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Gweithdy Cynhadledd Autism Cymru: Autism Cymru Workshop: 2008. Cynhwysiant yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar Inclusion in the Early Years. Overview:- What is Inclusion Legislation Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin Referral Schemes Joint Training Project with Autism Cymru. Close session. Trosolwg:-
Gweithdy Cynhadledd Autism Cymru:Autism Cymru Workshop: 2008. Cynhwysiant yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar Inclusion in the Early Years
Overview:- • What is Inclusion • Legislation • Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin • Referral Schemes • Joint Training Project with Autism Cymru. • Close session
Trosolwg:- • Beth yw Cynhwysiant? • Deddfwriaeth. • Safbwynt +Rôl Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin. • Cynlluniau Cyfeirio • Prosiect Hyfforddiant ar y cyd gydag Autism Cymru/Plant Mewn Angen. • Cloi’r sesiwn.
Saith Amcan Allweddol Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc Sicrhau bod bob plentyn yn cael : • dechrau da • y cyfle i fanteisio ar amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd i gael addysg a hyfforddiant ,ac i ddysgu. • iechyd corfforol a meddyliol,cymdeithasol ac emosiynol gorau posib. • cyfle i fanteisio ar weithgareddau chwarae,gweithgareddau hamdden a gweithgareddau diwylliannol,ynghyd a gweithgareddau ym maes chwaraeon. • gwrandawiad ac yn cael eu trin a pharch,a bod eu hil a’u hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol yn cael eu cydnabod. • cartref diogel a chymuned sy’n cefnogi eu lles corfforol ac emosiynol. • dihangfa o dlodi ag anfantais.
The Assembly Government’s Seven key aims for children and young people. Ensuring every child has : • A good start. • An opportunity to take advantage of experiences for education, instruction and to learn. • The best possible physical, mental, social and emotional health. • Opportunities to engage in play, leisure and cultural activities. • The right to be listened to and treated with respect acknowledging their individual culture.. • A safe home and community which supports their physical and emotional well being. • The opportunity to escape from poverty and disadvantage.
Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar sail Anabledd 2002 Mae’r Ddeddf hon yn mynnu na ddylid trin plentyn anabl yn ‘llai ffafriol’ ac y dylid gwneud ‘addasiadau rhesymol’. Yn ymarferol mae hyn yn golygu: • Dileu gwahaniaethu ac aflonyddu a hyrwyddo agweddau cadarnhaol • Hyrwyddo cyfleoedd cyfartal • Ei gwneud yn haws dilyn y cwricwlwm • Gwneud gwelliannau ffisegol • Darparu gwybodaeth mewn gwahanol fformatiau • Cymryd camau penodol ar gyfer plant nad Cymraeg na Saesneg yw eu hiaith gyntaf • Sicrhau bod plant yn cael deunydd sy’n briodol i’w gallu
The Disability Discrimination Act 2002 This DDA Act requires settings/schools not to treat a disabled child ‘less favourably’ and to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ In practice this means to: • Eliminate discrimination and harassment and promote positive attitudes • Promote equal opportunities • Improve access to the curriculum • Make physical improvements • Provide information in a range of formats • Take specific action for children whose first language is neither English nor Welsh • Ensure that children are provided with material that is appropriate to their ability
Cod Ymarfer AAA Cymru 2002: Mae’n ofynnol i leoliadau pob ysgol/Blynyddoedd Cynnar: • Feddu ar Bolisi AAA neu Gynhwysiant • Penodi Cydgysylltydd Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig i fod yn gyfrifol am blant ag anghenion addysgol arbennig.
The SEN Code of Practice for Wales 2002 All Schools/Early Years settings are required to: • Have an SEN or Inclusion Policy • Appoint a named Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) to have overall responsibility for the children with special education needs
Safbwynt Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin: • Ein nod yw rhoi cyfle i bob plentyn fanteisio ar addysg feithrin Gymraeg, waeth beth fo'i angen, ac 'rydym yn ymrwymo i roi sylw dyladwy i bob plentyn ag anghenion ychwanegol. • Rydym yn cydweithio â'r Cynllun Cyfeirio lleol ac asiantaethau eraill er mwyn sicrhau bod cymorth a chefnogaeth ar gael i'r plentyn a'i deulu. • Rydym yn cydnabod bod anghenion y plentyn yn newid ac yn datblygu'n barhaus, ac yn ymrwymo i sicrhau bod ein darpariaeth yn cyfarfod â'i anghenion. • Parchwn yr egwyddor o gyfrinachedd ym mhob agwedd o faes anghenion arbennig. • Mae un aelod o'r staff yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod y cylch yn gofalu am anghenion y plant hyn, a bydd ar gael i drafod â rhieni os bydd angen.
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin • Our aim is to give all children an opportunity to benefit from Welsh medium education, whatever their needs, and we are committed to giving due attention to every child with additional needs. • We co-operate with the local Referral Scheme and other agencies in order to ensure that help and support is available for the child and family. • We recognise that a child's needs change and develop continually, and are committed to ensuring that our provision meets his needs. • We respect the principle of confidentiality in all aspects of the field of special needs. • One member of staff is responsible for ensuring that the cylch cares for the needs of these children and is available for discussions with parents if necessary.
‘’Every child has the right to the best possible start in life. When a child has special needs, it is vital that these needs are correctly identified as early as possible. It is equally important that effective early intervention is available for the child, together with emotional and practical support for the parents’’(Welsh Assembly Government:2004)
‘Mae gan bob plentyn yr hawl i’r cychwyn gorau posibl mewn bywyd. Pan fo gan blentyn anghenion arbennig, mae’n hanfodol bod yr anghenion hynny yn cael eu hadnabod yn gywir mor gynnar â phosibl. Mae’r un mor bwysig fod ymyrraeth effeithiol cynnar ar gael i’r plentyn ynghyd â chefnogaeth emosiynol ac ymarferol i’r rhieni’ (Llywodraeth y Cynulliad 2004).
Hanes y Prosiect-Autism Cymru/Plant Mewn Angen. Joint Project with Autism Cymru/Children in Need.