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Roundtable Discussion on National e-Population Register System Tirana, Albania 8 October 2002

E-Government for Development Programme. Roundtable Discussion on National e-Population Register System Tirana, Albania 8 October 2002. Tirana 8.10.2002 POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS. The Current Situation and Future Trends with specific reference to the case of Finland

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Roundtable Discussion on National e-Population Register System Tirana, Albania 8 October 2002

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  1. E-Government for Development Programme Roundtable Discussion on National e-Population Register System Tirana, Albania 8 October 2002

  2. Tirana 8.10.2002 POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS The Current Situation and Future Trends with specific reference to the case of Finland Olli Nieminen Development Manager / Information Technology Population Register Centre, Finland

  3. POPULATION REGISTER CENTRE • development of the population information system • nationwide information service • register of voters in elections --------------------- • certification authority of citizens’ electronic identity in the public sector • training and guidance of local authorities • public sector directory service (JULHA) • register of guardianship affairs (HOLLE)

  4. THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM Contains information on • citizens and aliens ------------------- • buildings, building projects and residences • real estate units and business premises and their occupants.

  5. INFORMATION SOURCES OF THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM Parishes marriages, namegiving, religious ceremonies Hospitals Health Centres births, deaths Citizens moves Population Information System Population Register Centre Register Offices County Covernments changes in names Courts of Law divorces, custody and paternity cases, adoptions Directorate of Immigration citizenship Real-Estate Authorities real-estate information Building Inspection Authorities information on buildings and flats

  6. DATA UNITS OF THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM AND THEIR CONNECTIONS owns Real Estate Person owns located in lives in Building Building Project located in located in Premises Occupant Residence operates in

  7. Persons THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTAINS INFORMATION ON Persons (7 million) • name and former names • personal identity number • municipality of birth • residence (municipality of residence, address and move) • citizenship • native language • occupation or profession • spouse, children, parents • date of death

  8. Residences THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTAINS INFORMATION ON Residences (2 million) • identification (street address and flat no.) • type of occupancy • floor area • number of rooms and type of kitchen • equipment • purpose of use

  9. Buildings THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTAINS INFORMATION ON Buildings (2,4 million) • location (address, coordinates) • building code owner • year of construction • purpose of use • surface and floor areas • equipment • heating system • connections to various network • building permits granted

  10. Real-Estate THE POPULATION INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTAINS INFORMATION ON Real-Estate units (2,2 million) • real-estate code • owner´s name and address • information on acquisition and title

  11. USERS - service to all society PUBLIC SECTOR • Direct marketing companies • Banks and Insurance companies • Business enterprises PRIVATE SECTOR • The Social Insurance Institution • Statistics Finland • Municipalities • Vehicle Administration Centre • The Central Pension Security Instit • National Land Survey of Finland • National Board of Taxation • Research Institution • Judicial Administration • Police Administration • General Headquarters CITIZENS

  12. DATA SERVICE 1/2 ON-LINE SERVICE • direct-access inquiries • application to application inquiries DATA MAINTENANCE OF CUSTOMER REGISTERS • basic data service • changes in the data • one-time-only updating of • customer registers • continuous updating of customer registers ONE-TIME-ONLY INFORMATION SERVICE • samplings and random samplings • weeding of overlapping information • analyses

  13. TELEPHONE DATA SERVICE address information telephone population information telephone certificate orders by telephone DOCUMENT SERVICES statistics extracts and certificates OTHER SERVICES consulting training DATA SERVICE 2/2 • CERTIFICATE AUTHORITHY • FINish Electronic IDentification • electronic identification card • organisation card • secure e-mail

  14. The Ministry of the Interior Population Register Centre County Governments Register Offices (37+1) THE ORGANIZATION OF POPULATION REGISTRATION IN FINLAND

  15. TOTAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES OF THE POPULATION REGISTER CENTRE 2001 REVENUES from service to public authorities 4,3 from commercial service 4,1 Total (million €) 8,4 EXPENSES Independent exp. of activities of subject to charge 4,7 Exp. Incurred by use, maintance and development 6,4 Other operation expenses 2,3 Total (million €) 13,2 STATE BUDGET ALLOCATION (million €) 4,8The revenues were 2001 63,6 % of the total expenses

  16. DELIVERY OF INFORMATION BY USER-GROUP 2001 Total delivery of information was 200 million of data units.

  17. DATACONTENT - the quality Examples PERSON DATA (high quality) person number 100,0 % native language 99,9 % place of residence 98,6 % BUILDING & DWELLING DATA (useable and useful data) year of construction 95 % type of occupancy(dwelling) 93 % REAL ESTATE DATA (useable and useful data) owner´s name and address 80 % (totally correct)

  18. HISTORY • 1969 – 1979 • building the register • 1980 - 1990 • improving the quality • 1991 - 1999 • dataservice • 2000 • making information society possible

  19. THE FUTURE TRENDS 2000 - • Better Quality • In Information Contents • In Services • In Customer Co-operation • Quality Certificate

  20. THE FUTURE TRENDS 2000 - • Cost Efficiency • Estimation of the Data Contents • Effective Processes

  21. THE FUTURE TRENDS 2000 - • Expanding New Services • In Multi-Channel Format • Internet • mobile phone • Digital-TV • Real Time • Customer Tailored • With Renewed Information Contents

  22. THE FUTURE TRENDS 2000 - • Protection of the Individuals Registered Attention to the Sensitive Data • Religion • Transsexuals • Adoption etc.

  23. THE FUTURE TRENDS 2000 - Better Data Security on Individuals Prohibiting Information Services Advanced Control Procedures Transparency

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