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A Transitional Model for the Decentralization of Mid-Level Narcotics Units

A Transitional Model for the Decentralization of Mid-Level Narcotics Units. A Final Exam Project for WPLP. Decentralization of NARCS. What is NARCS? N eighborhood A rea R esponse for C ommunity S ervice Why?. Decentralization of NARCS Current Structure (Before Decentralization) .

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A Transitional Model for the Decentralization of Mid-Level Narcotics Units

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Transitional Modelfor theDecentralizationof Mid-Level Narcotics Units • A Final Exam Project for WPLP Sgt. Ruben Fuentes NARCS Team 1

  2. Decentralization of NARCS • What is NARCS? Neighborhood Area Response for Community Service • Why?

  3. Decentralization of NARCSCurrent Structure(Before Decentralization)

  4. Decentralization of NARCSStructureAfter Decentralization

  5. Decentralization of NARCS Why Decentralization? Chief’s Mandate In Alliance with Community Policing Concept

  6. Decentralization of NARCS What are SRT’s Street Response Teams

  7. Decentralization of NARCSThe Survey Says • I have stress over the upcoming decentralization of NARCS and how it will affect me personally. • No one Disagreed & No one was Undecided • 71% Agreed • 29% Strongly Agreed

  8. Decentralization of NARCSThe Survey Says • I am concerned more about what I don’t know about the decentralization process than what I do know about it. • 6% Disagreed • 6% Undecided • 65% Agreed • 23% Strongly Agreed

  9. Decentralization of NARCSThe Survey Says • I believe that my chain of command (including the Chief) is concerned about me as an individual in this organization. • 41% Disagreed • 41% Undecided • 6% Strongly Disagreed • 12% Agreed (The 2 Sergeants)

  10. Decentralization of NARCSThe Survey Also Asked For Age Breakdowns • 47% Age Thirty Transition • 26.5% Settling Down Stage • 26.5% Mid-Life Transition

  11. Decentralization of NARCS Pro/Con Chart Pro’s • Closer to & more knowledgeable about geographic area they will serve • More in tune with that part of community • Being physically there allows them to partner better with community, SRT’s and patrol officers for Problem Solving

  12. Decentralization of NARCS Pro/Con Chart Con’s Based on a 6 Categories of UKNOWNS

  13. Decentralization of NARCSAction Plan • Share findings with Lt. and recommend meeting involving the Sgts. to formulate plan to get answers to the UNKNOWNS. • Meet with NARCS groups to reiterate purpose of decentralization & explain need for “working together” with SRT’s, patrol & community. Emphasizing the importance of integrating with SRT’s & ensuring them they are still OCD/NARCS

  14. Decentralization of NARCSAction Plan • Solicit NARCS input for integrating with SRT’s to accomplish departmental goals • Encourage NARCS to view being selected for 3rd NARCS Unit as a positive/opportunity. • Formulate a plan that will resolve the issue of handling requests for assistance.

  15. Decentralization of NARCSAction Plan • Encourage Sgts. to demonstrate ethical behavior & reinforce clear guidelines • Monitor stress level to ensure that it does not become dysfunctional to ethical standards. • Have Sgts. reward ethical behavior & deal appropriately with unethical behavior • Recommend that NARCS have liberty to adjust work schedule to correspond with SRT’s schedule.

  16. Decentralization of NARCSAssessing the Outcome • Monitor statistical information on NARCS arrests/seizures. • Re-issuance of survey done for this Model • Survey the SRT’s after integration with NARCS • Are there requests for transfers? Evaluate why. • Monitor for complaints generated by patrol personnel or public sector

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