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Quick Guide To Git & Wiki

Quick Guide To Git & Wiki. Why We Need Version Control. Group projects Prevents loss of code when trying to merge versions Allows Individual projects Create a branch during debugging to keep track of changes and avoid accidental introduction of errors

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Quick Guide To Git & Wiki

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quick Guide To Git & Wiki

  2. Why We Need Version Control • Group projects • Prevents loss of code when trying to merge versions • Allows • Individual projects • Create a branch during debugging to keep track of changes and avoid accidental introduction of errors • Defines a central version of the code when working in multiple locations

  3. Installing it on your Mac • If you have Snow Leopard or Lion (10.6 or newer): • http://git-scm.com/ • If you have Mac OS 10.5 or older: • http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/detail?name=git- • Check your hardware: second link requires 64-bit chip

  4. How the Git Server Works Initialize Main Branch Commit Clone Stage Working Directory A Edit

  5. How the Git Server Works Initialize Main Branch Commit Clone Commit Error: Version Conflict Stage Working Directory A Edit Pull Stage Stage Merge Clone Working Directory B Edit

  6. Initializing a Git Repository • Init • Creates a /.git object in the current directory • To create a shared git • git init –shared foo.git • chgrp –R groupnamefoo.git • Add • This does not commit the files to the git, just adds files to the list of tracked objects • Standard Linux trick apply, e.g. git add *.py will add all Python files in the current directory • Push • Used to import an old repository into a new one

  7. Global Configuration Steps • Set your name and email for the tracking logs: • gitconfig –global user.name “Your Name” • gitconfig –global user.emailyou@example.com

  8. Getting Code from the Git Repo • Clone: git clone ssh://user@server:project.git • Unlike “checkout” used by other programs, creates a complete duplicate of the code • Easier for multiple people to work on the same file simultaneously • Pull • Allows you to look at someone else’s code without committing changes to the central version • For multiple users, copies any commits that have been made since you last cloned to your clone before you can merge back to the main branch EXAMPLE: git clone ssh://titicaca.engin.umich.edu/home/code/GAS.git

  9. Making Changes in the Git • Status • Checking which files have been modified/added • Identifies what’s been modified and staged • Staging • Branching • Creates new branch, great for debugging

  10. Committing to Change • Commiting • Initial commit defines the main branch of the code • git commit –a both adds and commits a file to the main branch • Later commits merge changes from branches into the main code • Must include a commit message!

  11. Getting Help for Git • http://ftp.newartisans.com/pub/git.from.bottom.up.pdf • http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html • http://git-scm.com/documentation

  12. Graphical Interfaces • http://git-cola.github.com/ • http://sourceforge.net/projects/qgit/ • More comprehensive list: https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/InterfacesFrontendsAndTools#Web_Interface

  13. Wiki 101 • Create an account • Have Katie or Mike log in as WikiSysop • Go to http://titicaca.engin.umich.edu/mediawiki/index.php/Special:UserLogin Click this Change this Fill out the form • You will get an error about the email address: still working out why, but your account will be set up!

  14. Navigating Wiki Editing • To create a header: ==Header Text== • More ‘=‘ demotes the heading in the outline (e.g., Section 3 to Section 2.1) • Formatting basics: • ‘’italic’’ • ‘’’bold’’’ • ‘’’’bold & italic’’’’ • <strike> text </strike> • <nowiki> ignores wiki ‘’markup’’ </nowiki> • * bullet • ** indented bullet • HTML symbols • Still sorting out math libraries http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting

  15. Creating New Pages/ Linking • To create a new page in the Wiki, you have to create a link to it from somewhere else • Links are formatted as: • [http://example.org/index.php DISPLAY TEXT]

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