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EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN GREECE. Panos Fitsilis fitsilis@teilar.gr. Improving Vocational Education through ICT and language Skill Development Study Visit, Granada, 2013. Where are we?. Thessaly Region, Larissa, Greece . Olympus Mountain. TEI of Larissa, Greece .
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN GREECE Panos Fitsilis fitsilis@teilar.gr Improving Vocational Education through ICT and language Skill Development Study Visit, Granada, 2013
Where are we? Thessaly Region, Larissa, Greece Olympus Mountain
TEI of Larissa, Greece In numbers: • TEI/L is the largest higher education academic establishment in Central Greece (more than 15,000 full time students) • Annual enrolment (undergraduate) : approximately 3000 • 200 Full Time Academic Staff360 Part Time Academic Staff ( ≈ 130 equivalent) • 200 Administrative / Technical Staff • TEI Larissa Operates Institutefor Life Long Learning (IDBE)
Department of Project Management, TEI of Larissa, Greece • The Department of Project Management was founded in 2000 • Programme of Studies : • Business orientation / Focus on PM • 8 semester undergraduate course • Interdisciplinary subject and rather unique. • Annual enrolment : 200 students
Education in Greece is compulsory for all children 6-15 years old: Primary Schools (Dimotiko) lasts for six years, and children are admitted at the age of 6. Lower Secondary Schools (Gymnasio) lasts for three years, and children are admitted when they finish Dimotiko. Nursery Schools:The school life of the students, however, can start from the age of 2.5 years (pre-school education) in private and public institutions called nursery classes (PaidikoiStathmi) which operate along with the kindergartens (Nipiagogeia). CompulsoryEducation
Post-CompulsoryEducation Post-compulsory Education, according to the reform of 1997, consists of two school types: • Unified Upper Secondary Schools(EniaiaLykeia) Duration of studies: 3 years • Technical Vocational Educational Schools (TEE) Duration of studies: 2 years (a’ level) or 3 years (b’ level) • Special schools: Along with the mainstream schools of Primary and Secondary Education, Special Nipagogeia, Dimotika, Gymnasia, Lykeia and upper secondary classes are in operation, which admit students with special educational needs. Musical, Ecclesiastical and Physical Education Gymnasia and Lykeia are operating as well.
Post-CompulsoryEducation TechnicalVocationalSchools (TEE) • Providevocational training and education in 14 fieldsfor 42 differentareas of specialisation. • TheMinistry of Education has overallresponsibilityforcoursedevelopment and approval, and also supervises most of theseschools (448 TEE). • Certain TEE are supervisedbytheMinistry of Health and Welfare (49), theMinistry of Agriculture (12) and theMinistry of Development (8). These TEE providevocational training and education in specialisationscorrespondingtotherelativeministries. • There are also 85 private TEE.
Post-CompulsoryEducation • Vocational Training Institutes Post-compulsory Secondary Education also includes the Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), which provide formal but unclassified level of education. These Institutes are not classified as an educational level, because they accept both Gymnasio and Lykeio graduates according to the relevant specialization they provide. • Higher Education Public higher education is divided into - Universities and - Technological Education Institutes (TEI). Students are admitted to these Institutes according to their performance at national level examinations, taking place at the second and third grade of Lykeio. Additionally, students are admitted to the Hellenic Open University upon the completion of the 22 year of age by drawing lots.
Post-CompulsoryEducation • Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) Post-secondary education is provided by Vocational Training Institutes (IEK)which offer formal vocational training and education of unclassified level (neither higher nor university level) in 110 different specialisations in 14 basic occupational sectors. • Vocational training combined with employment • Is provided by 52 Apprenticeship. • Technical Vocational Schools run by the Labour Force Employment Organisation (OAED -Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) for working pupils.
Life Long Learning (LLL) Education Training acquire, improve general & scientific knowledge, skills & competences acquire, update, upgrade vocational knowledge, skills & competences CONTINUING VTraining complements, updates, upgrades knowledge, skills & competences acquired INITIAL VTraining provides basic vocational knowledge, skills & competences
PolicyBodies Education System MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT Initial VTraining Continuing VTraining National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED
National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) • It has derived from the amalgamation of three national bodies, all under the supervision of the same Ministry: • the National Centre for the Accreditation of Lifelong Learning Providers (EKEPIS), • the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP) & • the National Centre for Vocational Guidance (EKEP).
EOPPEP responsibilities • Providers and Educational Framework: • Accreditation/Licensing of Providers of non-formal education (Free Studies Workshops (EES), Private Vocational Training Institutes (ΙΙΕΚ), Vocational Training Centres (ΚΕΚ), Special Centres for vulnerable social groups) • Accreditation of Curricula (in terms of standards and specifications) • National Qualifications Framework (NQF) • Development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) • National Reference Point for ECVET • National Centre for EUROPASS in Greece • Certification of Qualifications: • Development of the National System for the Certification of Qualifications • Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) graduates • Certification of teaching qualification of Trainers for Adults of non-formal education • Vocational Guidance and Counseling • Scientific and technical support of vocational guidance and counseling services • Networking of providers and vocational guidance professionals • Quality Assurance in LLL • Development and implementation of the National Framework for Quality Assurance in LLL (π3) • National Reference Point in EQAVET