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Your Role in the New Normal

Your Role in the New Normal. Increased knowledge and active participation in disaster preparedness and recovery prepare you for the New Normal Baton Rouge, LA May 21, 2013. What is the “New Normal’.

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Your Role in the New Normal

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  1. Your Role in the New Normal Increased knowledge and active participation in disaster preparedness and recovery prepare you for the New Normal Baton Rouge, LA May 21, 2013

  2. What is the “New Normal’ The frequency of High-Impact Low-Probability (HILP) events in the last decade signals the emergence of the ‘new normal’ that impact operations and financials. These events followed in the footsteps of 9/11: Katrina, Macondo Oil Spill and the 3/11 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami and a plethora of Active Shooter catastrophes. Is your facility prepared to deter Active Shooter issues from making headlines?

  3. What is Wrong with this Picture?

  4. Our Core Definitions…… International Facility Management Association Disaster Recovery Institute International Business Continuity Management is defined as a holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience with the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation and value creating activities. Facility Management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality by integrating people, place, processand technology. This is accomplished through Core Competencies. Second Core Competency: Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity.

  5. For the Purposes of this PresentationLet’s “Coin” a New Definition • Integrating Facility Management and BCM disciplines into a mutual and beneficial exchange process will enable the organization to more accurately identify and correct threats to the organization prior to disruptions and better enable continuity of operations without interruptions to enable zero tolerance downtime.

  6. What is our Primary Objective? • The primary objective of Business Continuity Management is to allow the Executive to continue to manage business operations under adverse conditions, by the introduction of appropriate resilience strategies, recovery objectives, business continuity, operational risk management considerations and crisis management plans. • Disaster Recovery Institute International

  7. Questions? Please raise your hand if your company has a Disaster Preparedness/Recovery Plan. Please raise your hand if you participate in the design of that plan. How many times is this plan practiced annually? Who cleans up after the disaster? Answer: Facilities does Night and Day 24/7. What’s wrong with that picture? Emotions are contagious…………

  8. Each Side of the Coin Facility Professionals • Perform Site & Facility Inspections • Perform Safety Inspections • Inspect Preventive Maintenance • Inspect Predictive Maintenance • Inspect Quality of Vendor Services • Inspect Quality of Contractor’s Work • Inspect Functionality of HVAC, Electrical, Mechanical and Technological • Inspect for ADA Compliance • Inspect for OSHA Compliance • Inspect for National & Local Code Compliance BCM Professionals • Perform Risk Evaluation and Control • Perform Threat Assessments • Perform Business Impact Analysis • Prepare Emergency Response & Operations

  9. The Commonalities of Each of Side of the Coin • During site inspections, it’s obvious to BCM Professionals that FMs are actually inspecting for potential disasters: Natural, Manmade and Technological Disasters, and • FMs also perform Preventive and Predictive Maintenance which is Risks Evaluation and Control. • Through these processes of identifying threats and implementing controls, FMs are building a framework of resilience. • But it’s not obvious to FM’s because they have not had the BCM Training. The instinct, experience and control are present but a purpose and plan framework needs to be identified. • It should be equally obvious to Business Continuity Professionals they also are missing a plethora of potential threats. • Financially speaking, if BCM Professionals and FMs are individually inspecting the same sites there is duplication of efforts, airfares, hotel, etc.

  10. Synergize for a New Strategy to Mitigate Potential Loses • Meet onsite for risk-mapping to determine the top ten exposures and threats for natural, manmade and technological impacts and the probability of impact in specific units and site geographies. • Invite vendors, general contractors, inspectors, and consultants to validate and assist to list the prioritization of threat probabilities. • Synergize to determine the most cost effective and beneficial methodology for correction to ensure resilience. • Incorporate the cost and correction methodologies and financial implications for not correcting in your Business Impact Analysis.

  11. How do You Become Part of the C-Suite Conversations? • Bring more to the table rather than basic facility management principles and practices. • Demonstrate to risk, emergency and disaster recovery departments that you have contributing knowledge to identify potential disasters and implement corrections for resiliency. • If upper management advises the company cannot afford the safeguards, provide facts that prove they can ill-afford not to. • Not only will you be contributing to the bottom line, you might be saving it!

  12. Hurricane Preparation / Recovery • Prepare a Shut Down plan to secure the structure(s)6 hours prior to hurricane landfall • Practice the plan! Rehearse the drill! • Secure local and out-of-state vendors • Each region should have an incident commander with satellite surveillance capabilities. • Field territory scout will communicate facility conditions to prioritize re-opening • Dispatch vendors accordingly.

  13. Our Goal “ There is significant value being proactive in risk evaluation and control for disaster preparation, response and recovery. A devastated facility is of no value to anyone except your competition. We own our outcomes. We are in a 24/7 business that requires our being accountable for the knowns and proactive for capturing and preparing for the unknowns. It is our critical function to maintain business continuity, keep the doors open, protect our internal and external customers and to protect the brand image. “ • Proactive Risk Evaluation and Business Continuity • Anthony Pizzitola • Professional Retail Store Maintenance, November 2011 • 713-392-2734

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