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UA LID / Surface Water Projects

UA LID / Surface Water Projects. The Paradigm - Water is a Problem, not a Resource. A shift…. Student led rain water harvesting project – AME Building, UA Campus. Highland Parking Garage Multi-purpose Basin / Open Space and Water Harvesting Micro-basins. Highland Ave. Helen Street.

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UA LID / Surface Water Projects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UA LID / Surface Water Projects

  2. The Paradigm - Water is a Problem, not a Resource

  3. A shift…. Student led rain water harvesting project – AME Building, UA Campus

  4. Highland Parking Garage Multi-purpose Basin / Open Space andWater Harvesting Micro-basins Highland Ave. Helen Street Looking West after a monsoon

  5. Rain captured on roof directed to drains Roof runoff directed via pipe to bubbler in lawn (red dot) 1 1 4 4 5 3 3 5 Rain bubbles onto lawn, percolating and watering lawn as it runs toward low point on the west. 2 2 Rain collects in landscaped low end of basin – allows lawn to dry sooner. Area includes large french drain. Overflow pipe for depths greater than 2’-3’ = Water harvesting micro-basin. Flows Highland Parking Garage Multi-purpose Basin / Open Space and Water Harvesting Micro-basins East North West

  6. Prerequisite to creating 100 bathtub sized catchments – create many smaller outlets

  7. UA Visitor Center Landscape Renovation

  8. Lynch Pavilion Water Harvesting Terraces Campbell Ave. University Blvd.

  9. Urban Response – Surface Structures Water collects from roofs and plaza into drain pipes Water bubbles up (red dots) into landscape terrace 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 Water cascades between terraces through weirs, eventually spilling to lawn 2 3 Design Intent Lynch Pavilion Water Harvesting Terraces West North South [SF, volume] [SF, volume] [SF, volume] University Boulevard Status: Experimenting with bubblers to get water to surface. An existing outlet pipe to a storm sewer at the bottom of the bubblers prevents water from reaching the surface. East

  10. Urban Response – Surface Structures

  11. Urban Response – Surface and Subsurface Structures Permeable surface….Impermeable sub-surface?

  12. Urban Response – Surface and Subsurface Structures Structural Soil

  13. Bear Down Field Tank 3. 3 Acre Feet

  14. Sixth Street Residence Halls(currently under construction) Rain water from roof directed into landscape basins Water ponding in basins balanced/metered via connected inlets/outlets Infiltration chambers overflow into perforated pipes buried beneath landscape Overflow for large events Detention bleed-off from Bear Down tank into infiltration chambers Overflow from infiltration tanks, if system becomes fully charged in large events, into basin Final overflow to street

  15. Student Rec Addition

  16. Urban Response – Surface and Subsurface Structures - Tanks CALA ExpansionWater Garden Mountain Ave. Speedway Boulevard

  17. Urban Response – Surface and Subsurface Structures - Tanks Flows 1 1 1 3 5 3 6 4 5 6 4 2 2 Watershed – CALA building addition roof runoff & AC condensate directed to cistern Cistern (blue circle) integrated into 3-story building. Overflows via scupper into pond. Water is used to irrigate landscape using pump. Architecture Building Water Garden Pond – fed by cistern, surface collection. Re-circulates through scupper Supplemental water source for pond – well water flushed as part of normal operation Water collected in sump in basement (red oval) and pumped to bubbler in landscape (green circle) Overflow / outlet for surface flows (blue arrows indicate surface flow directions)

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