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Recognition and enforcement in Romania of foreign judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility. International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - 21st of May – 3rd of June 2012 -.
Recognitionandenforcement in Romania of foreignjudgments in matrimonial mattersandthematters of parental responsibility International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - 21st of May – 3rd of June 2012 - National and European context in juridical sciencesEuropeanization of Romanian legislation Bantaş Teodora-Maria Assistant university lecturer Faculty of Law University of Bucharest
Context of developing Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerningjurisdictionandtherecognitionandenforcement of judgments in matrimonial mattersandmatters of parental responsibility (“Brussels II”) 2. • At EU levelregulatorymeansweresoughttorespondtothedesireto create a spacegovernedbyfreedom, securityandjustice in civil andcommercialmatters. For thispurpose, a sunstantialamount of legal instrumentshavebeenused, throughwhichmost private internationallawregulations are transferedfromthesphere of sovereignty of MemberStates, to European Union institutions
3. • Judicialcooperationaimsatpromotingcompatibilitybetweentherulesapplicable in EUMemberStates in respect of conflictsoflawsandjurisdiction • Harmonization ofapplicablerulesregardingconflicts of lawshas a direct influence on the mutual recognition of judgmentsbetweenMemberStates • In applyingthe same conflict rules for determiningtheapplicablelaw of a particular situationstrengthens mutual confidence in judgmentsgivenbyvariousauthorities of theMemberStates • In this context, Council Regulation No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerningjurisdictionandtherecognitionandenforcement of judgments in matrimonial mattersandandthematters of parental responsibility, wasadopted
4. • The regulationwaspublished in theOfficial Journal of the European Communities No. L 338 of 23 December 2003 • Regulation No. 2201/2003 played a role in repealingRegulation (EC) no. 1347/2000 of 29 May 2000 on jurisdiction, recognitionandenforcement of judgments in matrimonial mattersandmatters of parental responsibility for thechildren of bothspouses • RegulationNo. 2201/2003 becameapplicable on 1 March 2005 in all EU MemberStates,exceptDenmark.
Role of Regulation no. 2201/2003 • Toestablish a single Community set of provisions on private internationallaw, applicabletorequests, appeals, claimsandjudgmentsbased on legal relationswithforeignelements, in theareawhichconstitutestheobject of theregulation • To regulatetheprovisionsapplicableto determine thejurisdiction of thecourtsoftheMemberStatestosettledisputes in matrimonial and parental responsibility • Effectiveinsurance in otherstatesthantheorigin of thedecision, whichinvolvestwoaspects: recognizingthebindingforceofjudgment, admission via an application for recognition, likelytoleadtoacquisition of resjudicata in the State addressedanddeclaration of enforceability in anotherMember State, byacquiringenforceableeffect in that State • It is a helpfulguideandaidgiventoparties, judges, lawyers, notariesand central authoritiesentrustedwithsettlingclaims in matrimonial mattersand parental responsibility. 5.
6. Scope of Regulation no. 2201/2003 The Regulationisapplicable for requestsfiled in civil matters, which concern matrimonial problems or issuesthatchallengethe parental responsibility for children. A. thenotion of matrimonial dispute refersto a litigationconcerning an application for divorce, legal separation or theannulment of marriage.
B. mattersconcerningtheattribution, exercise, delegation, restriction or termination of parental responsibility, come withinthescope of theregulationandregard, in particular, thefollowing: • custodyandrights of accesstothe child • guardianship, curatorshipand similar institutions • thedesignationandfunctions of anyperson or body havingcharge of thechild'sperson or property, representingorassistingthechild • theplacement of thechild in a fosterfamily or in institutional care • measures for theprotection of thechildrelatingtotheadministration, conservation or disposal of thechild'sproperty. In thiscategory of applications or decisions, wecan include matterspertainingtothe appointmentandpowersconferred on thepersonresponsible for administration of the measures to betakento conserve or proper administrate of propertyofthechild. 7.
Issuesexcludedfromthescope of RegulationNo. 2201/2003 • Although in relationtotheperson of thechild, thefollowingaspects, in particular, willnotbeconsidered as part of thescopeofthisRegulation: • public law provisions regardingeducationandhealth • the establishment or contesting of a parent-childrelationship • decisions on adoption, measurespreparatorytoadoption, or theannulmentorrevocation of adoption • thenameandforenames of thechild • maintenanceobligations • trusts or succession regarding the child • criminal offensescommittedbychildren. 8.
9. Effects produced by foreign judgments Regulation no. 2201/2003 isan expression of theprincipleoffreemovementofjudgments. Thisprincipleenablesdecisionsrenderedby competent courts of MemberStatesto produce effectsoutsidethatterritory in anyotherMember State. The effects of foreignjudgmentsregardthefollowing: 1.thepossibility for theinterested party toobtaintherecognition of the respective judgment 2.thepossibilitytoenforcedecisions in another state thantheirown.
10. 1. Recognition of foreign judgments in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility Relevant provisions: Articles 21-27 of theRegulation. Main rule: article 21 (1) – judgmentsgiven in an EU Member State are recognized in otherMemberStateswithouttheneed for a special procedure.Regulation no. 2201/2003 establishestheprinciple of mutual recognitionbetweenMemberStates, of judgments in matrimonial mattersandthematter of parental responsibility. Condition: thatneither of thegrounds for refusal of recognition, as providedbyarticle 22 and 23 of theRegulation, isapplicable. Substantialjurisdiction: applicationsregardingtherecognition of foreignjudgments, willbebroughtbeforethe tribunal.
11. • Personsfilingtherequest for recognition: therequestforrecognitionmaybefiledbyanypersonconcerned - article 21 (3). • For example: • theex-spuoserequesting for an update of thealimony for whichtheotherformerspouseisobligated, willhave an interesttorely on thejudgment of divorcepronouncedbythecourtsofanotherMember State • theholder of the parental responsibilityisinterested in invokingthejudgmentthatentrustedthechild for care andeducation, in ordertoobtainrestitution of thechildunlawfullydetainedbytheotherformerspouse
12. Annexestotherequest for recognition (articles 37 and 39): a copy of thejudgmentwhichmeetsthe legal requirements for establishingitsauthenticity a certificate fromthe competent courts of the State of originofthedecision, issued on request of anyinterested party iftheforeignjudgmentwhichformstheobject of therequest for recognitionwasgiven in default, thereistherequirementtoprovide original or certifiedcopies of the document whichestablishesthatthedefaulting party wasservedwiththe document institutingtheproceedings or with an equivalent document, or any other document indicating that the defendant hasacceptedthejudgmentunequivocally, in the manner in which it was made (by default).
13. • The absence of thesedocumentsmayentail: • thegranting of a shorttermbythe competent courtwithinthe state wheretherequest for recognitionisfiled, fortheirproperpresentation • therequest for equivalentdocuments • the total exemption of therequirement, ofthepersonconcerned, whenever it isconsideredthatsufficientinformationhasbeenportrayedsothatthecourtcangive an informeddecision.
14. • Limitationsof the freedomto act of the forum • thecourt competent to solve therequest for recognition of foreignjudgments in matrimonial mattersand parental responsibility, doesnothavetherighttoverifythejurisdiction of thecourt in thehomeMember State • Consequence: thelack of jurisdictionofthecourtthatgavethejudgmentcannotbeinvoked as groundstorefusetherecognition of thesaidforeignjudgment, eventhewayof public policy.
15. • thecourthearingtheapplication for recognition of a foreignjudgment, isabsolutelyforbiddentoreviewthejudgment as toitssubstance. • Consequence: thecourtisnot a superior court, acting as a judicial body, andtherequest for recognitionfiledisnotintended as a means of appeal. The courtonlyrespondstotheadmission or rejection of theeffectsofthejudgmentrenderedabroad, as an expression of theprincipleof mutual recognition of judgmentsbetween EU MemberStates.
A. Grounds for non-recognition of judgments • in matrimonial matters • Relevant provisions: article 23 of Regulation No. 2201/2003 • The courthearing a request for recognition of judgments in matrimonial matters, mayrejecttherequest, provided it findsany of thefollowingimpediments for recognition: • suchrecognitionismanifestlycontrarytothe public policyof theMember State in whichrecognitionissought; • Example: theforeignjudgmentstates in favor of discriminationbetweenthespouses, based on sex. • Consequence: theforeignjudgmentwillberefusedanyeffects in thelexforiMember State. Suchrefusaldoesnotimplythatthejudgmentispreventedfromproducingeffects in itshometerritory or theterritory of anyother state wheretheapplication for recognitionisfiled 16.
17. • if the judgment was given in default of appearance, the respondent was not served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable the respondent to arrange for his or her defence unless it is determined that the respondent has accepted the judgment unequivocally. • The defendant was, therefore, unable to exercise its right to a proper defence. • the judgment is irreconcilable with a judgment given in proceedings between the same parties in the Member State in which recognition is sought • Consequence: the prevention of two decisions concerning divorce, legal separation or marriage annulment, between the same parties, to produce effects, as they may contain conflicting provisions.
18. • the judgment is irreconcilable with an earlier judgment given in another Member State or in a non-Member State between the same parties, provided that the earlier judgment fulfils the conditions necessary for its recognition in the Member State in which recognition is sought
19. • B. Grounds for non-recognition of judgments • in matters of parental responsibility • Relevant provisions: article 24 of Regulation No. 2201/2003 • The competent court refuses the request for recognition, provided it observes any of the following impediments for recognition of a foreign judgment in matters of parental responsibility: • the recognition is manifestly contrary to the public policy of the Member State in which recognition is sought taking into account the best interests of the child; • Example: the foreign judgment states in favor of a discrimination between the child born from a marriage and the child born out of wedlock, or between boys and girls.
the judgment was given, except in case of urgency, without the child having been given an opportunity to be heard, in violation of fundamental principles of procedure of the Member State in which recognition is sought; • the judgment was given in default of appearance if the person in default was not served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable that person to arrange for his or her defence; • on the request of any person claiming that the judgment infringes his or her parental responsibility, if it was given without such person having been given an opportunity to be heard; • the judgment is irreconcilable with a later judgment relating to parental responsibility given in the Member State in which recognition is sought; 20.
21. • the judgment is irreconcilable with a later judgment relating to parental responsibility given in another Member State or in the non-Member State of the habitual residence of the child provided that the later judgment fulfils the conditions necessary for its recognition in the Member State in which recognition is sought. • the procedure laid down in article 56 has not been complied with. • According to this procedure, if the court competent to hear cases relating to parental responsibility, contemplates the placement of a child in institutional care or with a foster family and where such placement is to take place in another Member State, it shall first consult the central authority or other authority having jurisdiction in the latter State where public authority intervention in that Member State is required for domestic cases of child placement. Theresponse of suchauthorityinfluencesthe mere judgmentgivenbythe competent court, in thattheplacement of thechildmayoccurinlyiftherequestedauthorityhasapproved it.
2. Enforcement of foreign judgments in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility Relevant provisions: articles 28 – 36 of Regulation No. 2201/2003. The enforceability of foreignjudgments in matrimonial mattersandmatters of parental responsibility, meansthatsuchjudgmentscanbeenforced in anotherMember State thanthestate of origin. General rule: judgmentsgiven in a Member State, which are enforceable in the state of origin andhavebeencommunicated or notified, are enforced in anotherMember State afterhavingbeendeclaredenforceable at therequest of anyinterested party - article 28. 22.
23. Annexestotherequest for enforceability:documentsmentioned in articles 37 and 39 of theregulation, as presentedbefore. Material andterritorialjurisdiction: the competent court for theexaminationandsettlement of therequest for enforcement of foreignjudgmentisthecourt (tribunal) of the place of performance.
Procedural stepstaken for thesolving of therequest for enforcement: 1. Firstinstance In thisstage of theproceedings, thepersonagainstwhomenforcementissoughthas no righttopresentdefenses, objections or tosubmitcomments on therequest. Equally, childrenreferredto in therequest for enforceability of a judgment on parental responsibility, do nothavethepossibilityto comment on therequest. The courtisprohibitedfromreviewingthejudgment as toitssubstance. 24.
25. • The court exclusivelychecksthefollowing: • iftherequest is filed correctly • the presenting of all necessary documents • the existence or the absence of either of the cases that justify the refusal of the request for enforceability, as regulated by articles 22, 23 and 24 (applied, by analogy, from the matter of recognition of foreign judgments ). • The first instance phase ends with the court’s decision to accept or reject the request for enforcement, which will be immediately notified to the applicant.
26. 2. Appeal (recurs) The decision on theapplication for a declaration of enforceabilityoftheforeignjudgment in matrimonial matters or matters of parental responsibility, maybeappealedagainstbyeither party. Material jurisdiction: Court of Appeal (Curtea de apel). The courtsolvestherequest in genuine contradictoryproceedings, summoningthe party againstwhomenforcementissought, iftheappealisbroughtbythepartywhichsoughttheenforceability. In this procedural stage, interestedpartiesmaysubmitcommentsanddefenseagainsttherequest for enforceability.
27. • Deadlines for filing an appeal: • general term - onemonthfromthenotification of thedecision • exceptionally, ifthe party againstwhomenforcementissoughtishabituallyresident in anotherMember State thanthestatewherethejudgmenthasbeendeclaredenforceable, thedeadline for filingtheappealistwomonthsfromthe date whensuchdecisionisnotifiedtothe respective party. • 3. Appeal for annulment (contestatie in anulare) • An appeal for annulmentislodgedwiththecourtwhosedecisionisappealed, whichisthethecourtwhosedecisionremained final andthereconsideration of whichisbeingrequested