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LONDON II. Buckingham Palace. This palace is the home of the Queen . When Her Majesty is in the P alace , the Royal Standard is flown . The Guard changes at the gates in front of the Palace every morning at 11.30 am. No.10.Downing Street.

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  2. Buckingham Palace ThispalaceisthehomeoftheQueen. When Her Majestyis in thePalace, theRoyal Standard isflown. TheGuardchangesatthegates in front ofthePalaceeverymorningat 11.30 am.

  3. No.10.Downing Street • Thisistheofficial residence ofthe Prime Minister.

  4. House ofParliament and Big Ben • Thisbulidingwhichstands on the bank oftheThamesisthe House ofLords and the House ofCommons. WhenParliamentissitting a Union Jack flies on the Tower. Big Ben isthe bell in theclocktower. Big Ben was a nicknameofministernamed Benjamin Hallwhowas very tall man.

  5. The Tower of London • Itwas a royalpalace and thenprison. Many famouspeoplewasarrestedthere.

  6. WestminsterAbbey • Thisisoneoftheoldestchurch and building in London. Royalwedings také place here and English king and queenshavebeencrownedhere.

  7. Tower Bridge • ThisbridgewhichcrossestheThames has twotowers. Thebridgecanberaised to let big shipspassthrough.

  8. PicadillyCircus • Thisisthecircle square in the centre of London. There are many theatres, cinemas and restaurants. A statueofErosstands in themiddleofthis place.

  9. Trafalgar Square • Thisisthe square wherehighstatueof Lord Nelson stands. Lord Nelson foughtagainst Napoleon.

  10. Hyde Park • Thisthe most famous London park. Everybodycan go thereeverySunday, stand on a box and sayanythingwhat he orshewants, evenifitthisopinioncan´tbenormallysaid.

  11. St Paul´sCathedral • Thiscathedralwasbuilt in 1710 by Sir Christopher Wren. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencerweremarriedhere.

  12. Greenwich • ThisistheOldRoyalObservatory. The Greenwich MeridiangoesthroughObservatory. TimeallovertheworldismeasuredfromthisObservatory.

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