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Minsk, NLB. The role of Oxford University Press in dissemination of knowledge and responsiveness to end user needs. Marcin Dembowski– marcin.dembowski@oup.com. September 2012. Who are Oxford University Press?. Our Mission ….
Minsk, NLB The role of Oxford University Press in dissemination of knowledge and responsiveness to end user needs Marcin Dembowski– marcin.dembowski@oup.com September 2012
Who are Oxford University Press? Our Mission… • Not-for-profit department of the University of Oxford. All surplus revenue is passed to the University of Oxford to be invested in further research • Clarendon Scholars program – 1,000th scholar in 2011 • Adheres to the University's objectives of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing on a worldwide platform • Mission to maximise discoverability of content & scholarly dissemination • Tradition and value – has it’s origins in the information technology revolution of the 15th century
OUP today Our position in the publishing arena… • More than 500 years old and is the oldest and largest University Press • Total turnover is about £580m, or US$870m • We operate in 51 different countries and employ approximately 5,000 people • On average, about 7,000 new titles are published each year, in more than 40 languages, in a variety of formats – increasingly digital output • Regular National and International prize-winners
OUP today So what do we publish? • Academic, Professional, & General Books, Children's Books & Children's Reference, Schoolbooks, English Language Teaching, Journals, and Music. • Dictionaries, Sheet Music, Journals, Scholarly Monographs, Higher Education Textbooks, School Books, English Language Teaching Materials, Children's Books, Business Books, Reference and more… • Pre-school to Secondary Level Schoolchildren; Students to Academics; General Readers to Researchers; Individuals to Institutions. • Librarian and Teacher Support • OxBoxand Oxfordenglishtesting.com • Oxford Bibliographies Online Publishing with Oxford University Press. An introduction to OUP and the Publishing Process Graham Grant 2011
Digital publishing Across multiple sectors: Law, Medicine, Reference, Academic, Trade, Journals, Dictionaries… 30 + online products Multiple data types and data models One very simple data strategy: XML
Today Oxford’s online products New in 2012 The research journey Oxford Index How we can help optimize your content What we’ll cover
Oxford Journals Collection features 238 of the world’s most prestigious and authoritative journals representing the forefront of academic research and providing an invaluable resource for professionals, libraries and their users.
An integral part of scholarly mission is to publish journals of the highest quality, often demonstrated by the impact factor rankings. According to the 2008 Journal Citation Reports, over ¼ of Oxford Journals titles are in the top 10% and ¾ in the top 50% of their subject category.
Oxford Journals Producing Quality Content
Individual libraries and consortia can subscribe to the entire package of Journals collection, a subject package, or a customized selection tailored to meet their needs, including access to content dating back to 1996.
Content published from 1849 to 1995 is included in The Archive, in more than 4 million pages, back to Volume 1 Issue 1 for each title included, and perfectly complements the Oxford Journals Collectionsubscription.
New Platform September 2011, UPSO (OSO) launched on new platform
University Press Scholarship Online Partner Presses • Asingle cross-searchable interface including over 80,000 chapters from 9,000 titles and 23 subject areas. • Best of scholarly publishing around the world • Regular updates - 3 updates per year. • So this means:
Oxford Bibliographies Online “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.” —E.O. WILSON • OBO is a library of discipline-focused, online guides to the essential literature across a broad range of subject areas. • Each OBO article, written and reviewed by top scholars in the field,is rich with citations and annotations, expert recommendations,andnarrative pathways through the most useful and important works on the topicin question. • Intuitive linking throughout quicklydelivers the user from a citation to full-text content,whether online or available through a library’s catalog.
New Platform New Products 2012, new and existing products move onto the platform
Which means… Consistent user experience Consistent user benefits LIBRARIANS – less training, easier to promote USERS – faster, easier research, with valuable tools
features include… • XML delivery - allows for deep tagging and results in a better search experience • Tools for PDF download, citations, print, email • Personalisation options • Social bookmarking • Mobile optimised sites • Cross-linking via Oxford Index
Oxford Handbooks Online • WHAT will change? • Increased subject coverage – from 4 to 14 • No. of chapters increases from 3,400 to 9,200 • Articles added monthly and online ahead of print • Content – handbook chapters + commissioned articles • Editorial board introduced • PLUS new platform features • “Dynamic article delivery service”
Oxford Reference Online "A giant reference work that dwarfs any book in history." – The Guardian • 1.5 million entries from over 200 titles across 25 subjects, including an extensive range of Oxford Companions and English and bilingual dictionaries • 16,000+ images including 6,000 in full color with searchable captions, plus over 900 full color maps and flags • Over 45 timelines link more than 2,000 key events throughout history • Updated 3 times a year with new titles and editions • Over 5,000 biographical links to ODNB and ANB for mutual subscribers • Marc21 records provided free of charge • OpenURL compliant
Oxford Reference • WHAT will change? • Over 300,000 new overview pages • 275 new timeline pages • 9000 free reference entries • over 170 subjects and language dictionaries • monthly updates, alongside 3 major updates a year • Free online-only Quotations title – Oxford Essential Quotations • Direct search from any word with ODO (post-launch) • Feedback module – comments box in entries (post-launch) • PLUS new platform feature
The Basics Oxford Reference • Oxford Quick Reference • The majority of titles currently available in ORO • Over 120 core subject, language, and quotations dictionaries • Updated monthly to ensure current and carefully vetted quick results, in addition to 3 major releases a year which add new titles and editions to the collections • Available by annual subscription to individuals and institutions worldwide Oxford Reference Library • Individual titles currently in ODRS, and some Oxford Companions that are currently in ORO. • Offering in-depth, specialist, long entry content - titles include award-winning Oxford Encyclopedias and Companions, as well as a critical selection of partner publisher’s specialist scholarly works. • New online major reference titles are added throughout the year, with new editions publishing periodically. • Available for title by title purchase by institutions worldwide.
Online Medical Resources Oxford Medical Handbooks Online: known and loved by students and junior doctors throughout the world – 78 titles online in July 2010 AMA Manual of Style: A manual for anyone writing scientific or medical articles for publication in journals ESC Textbook of Cardiology: The definitive reference work for every cardiology trainee, general cardiologist and specialist cardiologist Oxford Textbook of Medicine ‘The intellectual equivalent of a Jaguar coupe…’ New modules in Oxford Scholarship Online: Neuroscience and Public Health and Epidemiology.
Oxford MEDICINE Online • WHAT will change? • All new features from platform • Improved usability • Launch of Mayo Clinic Toolkit and further content • Extensive cross-linking, • allowing patrons to search • medical terms and conditions • across multiple series
Oxford Law Online • WHAT will change? • Migrated products inherit new platform features • Consistent look and feel for all Law products • Itcovers both scholarly and practitioner law, at an international and domestic level. • New products; OCL, OSAIL, OCW: • Oxford Competition Law (OCL) A collection of interlinked competition analysis, case reports, and source materials, providing comprehensive and improved case preparation. • Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL)Full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treaties published by Oxford • Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW)Every constitution from every country in the world
Oxford SCHOLARLY EDITIONS Online • WHAT is Oxford Scholarly Editions Online? • Important new publishing initiative from OUP • Oxford Scholarly Editions are of great importance in the literature world • Prestigious editorial board presiding over content • Contains multiple authors – huge database • First phase (2012) – over 150 scholarly editions (annotated works) of material, written between 1485 and 1660 • Content made up of the “cornerstone” of research in English Literature, Philosophy, and Religion • Each Edition includes the primary text along with editor’s interpretive notes and records of variations • More content coming over next 6 years (annual updates)
Presentation Outline Online Dictionaries
What is the difference between the 3 online dictionary sites? Where can I discover how English words and meanings have changed over time? Oxford English Dictionary online www.oed.com Where can I get up-to-date advice on using English correctly? Oxford Dictionaries Pro www.oxforddictionaries.com Where can I find reliable translations and language learning help? Oxford Language Dictionaries Online www.oxfordlanguagedictionaries.com
Oxford Dictionaries ProOxford’s innovative current English language resource It will help you with meaning, spelling, pronunciation, grammar, and usage, writing skills whether you are writing a report for work, or an email to your bank company, helping you to write well and choose the right words. The site provides dictionary lookup, thesaurus, millions of examples of real world usage, audio pronunciations, and linked modules on grammar, style, and usage; specialist guides for legal and technical writing. For all your everyday current English language needs, whether you are a student, teacher, business person, writer, linguist, academic or non-native speaker. There are World/British English and US English versions of the site. The site is updated with new words and additional content four times a year.
Oxford Dictionaries Pro The full, latest text of the Oxford Dictionary of English 3/e, New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford Thesaurus of English, and Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus
Why subscribe to Oxford Dictionaries Pro when there are free dictionaries available on the web? Up to date dictionary content based on the largest language research programme in the world – The Oxford English Corpus Smart-linked integrated English language resources with expert guidance on style and usage Oxford – The world’s most trusted dictionaries
Oxford Language Dictionaries OnlineBilingual dictionaries and language learning Audio pronunciations available for British English, American English, and Mexican Spanish, as well as French, German, Italian, Russian and Chinese Usage examples, grammar guidance, verb tables, pronunciation charts, sample letters, CVs, and notes on life and culture Six market leading fully unabridged bilingual dictionaries for native speakers of each language. Each dictionary contains c. 300,000 entries and translations – regularly updated "The most exciting electronic language dictionary service since the debut of the online Oxford English Dictionary" – CHOICE 2009 Information Services Group (ISG) Besterman/McColvin Award
3 reasons to subscribe to Oxford Language Dictionaries Online • Each bi-lingual dictionary is based on Oxford’s market-leading dictionaries written for native speakers of both languages, and each language has two parts, English – other Language and other language – English • Each language offers the largest dictionary available, with around 300,000 entries and translations Wealth of extra features including audio pronunciation for all languages, verb tables, lots of tools and resources on how to write and use your selected language
Research Journeys with OUP XML. A key decision for a digital future • In-depth taxonomic browsing • Searching and linking across products Granularity • Continual up-to-date content Related chapter links • Intellectual linking • Expert author recommendations Deeper, more intellectual
Why XML? eXtensibleMarkup Language This allows for a mix of - automated - hand crafted/intellectual links
Why XML? eXtensibleMarkup Language We aimed to add keywords that would enrich the reader’sexperience and enhance the content – a key concern.
’’…Our job is not to tell people what to think. Our job is to direct people to what we believe is the highest quality content...’’ ’’…We preserve the content and make it available to students and scholars, worldwide and in perpetuity…’’
What is the Oxford Index? The Oxford Index is a free search and discovery tool from Oxford University Press. The Index is designed to help users begin their research journey by providing a single, convenient search portal for trusted scholarship from Oxford and our partners (100+ academic societies, Berg Publishers, Continuum, etc.) and then point them to the most relevant related materials – from journal articles to scholarly monographs. A Search and Discovery Gateway
Oxford Index A Search and Discovery Gateway
Librarian Resource Centre www.oup.com/uk/academic/online/librarians Optimizing your subscription
Any Questions… MarcinDembowski marcin.dembowski@oup.com