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Explore how to develop vocational competencies by integrating design-oriented skills in automotive service. Discover the process of finding learning situations and defining criteria for effective vocational education.
Ralph Dreher Creating Matrices of Learning Situations for action-oriented TVET 4th INAP-Conference 2013, 24th/25th April 2013, Johannisburg
Meaning of „Competence“ in VET • Speaking about „Competence-orientation“ in VET means, • to educate the students to solve real problems of the vocational practice by • reflecting the economic, ecologic and social consequences of their solution. “Vocational work assignments require the ability to incorporate various contextual factors. Besides the functionality of an approach, it needs to be considered whether it is economical, ecological and socially realizable and acceptable. “ (Rauner 2013)
General Consequences for the Didactic of VET • In case that VET will develop competence in the previously stated meaning, • the training must be oriented on real working processes; • which must be adapted in „learning situations“; • to realize a common process of „action oriented learning“.
General Consequences for the Didactic of VET • In case that VET will develop competence in the previously stated meaning,, • the training must be oriented on real working processes; • which must be adapted in „learning situations“; • to realize a common process of „action oriented learning“. Inform Reflect Plan Control Learning – situation (adapted workshop-order) Do
Criteria for the work in the vocational field of „Automotive Service“ • „Design-oriented“ competence in the field of „Automotive Service“ means, • that skilled workers are able to design their work-process to • create effective diagnostic processes; • realize sustainable repair-strategies; • understand the importance of enviroment preservation; • work absolutly under the priority of safety at work; • support networking about diagnostic and repair routines; • discuss with collegues and supervisors in case of unsafe work.
Criteria for the work in the vocational field of „Automotive Service“ • „Design-oriented“ competence in the field of „Automotive Service“ means, • that skilled workers are able to • create effective diagnostic processes; • realize stustainable repair strategies; • understand the importance of enviroment preservation; • work absolutly under the priority of safety at work; • support networking about diagnostic and repair routines; • discuss with collegues and supervisors in case of unsafe work. Main Question: How to find „learning-situations“ as didactical base for competence-oriented vocational education ?
How to find „learning situations“ First step: Finding typical groups of work orders looking to different workshops . Second Step: Analyzing work processes to these orders by documenting them in the process of work and by interviewing the workers. Step 3: Defining „learning situations“ based on these work processes, which are able to develop competencies (including diagnostic process, using information from outside, having a complexitiy for the students– the ultimate solution is not known by the students) .
How can I find „learning situations“? First step: Finding typical groups of work orders by considering different workshops . Fault repair motormanagement (Intake-manifold fuel injection – 36 % in market in 2012) Second Step: Analyzing work processes to these orders by documenting them in the process of work and by interviewing the workers. Sensor-problems, Actuator disabled/broken, broken connection, Lambda-adjustment, Engine-Fuel-Supply, Hydraulic correction of fuel-pressure Third Step: Defining „learning situations“ based on these work processes, which are able to develop competencies (including diagnostic process, using information from outside, having a complexitiy for the students – the ultimate solution is not known by the students) Controlling Sensor-Data with Multimeter/Oscilloscope, Controlling Actors via OBD / actuator test , controlling connection, controlling Lamba-Sensor with Oscilloskope, controlling Engine-Fuel-Supply, controlling fuel pressure regulator and fuel fluid-quantity.
How to find „learning situations“ First step: Finding typical groups of working-orders looking to different workshops . Fault repair motormanagement (Intake-manifold fuel injection – 36 % in market in 2012) Second Step: Analyzing work-processes to this orders by documenting these in the process of work and by interviewing the workers. Sensor-problems, Actuator disabled/broken, broken connection, Lambda-Adjustment, Engine-Fuel-Supply, Hydraulic correction of fuel-pressure Step 3: Defining „learning-situations“ based to this work-processes, which are able to develop competence (including diagnostic process, using informations from outside, having a complexitiy for the student – the full solution is not known by the students) Controlling Sensor-Data with Multimeter/Oscilloscope, Controlling Actors via OBD / actuator test , controlling connection, controlling Lamba-Sensor with Oscilloskope, controlling Engine-Fuel-Supply, controlling fuel pressure regulator and fuel fluid-quantity. • But every student has his own experience, his own kowledge and his own pre-qualification! • To guarantee competence development by solving an unknow task it is necessary to create an internal differentiation of learning situations : • More or less complex; • More or less usage of complicate working tools; • More or less experience / networking with others necessary; • More or less understanding of the technical systems with its functions. • HOW CAN THIS BE REALIZED?
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Normal Level „Car Mechatronic“ Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Support Level „Car Mechatronic“ Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Expert Level „Car Mechatronic“ Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Using Scope Using Scope with trigger) Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Internal Differentiation by using a „Matrix of Learning Situations“ pre- experience Matrix „ Intake manifold fuel injection“ Handling OBD and Failure reset Using Scope Using Scope with trigger) Understanding the technical system Lambda-Control-Loop Using manometer and manufaturer informations Indifferent failure: Less engine-power
Conclusion • A matrixoflearningsituationshelpstooffer an innerdifferentiationof design-orientedcompetencedevelopment. • Usingthematrixasdidacticalinstrument, TVET canofferthestudents an understandingof a complextechnicalsystemortaskstartingfromtheir individual level, becauseeverylearningpaththroughthematrixguaranteesthatthestudents • will understand theprincipleof an intakemanifoldfuelinjection; • must creatediagnosticroutinesusingthequalityfactorsofgood automotive service; • learnto handle multimeter, oscilloscope, OBD-testerbyusingmanufacturerinformationandcomprehendingthenetworkinganddifferentiationofactive/passive sensorsandactuators.
Conclusion • But tocreate such matrix, TVET must learn • toworkwiththemethodsofvocationalscience; • torelatethedifferenceofcomplexityandto understand ; • thetechnicalsystembetweentypicalworktasks in reality; • tosortidentifiedworktasksbytheirimportancefirstandthentoputthem in thematrix.
Thank You for Your Attention! AnyQuestions ? Prof. Dr. Ralph Dreher University of Wuppertal dreher@uni-wuppertal.de www.tvd-edu.com www.tvd-edu.com Starting in June: Prof. Dr. Ralph Dreher University of Siegen ralph.dreher@uni-siegen.de