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Importance of Charm Semileptonic Decays. |V CKM | 2. |f(q 2 )| 2. l. l. B. B. n. n. p. p. V ub. b. Assuming theoretical form factors V cs and V cd. 1. Assuming V cs and V cd known, we can check theoretical calculations of the form factors. 2.
Importance ofCharm Semileptonic Decays |VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 l l B B n n p p Vub b Assuming theoretical form factors Vcs and Vcd 1 Assuming Vcs and Vcd known, we can check theoretical calculations of the form factors 2 Potentially useful input to Vub from exclusive B semileptonic decays 3 (summer 2008) 11- 17% e.g. HPQCD &FNAL Related at same invariant 4 velocity HQS D
Form factor measures probability hadron will be formed S/N ~40/1 S/N ~300/1 FNAL-MILC-HPQCD PRL 94, 011601 (2005), and arXiv:0906.2498 [hep-lat]. • Binned likelihood fits to U distributions are performed in each q2 bin and each tag mode Modified pole model used for comparison Shape: experiments compatible with LQCD. Normalization: experiments (1.2% for K-eν and 2.0% for π-eν) consistent with LQCD (10%). LQCD precision lags arXiv:0906.2983 (accepted PRD Jul 22 2009)
arXiv:0906.2983 (accepted PRD Jul 22 2009) |Vcs| & |Vcd| Results CLEO-c: the most precise direct determination of Vcs * CLEO-c: νN remains most precise determination (for now) Fits use Becher-Hill z-expansion * PDG2000
arXiv:0906.2983 (accepted PRD Jul 22 2009) |Vcs| & |Vcd| Results THEORY UNCERTAINITY REMOVED CLEO-c: the most precise direct determination of Vcs * CLEO-c: νN remains most precise determination (for now) LQCD form factors with improved precision are eagerly awaited * PDG2000
Unitarity Test: Compatibility of charm & beauty sectors of CKM matrix? CLEO-c full data set + 3-4% theory uncertainties CLEO-c Now arXiv:0906.2983 (accepted PRD Jul 22 2009) + D semileptonic decays with comparable theory and experimental uncertainty may lead to interesting competition between direct and indirect constraints We eagerly await new precise lattice calculations Plots by Sebastien Descortes-Genon & Ian Shipsey See also talk by Descotres-Genon at joint BABAR-Belle-BESIII-CLEO-c Workshop 11/07, Beijing
Form Factors in D → ρeν Interest: 1st measurement of FF in Cabibbo suppressed charm P V decays + cos q2 Grinstein & Pirjol [hep-ph/0404250] D+ 281pb-1 cos e Line is projection for fitted RV, R2 D0 B(D0 -e+)= (1.560.160.09)10-3 B(D+ 0e+)= (2.320.200.12) 10-3 Isospin average: G(D0 r-e+n) = (0.410.030.02)10-2 ps-1 Fixed background shape and signal tails from MC 281pb-1 Simultaneous fit to D+ 0e , D0 -e Rv = 1.40 0.25 0.03 R2 = 0.57 0.18 0.06 PRELIMINARY Update to full data set soon
S/N ~40/1 S/N ~300/1
FNAL-MILC-HPQCD PRL 94, 011601 (2005), and arXiv:0906.2498 [hep-lat]. Modified pole model used for comparison
* Fits use Becher-Hill z-expansion * PDG2000
CLEO-c full data set + 3-4% theory uncertainties CLEO-c Now arXiv:0906.2983 (accepted PRD Jul 22 2009) These plots were made by Sebastien Descortes-Genon and Ian Shipsey. In this |Vcs| vs. |Vcd| 2D plane, light blue shows the 95% C.L. limit set by indirect determinations from Kaon and neutrino experiments. Green shows the limit set by indirect determinations from B physics. The yellow area is obtained by combining the indirect determinations. The cross shows the central values determined using the CLEO-c full dataset, with the orange ellipse showing the current 95% C.L. limit set by CLEO-c and red ellipse showing the limit if theory uncertainties can be reduced to 3-4%. The CLEO-c analysis is a direct determination. + Plots by Sebastien Descortes-Genon & Ian Shipsey See also talk by Descotres-Genon at joint BABAR-Belle-BESIII-CLEO-c Workshop 11/07, Beijing
D+ 281pb-1 D0 Fixed background shape and signal tails from MC 281pb-1
cos q2 cos e Line is projection for fitted RV, R2