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Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio Navigating in the New Normal

Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio Navigating in the New Normal. Gerald D. Yoshitomi Ohio Arts Council March 2004. What really counts is what you learn after you know it all . Helen Hayes/John Wooden. What’s the Two Minute Version?.

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Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio Navigating in the New Normal

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  1. Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in OhioNavigating in the New Normal Gerald D. Yoshitomi Ohio Arts Council March 2004

  2. What really counts is what you learn after you know it all. Helen Hayes/John Wooden

  3. What’s the Two Minute Version? • Arts Impact in Ohio: Significant, Multi-Faceted, Interconnected • In a resource scarce environment, we must communicate not just what we do, but the impact on people, their lives & their communities. • Collecting/Disseminating Evidence of Public Value: • New methods from OAC to understand impacts and gather the evidence • We can use evidence to make your own case back home to increase participation and support • OAC will gather & communicate the collective impact

  4. Transactional Model (c. 1974) The Authorizing Environment Foundations Governor/ Legislature Individuals # Events, Orgs & Participants Public Funds Private Funds OAC & Partners

  5. Authorizing Environment Provides Legitimacy & Support Authorizing & Operating Environments Council Members Legislature Special Interests Ohio Citizens for the Arts Parents Taxpayers Ticket Buyers Artists Donors Media # Events, Orgs & Participants Arts Orgs Artists OAC & Partners Ohio Citizens for the Arts Programs Arts Educators Participation Skills Development Operating Environment Orgs & Capacities Marketing

  6. Case Study – Police Corruption in La Paz, BoliviaChanging the Status Quo Citizens, Consumers, Parents, Taxpayers, Merchants Authorizing Environment Evidence for Authorizers Public Value Reduced Taxes Fair Weight/Measures RE-ELECTION! Safe Food for Children Reduce Police Corruption Votes Reduce Police Corruption Mayor & Police Force

  7. Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio -The Strategic Triangle Legislature, Taxpayers, OCA, Businesses, Media Special Interests, Parents, Members, Ticket Buyers, Artists, Donors, Council Members Recognizing Public Value Evidence for Authorizers Legitimacy & Support - Authorizing Environment Personal, Social, &Community Public Value Evidence for Participants Concerts, Exhibitions, Residencies Resources, voluntary time, stewardship, creativity Participation Aspirations for themselves, families, communities, the state OAC & Partners Operating Environment Orgs & Capacities

  8. Behavioral Model of Participation (by McCarthy & Jinnett -RAND) Perception of benefits to be received from participating The Total Participation Experience What happened to me, my relationships with others & my community? Practical Matters Effort vs. Benefits Who am I? Socio- demo-graphic charac-teristics Personality factors Past experience Social/ cultural identity Personal beliefs about arts participation Attitudes toward arts partici-pation Intention/ decision to participate Participation Experience Reaction to Experience Perceptions of social norms toward arts participation

  9. Artistic/Creative Cognitive Development Personally Transformative Healing/Behavioral Therapeutic Reaction to Experience Educational/Cultural Understanding Social Relational Intrinsic Value/ Impact on Participant Social/Family Interaction Economic Impact Short Term Economic Economic Impact Long Term Based on the Classical Music Segmentation Study by Alan Brown & the RAND Benefits Study

  10. Four Dimensional Marketing Functional Social Mental personal transformation, insights about self belonging Spiritual larger system of which we are a part – ideas/values Thomas Gad

  11. Recognizing Public Value Legislature, Taxpayers, OCA, Businesses, Media Special Interests, Parents, Members, Ticket Buyers, Artists, Donors, Council Members Recognizing Public Value Personal, Social, &Community Public Value Evidence for Authorizers Legitimacy & Support - Authorizing Environment Educ/Cultural Understanding Evidence for Participants Artistic/Creative Cognitive Dev Econ-Short Term Social/Family Interaction Resources, voluntary time, stewardship, creativity Healing/Therapeutic Econ-Long Term Participation Aspirations for themselves, families, communities, the state OAC & Partners Operating Environment Orgs & Capacities

  12. Different impacts are important to different groups Artistic/ Creative Healing/ Therapeutic Cognitive Development Inter-Cultural Understanding Social/Family Interaction Economic: Short & Long Term Authorizers Mayors - Livable CommunitiesXXXXX X Chambers - Jobs/Economic DevXXX PTA-Parents-Happy/Healthy KidsXXXXX Faith Based -Strong FamiliesXXXX Tourism Industry – VisitorsXX X Artists XXXXX X Workforce/UnionsXXX X Rural Leaders - AccessXXX People (Me) XXXX X

  13. Toward Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio Surveys: Online, Paper & Interviews Third Party Sources OAC Dissemi-nation Artistic/Creative Recognize & Reinforce Value Orgs & Artists Provide to Participants Cognitive Development Orgs & Artists My favorite arts organization or artist Healing/Behavioral Therapeutic Valuable Arts Participation Experiences Stronger Social Relationships Skilled in increasing participation, recognizing public value & contributing to vital communities Educ/Cultural Understanding Recognize Public Value Provided to Authorizing Environment OAC Economic Impact Short Term Economic Impact Long Term Impact of our Work Gather & Disseminate Evidence

  14. Personal, Social, Relational and Community Value Triangle for Organization or Artist Ohio Arts Council, Local Foundations, Businesses, Media, Parents, Members, Ticket Buyers, Artists, Donors Evidence Recognizing Public Value Legitimacy & Support - Authorizing Environment Stories, Memories Case Studies, Surveys Personal, Social, & Community Public Value Resources, voluntary time, stewardship, creativity How I, my relationships with others, and my community is different Aspirations for themselves, families, communities, the state Participation My Favorite Organization or Artist Operating Environment Orgs & Capacities

  15. Gathering the Evidence/Telling the Story • Direct Participant Surveys: How are you different, how are your relationships with others different, how is our community different? • OAC Survey Instruments: Online, paper, interviews • Common survey instruments for similar organizations? • Third Party Sources • OAC Gathering of existing data: economic development, hate crimes, livability indices • Assistance from universities/research bureaus?

  16. What will the OAC do? • Participation Workshops for arts organizations & artists • Increase Understanding of Public Value in arts and other sectors • Innovative Data Collection and Analysis • Effectively Communicate Results • Improved Grants Application Process

  17. Toward Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio Artistic/Creative Ohio Citizens for the Arts Cognitive Development Vital Ohio Communities Healing/Behavioral Therapeutic Ohio Arts Council Ohio Arts Sector Publicly Valuable Arts Participation Stronger Social Relationships Skilled in increasing participation, recognizing public value & contributing to vital communities Educ/Cultural Understanding Economic Impact Short Term Economic Impact Long Term Other Sectors Mayors, Churches Libraries

  18. Recognizing the Public Value of the Arts in Ohio What personal, relational, social or community value is provided through participation in my organization or with my public works of art? What evidence could I/we collect to demonstrate the value that is created? What key concepts have I learned today that I can use tomorrow? What next steps will I take?

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