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Primary 6 Science. Electricity: Conductors & Non-Conductors. Hands-on activities without ICT.
Primary 6 Science Electricity: Conductors & Non-Conductors
Hands-on activities without ICT • The hands-on activities for this topic, would require the teacher to provide pupils with equipments, such as circuit board, cells, bulbs, wires as well as conductor and non-conductor materials like glass rod, copper wire, paper clip, coins, rubber band, pencil lead etc. • The pupils are divided into groups of four and are distributed with a set of materials mentioned above. Before this activity, the teacher needs to give instruction and explanation about what they are going to do. Safety precautions will also be discussed before the start of the activity.
Pupils will test the items given whether they are conductors or non-conductors with the help of the circuit board. During the experiment, each group will be given a piece of paper that will be used to record all the observational results during the experiments • Example: Pupils will classify the items into the following the table.
Minds-on activities without ICT • Pupils are given worksheet containing questions that test for their knowledge and understanding on the experiment they just carried out. This worksheet could also be given at the end of the experiment. • The following is an example of the worksheet:
Using Interactive Hypermedia(recommended!) Other Hands-on activities with ICT
What is Blobz? The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits is an interactive learning tool to support Units 4F and 6G of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 Science -- namely "Circuits and Conductors" and "Changing Circuits" respectively. Blobz is also relevant to be used for the Upper Primary Science, particularly for Primary 6 pupils. The site is designed to be tactile and 'hands on', (using technologies such as drag and drop) in order to make this as rich a learning experience as possible.
Hands-on activities with ICT • This is another online resource that can be used for topic electrical conductors and insulators http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/circuits_conductors.shtml
Minds-on activities with ICT • The teacher could use a website for example http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/schools/ks2bitesize/science/quizengine?quiz=s05_circuitsandconductors_quiz&templateStyle=science_mto have a quiz with the whole class. In this activity, the teacher would be using the interactive whiteboard to display the online quiz to the whole class and the activity would be again done in groups.