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WESTERNIZATION MOVEMENTS • With the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, artists and politicians alike called for a new kind of art to represent the fledgling nation. Stylistically, the prose of the early years of the Republic of Turkey was essentially a continuation of the National Literature movement, with Realism and Naturalism predominating.
VISUAL ARTS PAINTING • Young artists sent to Europe in 1926 came back inspired by contemporary trends such as Fauvism, Cubism and even Expressionism still very influencial in Europe.Some artists such as Nurullah Berk worked in a painterly mix of European and Turkish styles; others, like Cemal Tollu, took on the more abstract influences of Cubism and Constructivism.
NurullahBerk-Cubist, ConstructivistPainterInfluenced by SpanishPainter, Sculptor, Printmaker, CeramicistandStageDesigner Pablo Picasso
Abidin Elderoğlu - Fauvist and Cubist Painter Influenced by French Sculptor and Painter André Lhote
Agop Arad-Social Realist PainterInfluenced by French Painter, Theorist, Writer, Critic and PoetJean Metzinger
Ali Avni Çelebi - ExpressionistPainterInfluencedbyGerman-born American AbstractExpressionist PainterandFrenchPainterLéopoldLévy
CevatDereli – ImpressionistPainter Influenced by French Artist Rodolphe Julian
Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, Post-ImpressionistPainterInfluencedbyDutch Post-ImpressionistPainter Van Gogh
FikretMualla – ExpressionistPainter Influenced byFrench Artist Henri Matisse
ElifNaci - ImpressionistPainterInfluenced by SwissPainterPaul Klee
NaileAkıncı - Impressionist Painter Influenced by FrenchPainterLéopoldLévy
Hale Asaf - Impressionist and Expressionist Painter Influenced byGermanPainter and PrintmakerLovis Corinth
Ferruh Başağa – CubistPainterInfluencedbyFrench Artist LéopoldLévy
SelimTuran - Social Realist, Impressionist Painter and Sculptor Influenced byFrench Artist Leopold Levy
Nuriİyem, - Social Realist Painter Influenced by French Painter, Theorist, Writer, Critic and PoetJean Metzinger
Turan Erol – InfluencedbySpanishPainterandPrintmaker Francisco Goya
ZekiFaikİzer - Cubist and Fauvist Painter Influenced by ItalianPainterTizianoVecellio
Zeki Kocamemi–CubistandExpressionistPainterInfluencedbyFrenchPainter Robert Delaunay
SabriBerkel - Symbolist Painter Influenced by Italian Painter FeliceCarena
SCULPTURE • In this time, Europe continued to inform the education and aesthetics of Turkish artists. Government grants allowed students to study abroad, and foreign artists were hired to teach in the Turkish academies. Sculpture was introduced at this time, and Rudolf Belling of Germany came to head the department at the Academy of Fine Arts in 1937.
Ali Germaner – TurkishSculptor InfluencedbyGermanSculptorRudolf Belling Hüseyin Gezer – TurkishSculptorInfluencedbyFrenchSculptorMarcelGimond
ARCHITECTURE • Architecture also took a page from the European scene.The German urban planner Hermann Jansen won the competition for the Ankara's city plan in 1927.Austrian Clemens Holzmeister designed the new governmental center as a triangular complex with the Grand National Assembly at its apex
Soon after the influx of European architects and their integration into the education system, Turkey began to produce its own modernist architects. Reaction against the adoption of European modernism in architecture was allowed fuller expression after the death of Atatürk in 1938. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -Leader of the Turkish Modernization
LITERATURE • Novel has entered to Turkish Literature with the translations from French. First of these translations was Télémaque which had been done by Yusuf Kamil Paşa from Fenelon. Afterwards an anonymous translator translated “Les Misérables” of Victor Hugo.
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar was a novelist who dramatize the clash between East and West in modern Turkish culture and societyNâzım Hikmet Ran was exposed to the modernist poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky and others, which inspired him to start writing verse in a less formal style. Nâzım Hikmet Ran (15 January 1902 – 3 June 1963),
A transition from Islamic artistic traditions under the Ottoman Empire to a more secular, Western orientation has taken place in Turkey. Turkish painters today are striving to find their own art forms, free from Western influence.
PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE Ahmet Vefik Paşa adopted the works of Molièreto Turkish. And then the most of Turkish Playrights adopted the French works which have been romantic.
The Darülbedayi was a theatre established in Istanbul in 1914. The Western Style Theatre Influenced by French Theatre