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EDUC 275 January 15, 2008

EDUC 275 January 15, 2008.

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EDUC 275 January 15, 2008

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EDUC 275January 15, 2008 • Getting StartedSign in on the back table with your initials. Pick up each of the papers on the front table and make a name tent (name + content area). On the inside of your name tent beside 1/15 rate yourself as a technology expert on a scale of 1-5 (5 being, “IBM wants to hire me”; 1 being, “My skills are limited to typing.”) Write a short reason for your rating. • AGENDA1. TSPA2. Overview of Course3. Syllabus/Schedule4. Assignments for Thursday

  2. Welcome to EDUC275:Integrating Technology for Teaching and Learning Dr. Lisa Johnson

  3. This course is about …NOT …

  4. A framework for thinking about the class …

  5. MATH SCIENCE Assignments focus on … Integrating multiple subjects collaboration assessing student learning technology as a tool for learning

  6. Topics we will cover: • Theories of technology integration • Methods of technology integration • Issues related to technology integration • Project-based Learning • Collaborative Learning • Technology as an Assessment Tool

  7. Technology we will use: • Digital cameras • Digital camcorders • Laptops • Desktops • Internet (WebQuest, podcasting, BLOGs) • MS Office Tools • Digital video editing software • And More….

  8. Technology we will use: • Online components • Course Website • http://coe.winthrop.edu/educ275 • Course Blog (you will be invited within the next week) • http://educ-275.blogspot.com/ • LiveText • http://college.livetext.com

  9. Syllabus Highlights • Assignments • Assignments • Participation • Due at beginning of class ON TIME! • EDUC 275 Website (path to Dr. Johnson’s website) • Research Study • Schedule • Attendance • In-class Behavior • Working in groups • Engage and stay focused • No food or drink • Communication/Listserv

  10. Advice • Check your email daily – BLOG invite coming soon. • Read the assigned readings; use the RoLOs. • Read assignments carefully. • Look at the course schedule each class day. • Be creative. • Have an open mind. • Don’t limit yourself to thinking about what classrooms look like today. • Stay focused in class. • Expand your existing skills – push yourself. • If you are confused or have a problem…ASK.

  11. For Thursday • Activate your webspace (www.birdnest.org) • Read article, “Universal Design for Learning” • Listen to and/or view RoLO #4 • Bring headphones to class on Thursday (and most days thereafter)

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