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Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center

Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center. P.O.Box 105, Yuseong,Daejeon, 305-600, Korea. Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center. Environmental Radiation Monitoring. Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Assessment Environmental Radioactivity Analysis

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Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center

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  1. Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center P.O.Box 105, Yuseong,Daejeon, 305-600, Korea

  2. Nuclear Environment Safety Research Center Environmental Radiation Monitoring • Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Assessment • Environmental Radioactivity Analysis • Investigation on Environmental Radioactivity Radioecological Research • Radioecological Research • Terrestrial – Nuclides Transport Behavior • Pathway Analysis and Modelling – Ingestion pathway Radiological Dose Assessment • Air Dispersion Modelling • Offsite Dose Calculation Manual • Accident Consequence Analysis and Countermeasure Radiation Biology • Biological Dosimetry • Biological Effect of Radiation

  3. Nuclear Facilities in KAERI site □HANARO ○Multipurpose Research Reactor ○30 MW □Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility ○ CANDU fuel assembly - Natural Uranium oxide ○ PWR fuel assembly - Enriched Uranium oxide □Post Irradiation Facility □Waste Treatment Facility □Research Laboratory □KRR II, III : under decommission

  4. Facilities and Instruments for Environmental Research □ Monitoring Post - 6 system in operation ◦ Radiation Monitor, Continuous air sampler □ Meteorological Observation System ◦ Two Meteorological Tower (46 and 75m height above ground) : wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity etc. □ Green House ◦ Radionuclide tracer experiment ◦ Plant cultivation □ Analytical Instruments ◦ Gamma spectrometry system   ◦ Alpha spectrometry system ◦ Low background alpha/beta counter ◦ Liquid scintillation counter ◦ TLD reader

  5. Environmental radiation/radioactivity monitoring technology • Current status • Monitoring program for conducting the environmental survey and site assessment for the KAERI nuclear facilities including a research reactor • Development of the on-line or wireless data transmission system between the sites and the main station • Analytical services for the measurement of radionuclides in foodstuffs, drinking waters, consumer goods and other radioactive wastes • Our nuclear analytical laboratory implemented ISO/IEC 17025 standard for most of our testing services and formally accredited by KOLAS • On-going R&D activities • Development of analytical techniques of indicator radionuclide for environmental monitoring • Development of characterization method of decommissioning wastes • Development of a automated radionuclide separation system • Development of in-situ real time gamma radiation contour mapping technique • Major equipment and facilities • 13 HPGE detectors including 1 well type, 1 low energy, 1 anticoincidence-shielded system and 1 portable detector • 2 alpha spectrometers • 2 gas proportional counters • 3 liquid scintillation counters

  6. Environmental transport modeling and analysis of radioecology ● Current status: - Development of the internal dose assessment codes, ECOREA and ECOREA-II (Visual basic). - Development of dynamic compartment models to evaluate the contamination level of radionuclides in agricultural plants by an accidental release from nuclear facilities. - Experimental measurement of TF values of radionuclides (Cs, Sr, Mn, Co, H-3, C-14) for Korean major foods (rice, cabbage, radish, carrot and soybean) and construction of the comprehensive D/B for TF values. ●On-going R&D activities - Development of the assessment tool for evaluating radiological risk of non-human species . - TF measurement of Tc-99 and I-129 for rice and vegetables. - Participation in the IAEA/EMRAS project. ●Major equipment and facilities - Green house for the radionuclides trace experiment and plant cultivation.

  7. Atmospheric dispersion and dose assessment modeling ● Current status: - Development of the real time dose assessment system, FADAS. It was validated with several field tracer experiments conducted on nuclear power plant sites in Korea, adopted as a basic module of the national radiological emergency preparedness system - Development of A long range transport model, LADAS, against an accident in neighboring countries. ●On-going R&D activities - Development of an urban dose assessment model against an accident or a terrorism.

  8. RI application technology for hydraulic detection ● Current status: - Field tracer experiments (river, sea, lake) It was performed to analyze the characteristics of pollutants in hydrology system using short-lived radioisotopes such as Gold-198, Iridium-192, Scandium-48, Iodine-131. - Operation of HANARO to produce the isotopes. - Establishment of hydraulic numerical models. ●On-going R&D activities - Development of hydraulic CFD system using radioisotopes.

  9. Ionizingradiation Chemicalcarcinogen Reactive Oxygen Species • OH, •O2- ONOO– DAMAGED!!! DNA mutation Cell death Protein damage Radiation Biology for the living body protection • Current status • Studying the biological effects for an effective radiation protection and a therapy • Searching the genes which are related to the radiation protection and examining their functions • On-going R&D activities • Construction of the cell line carrying a radiation or a drug tolerance • Conduction of various biochemical and molecular biological experiments using the cell line • Development of new functional products to enhance the radiation protection effect • Application in the reduction of drug tolerance which will be able to occur during the radiation or and the cancer therapy

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