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High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the ν 16 Band of 1,3,5-Trioxane. Bradley M. Gibson and Nicole Koeppen Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Benjamin J. McCall Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Motivations
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the ν16 Band of 1,3,5-Trioxane Bradley M. Gibson and Nicole Koeppen Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Benjamin J. McCall Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Motivations • Previous Work • Spectrometer Design • CRDS Overview • Optical Layout • Observed Spectra • Future Work Outline
C3vsymmetry, chair conformation • Only one rotationally-resolved band observed • 220 km/mol band at 1178 cm-1 • Strong band would be useful for characterizing newlydeveloped equipment Why study trioxane? Figure from: M. Kobayashi et al., “Vibrational Spectra of Trioxane and Trioxane-d6” J. Chem. Phys. 44, 922 (1966)
Numerous low-res vibrational spectra, including Kobayashi et al. in 1965 • Microwave spectrum observed by Oka et al. in 1963 • Only one rotationally-resolved spectrum, ν17 by Henninotet al.in 1992 Previous Studies Figure from: J-F. Henninotet al., “The Infrared Spectrum of Trioxane in a Supersonic Slit Jet”. J. Mol. Spect.152, 62 (1992)
How does CRDS work? Laser AOM Power Piezo Time
How does CRDS work? Laser AOM Power Piezo Time
How does CRDS work? Laser AOM Cavity on-resonance Power Piezo Time
How does CRDS work? Laser AOM AOM switched off Power Piezo Time
How does CRDS work? Laser AOM • Cavity enhanced sensitivity • No noise from laser powerfluctuation Power Piezo Time
SO2 Cell Spectrometer Layout Wavemeter AOM EC-QCL Fresnel Rhomb Polarizer Cavity
What do we expect to see? Figure generated using PGopher
Are the spectra reproducible? Peak positions vary by approximately ±150 MHz
What resolution do we need? Simulation convolved with 150 MHz gaussian Figure generated using PGopher
What resolution do we need? Simulated with 30 MHz resolution – resolved! Figure generated using PGopher
Is our locked EC-QCL sufficient? Feature <10 MHz (approx) resolved!
Finish stabilizing EC-QCL • Re-acquire spectrum with better stability • Fit spectrum • New experiments: • Cyanuric Acid • Supercritical Fluid Source What’s next? Wikimedia Commons Figures from:B.M. Gibson et al., “Development of a Sheath-Flow Supercritical Fluid Source for Vaporization of Nonvolatiles at Moderate Temperatures”. 68th ISMS, 2013