined by Addendum 3 to Memorandum of Agreement between CMS and RDMS (MoA) (in person*months): ECAL HCAL Muon Central Shifts Tier1 Tier2 RDMS 16.3 150.4 45.8 599 6.0 42.0 RDMS-RF 16.3 118.5 27.9 441 6.0 24.0 RDMS-DMS - 31.8 17.9 158 - 18.0 • operation efficiency of detector • systems including detectors of • full JINR responsibility – • EndcapHadron Calorimeter (HE) • Forward Muon Stations (ME1/1) • is very high 8
JINR Participation in Data Taking • In accordance with obligationsJINR physicists took part in • Central Shifts @ SX5 in CERN (599 shifts have to be covered by RDMS, among • them 158 by JINR and DMS) • Detector Control System – 54 % • Trigger – 11 % • Data Quality Monitoring (including off-line DQM) – 35 % • These obligations are covered mainly by “сore” RDMS group at CERN - 5 scientists from • RDMS (2 of them from DMS) constantly present at CERN. They are involved actively in operation and detector performance group • Viktor Perelygin is RDMS coordinator for central shifts • Vladimir Palichik is Convener of Muon CSC Detector Performance Group • Olga Kodolova (MSU) is Convener of HCAL Performance Group • In 2011 RDMS must cover about 500 sub-system shifts (~ 60 by JINR and 45 by DMS) • In particular for detectors of full JINR responsibility • Endcap Hadron Calorimeter (HE) – 9 shifters from JINR, 6 shifters from DMS • Forward Muon Stations (ME1/1) – 7 shifters from JINR, 1 shifter from DMS • These shifts are taken remotely from JINR Remote Operation Center 9
JINR Participation in Detector Performance Studies • During data taking the JINR planed and coordinated participation of the RDMS СMS • institutions and JINR specialists in shifts aimed on detector operation and data taking • CMS data taking procedure used to gain operational experience, stability of infrastructure. • The processing and analyses of CMS data used software release destined for 2011 data- taking & grid infrastructure. • Combined functionality of HE and ME1/1 was checked • Detector and software performance studies were performed in results of fast data analysis for • the inner endcap detectors (HE and ME1/1) • spatial resolutions of ME1/1, ME2, ME3 were derived • study of muon track reconstruction efficiency • procedure of alignment correction of inner layers of ME1/1 was performed - layers are shifted relative each other no more than 20 µm. • calibration of HE endcaphadron calorimeter was performed with CMS required accuracy ~ 3 % in the azimuthal direction. • Procedures of HF detector calibration with physics processes have been developed • gamma-jet processes • processes with missing transverse energy 10
Example: CSC Spatial Resolution CSC spatial resolution for all muon stations including the Forward Muon Station ME1/1 of full JINR responsibility was derived from Collisions’11 WZ muons Pt > 20GeV MinBiasmuons Pt > 5GeV • Spatial resolution values match Muon TDR requirements • the mean value of ME1/1 resolution is about 62 µm that is satisfied by requirements of CMS Technical Project for ME1/1 (75 µm) • Resolution values with Collisions’11 are agreed with Collisions’10 and are stable with increasing of luminosity 11
Example: HE Calibration and Response Studies • Inner Endcaps including endcaphadron calorimeter HE and Forward Muon Station ME1/1 of • full JINR responsibility demonstrated an efficient operation with collision data. • HE response to collision muons provided information on relative calibration of cells and • detector regions • calibration with isolated charged hadrons for eta < 2.5 • ParticleFlow corrections • derived from MC Reasonable correlation for energy deposition for HE- and HE+ is observed difference in HE+/- response of 3±0.4% 12
Example: HCAL Calibration with Physics Processes CMS IN 2011/010 CMS IN 2011/001 2x106 events provides ~ 5 % accuracy • jet energy scale calibration to improve the jet reconstruction • gamma + jet events • the systematic uncertainty less than RMS of statistical errors which is ~ 3% for 0.1 fb-1 • W- jet +jet calibration • HF intercalibration using missing ET minimization in QCD processes to equalize a signal over
JINRinCMS Physics Analysis • JINR group concentrated on few selected physics topics, where JINR physicists already contributed significantly in preparation of CMS physics program • Well integrated into the CMS physics program • Search for Higgs bosons (2l2 channel, 4l channel) • Study of Drell-Yan processes in the large invariant dimuons mass region inaccessible at other accelerators • for search of new physics beyond Standard Model (extended gauge models and extra dimensions etc) • Study of jet physics • to extend PDF’s at range of small-x and large-Q2 and measurement of s • 2 jet production in diffraction processes (single and double pomeron exchange) • Study of pair of gauge bosons (ZZ, WW) • Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons of the same sign • anomalous coupling constants in production of WW, WWZ, WZ, W • Complex of RDMS Grid-computing based on the special RDMS Tier-1 centre at CERN and Tier-2 in Dubna provides efficient participation of JINR team in data taking and physics analysis
CMS Computing and JINR Tier-2 Activity in 2011 Software and T0/Tier1 (including RDMS Tier-1) infrastructure are stable 49 Tier-2s received collision data and 57 Tier-2s participate to simulation ~ 334 TB was transferred to JINR Tier-2 (~270 TB in 2010) usage of disk space is ~ 95% Max transfer rate to Dubna ~ 54.07 MB/s 20 Gbps networks • Current T2_RU_JINR Group Usage: • Exotica PAG - 54.96 TB • Muon POG - 13.14 TB • Local Users: 131.29 TB 25 % ~ 280 000 analysis jobs were successfully completed 25 % of CPU time and job slots were spent by JINR Tier-2 for CMS tasks (corresponds to 34,1 % RDMS sites) 16
The CMS Physics Analyses in 2011 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/collection/CMS Papers ~ 80 physics papers on collisions data were submitted or published(J. High Energy Phys, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys.Lett. B, Eur. Phys. J.) 20 papers in final pipeline 107 authors from RDMS of 2175, 16 authors from JINR + 9 from DMS 5 CMS Analyses were prepared by JINR physicists • In 2011 CMS continued physics analyses with data of 2010 (~ 40 pb-1) and data of 2011 (~ 1.7 fb-1). ~ 80 analyses are completed. • The goals are • “rediscovery” Standard Model Physics starting detection of muons up to top-quark observation • looking for new effects of new physics • two essentially new effects were observed: ridge-effect in pp-collsions and direct observation of jet quenching in PbPb-collisions • more than 40 “excluding” analysis in the new physics field : higgs physics, supersymmetry, extended gauge models, TeV-scale gravity, compositeness etc
JINRinCMS Physics Analysis • JINR group is contributed in five CMS Physics Analysis and two CMS Internal Notes: • CMS Physics Analyses Notes: • D. Acosta, …, I.Belotelov, A.Lanyov, M. Savina, S. Senkin, S. Shmatov et al. “Search for High-Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs with Collisions Gathered at √s = 7 TeV with 1.1 fb-1’’, CMS AN-2011/278, CMS PAS EXO-11-019 1. Published as CMS Col. Results in arXiv:1103.0981, accepted by PLB. • A.Ferapontov, G.Landsberg, P.Tsang, V.Konoplianikov, M.Savina, S.Shmatov, “Searches for Microscopic Black Holes Production in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the CMS Detector with 1.1 fb-1”, CMS AN-2011/256, PAS EXO-11-071 • D. Acosta, …, I.Belotelov, A.Lanyov, M. Savina, S. Senkin, S. Shmatovet al. “Search for High-Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs with Collisions Gathered at √s = 7 TeV ’’, CMS AN-2011/222 • A.Lanyov, I.Belotelov, S.Shmatov et al. “Drell-Yan Differential Cross Section Measurement at 7 TeV in the Muon Channel”, CMS AN-2011/013, CMS-EWK-10-007. Published as CMS Col. Results in arXiv:1108.0566, submitted in JHEP • D. Acosta, …, I.Belotelov, A.Lanyov, M. Savina, S. Senkin, S. Shmatov et al., ” Search for High-Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs with 40 pb-1 of collisions gathered at √s = 7~ TeV”, CMS AN-2010/317. Published as CMS Col. Results in arXiv:1103.0981, JHEP05 (2011) 093 • CMS Internal Notes: • I. Altsybeev, V. Konoplianikov, S. Shmatov, A. Tumasyan, A. Zarubin, “Jet Energy Scale Calibration Using W -> qqbar Process”, CMS IN-2011/010 • V. Konoplianikov , S. Shulga, A. Zarubin, ” HF Calorimeter Calibration Using Events with Direct Photons and Jets”, CMS IN-2011/001
Rediscovery of Standard Models in Dimuons 5 people from JINR take part in this activity ~ TeV region: ongoing work 4x105Drell-Yan candidates with M > 50 GeV — compatible with SM expectations. • JINR is involved in • data processing and analysis of di-muon events • responsible for development of hi-mass di-muon events selection scheme (skimming) • Minsk and Gomel contribute in calculation of DY high- • order QCD and EWK corrections CMS-EXO-10-007 3 people from JINR
Example: Di-muons JINR contribution: first priority CMS-EXO-10-019 5 people from JINR Combined limits (+- + e+e-)at 95% CLexceed the Tevatron reach A Z’ with standard-model-like couplings can be excluded below 1940 GeV, the superstring-inspired Z’ below 1620 GeV, and RS Kaluza–Klein gravitons below1450 (1780) GeV for couplings of 0.05 (0.10),
The First Heavy Ion Collisions Suppression of Excited Upsilon States First direct observation of jet quenching in high centrality lead-lead collisions at LHC Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb arXiv:1102.1957; CMS-HIN-10-004 ; CERN-PH-EP-2011-001.
Observation of Diffraction Events Forward jets: good agreement with theory Energy flows: MC tunes СMS PAS FWD-10-002 СMS PAS FWD-10-003 PHOJET agrees better with the data (in forward region) • Erevan group contributes in particular • observation W and Z bosons as well as high mass dijets in events with a large rapidity gap СMS PAS FWD-10-06
Example: Microscopic Black Holes The CMS analysis - 2010, 35 pb-1: arXiv:1012.3375v1, Phys. Lett. B V697 (2011), p. 434 The CMS analysis - 2011, 1.09fb-1: recent CMS analysis - EXO-11-071 3 people from JINR take part in this activity CMS set limits on the minimum BH mass of 4.4-5.1 TeV
The First Higgs Searching The CMS search for the Higgs boson is being carried out using a range of decay products: H → , ,bbar,WW → 2l2, ZZ → 4l, ZZ → 2l2, ZZ → 2l2q The CMS analysis excludes, with a confidence level (C.L.) of 95%, the existence of a Standard Model Higgs boson in three Higgs mass ranges: 145-216 GeV, 226-288 GeV and 310-400GeV Hgg CMS PAS HIG-11-022 H WW2l2 DMS (Dubna and Ukraine) participates in 2l2 (analysis) and 4l (reconstruction)
CMS upgrades 26
LHC Luminosity Scenario Phase 2 ~300 fb-1 few fb-1 is delivered • 2020-2030 – High Lumi LHC • (High Luminosity (HL-LHC) Chamonix 2011) • need to be able to integrate ~300 fb-1 per year (1 fb-1 per day) peak lumi of 1035 Hz/cm2 • the goal is to achieve 3000/fb 27
Current LHC shutdown schedule LS1 TS LS2 LS1–Long Shutdown 1, currently scheduled to start November - December 2012 and last 18 months. LS2-Long Shutdown 2, currently scheduled to start December 2018 and last 12 months. TS - Intermediate extended winter technical stop, currently scheduled to start two years into the run period between LS1 and LS2, thus starting December 2016 and lasting up to 6 months.
CMS Priority – future Upgrade strategy Important works initiated by JINRfor future strategy CMS Management Workshop on Upgrade Strategy in Dubna February 21-22, 2011 with goals to clarify RDMS area of interest to start discussion on the future CMS strategy Workshop generated considerable interest in CMS Results were referred on numerous meetings during the March CMS Week Discussion continued at Upgrade workshop at CERN in March Practical issues were thoroughly discussed Discussion continued at the XV RDMS Conference Key CMS people presented talks on future Physics and Detectors Will be continued next year in Alushta, May 2012
RDMS expected contribution to Upgrade • RDMS expected contributionin red • LS1 • Begin Installing forward muon systems Dubna ME1/1 • HO SiPMs (Hadronic Calorimeter Tail Catcher) • HF PMTs (Forward Hadron Calorimeter eta 3-5) • Pixel Luminosity Telescope • LS2 • Complete forward muon systems upgrade Dubna ME1/1 • Install new beampipe • Install new pixel detector • Complete Installing HB/HE SiPM and electronics Dubna HE • Install new trigger system • LS3 • Install new tracking system • Major consolidation/replacement of electronics systems • Including potentially ECAL electronics • Calorimeter Endcaps (subject of a task force) Dubna • DAQ system upgrade 30 RDMS CMS CB & EC, CERN, July 1, 2011
CMS Upgrade Technical Proposal TP covers LS1-2 through 2020 Participation in sub-systems according MoU institute responsibility Total cost preliminary estimated Contribution scale proportional to number of PhDs For Dubna is ~ 1 MCHF in total: Common fund in cash ~ 100 kCHF ME1/1 ~ 570 kCHF HE ~ 330 kCHF Preliminary near future profile for Dubna 2011-12 – 150 kCHF, 2013-14 – 250 kCHF LS3 future upgrade strategy – new project 31
CMS Upgrade Technical Proposal ME1/1 recover trigger up to eta=2.4 3 cards instead of 1 ORed in bottom CSC part minimize dead time, removes rate worries replace ADC/SCA with flash ADC, digital storage readout robustness optical readout instead of 50-pin scewclear cables Joint US-RDMS project LV and interfaces (Dubna, Minsk) Be ready with electronics by 2013 Dubna, Minsk responsibility to install new electronics HE Increase dynamic range, rate capability, sub-ns timing, muon ID SiPM instead of HPD Update longitudinal segmentation to increase Particle Flow capability and 1-level HW trigger With new electronics Optimize ECAL/HCAL interface Dubna and RDMS responsibility to install new phototransducers and electronics Access to inner endcap require: Integration development and full opening of the CMS detector Strong support of engineering and technical coordination team Require detailed Beam Tests to measure performance in extreme conditions to understand compatibility with future 32
Summary JINR participation in CMS is very successful - JINR physicists are involved in whole CMS chain from data taking (shifts) and to final data analysis JINR GRID Computing Facilities based on the special RDMS Tier-1 centre at CERN and Tier-2 in Dubna provide fast access to data and processing. JINR first physics results will be summarized Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conferences Joint RDMS Seminar “Physics at LHC ” http://rdms.jinr.ru/ other international forums Long Shutdown of 2013-2014 is focused on completion/optimization of existing CMS for LHC design lumi. (up to 1034 Hz/cm2) JINR participates in these works in the frameworks of responsibility in construction of inner endcap detectors (HE and ME1/1) High Luminosity LHC would allow to extend significantly the LHC physics reach to exploit fully its potential inner/forward parts of detectors must be changed/hardened/upgraded Details of CMS Upgrade Scenarios are under discussions 33
Back -up 34
Example: right-handed W and heavy neutrino searching For models with exact left-right symmetry (the same coupling in the left and right sectors) CMS exclude the region in the two-dimensional parameter space that extends to (MWR , MN ) = (1700 GeV, 600 GeV). INR group activity CMS EXO-11-002
Rediscovery of Standard Models • CMS observed all well-known before SM particles : • leptons, photons, resonances, W and Z bosons • CMS performed precise and complete EWK measurements • CMS studies jet processes and measured • firstly at LHC top-quark cross-section CERN-PH-EP-2011-066 CMS-TOP-10-008-003 JINR participation • Mtop=158.4±1.8(syst.+stat.) ±6(lumi.)GeV/c2