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Anabaptist. Blake, Bridget, Erica. Anabaptist. The catholic church baptized babies and the Anabaptist didn’t think that was right They Believed that babies should not be baptized until they re old enough to make the decision themselves.
Anabaptist Blake, Bridget, Erica
Anabaptist • The catholic church baptized babies and the Anabaptist didn’t think that was right • They Believed that babies should not be baptized until they re old enough to make the decision themselves. • Anabaptist rejected conventional Christian practice such as wearing wedding rings.
The first Anabaptist group as organganized by Conrad Grebel, George Blaurock and Felix Manz in Zollikon, Switzerland in 1527. • They could not be in military or any government service that involved the use of force.
There home base was in Switzerland. • Modern religious groups would be the Amish and the Mennonites. • They waited until they was adults to get baptized.
Current beliefs • infant baptism is false baptism. • Roman catholic church is not the church of Christ • Worshiping god is very important and they are not to introduce new things in worship.
Resources • http://www.anabaptistnetwork.com/node/6 • http://www.gracecentered.com/christian_forums/seventh-day-adventist-forum-%28sda%29/anabaptists-beliefs-and-doctrines-and-their-influence-on-adventist-thought/
Resources • http://www.anabaptistchurch.org/chronicle2.htm • http://www.reformedreader.org/history/anabaptiststory.htm • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://mum6kids.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/amish-mother.gif&imgrefurl=http://mum6kids.wordpress.com/2008/03/04/are-homeschooler-amish/