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A Unit on Time. Universal Design for Learning Technology Integration Plan Johns Hopkins University Laura Moss Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Introduction: Lesson Content. Many basic to advanced concepts will be covered based on the concept of time
A Unit on Time Universal Design for Learning Technology Integration Plan Johns Hopkins University Laura Moss Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Introduction: Lesson Content • Many basic to advanced concepts will be covered based on the concept of time • Direct instruction and practice will take place on the following concepts: • The clock is a circle. • There are hands on a clock (parts of the clock) • Review, count, and identify numbers 1 - 12 • Identify the phrase “o’clock” • What is the clock used for? • Identify an hour as a measurement of time • Tell time to the hour • Lessons and materials are based State Standards, classroom routines, and on student IEP goals and objectives.
Class Profile • 6 students with varying disabilities: • MR, Autism, Cerebral Palsy • 1 teacher, 2 assistants, 1 full time nurse • Most restrictive environment (Marley Glen Special School) • Students range from 5th - 9th Grade.
Standards Standard 3.0 Knowledge of Measurement: Students will identify attributes, units, or systems of measurements or apply a variety of techniques, formulas, tools or technology for determining measurements. Grade 5: Students will identify attributes, units, or systems of measurements or apply a variety of techniques, formulas, tools or technology for determining measurements. 6.0 Students will demonstrate effective listening to learn, process, and analyze information. Click here for Maryland Voluntary Curriculum Standards
Indicators Indicators 3.0 Students will: Tell time in intervals of hours and half-hours using an analog clock Grade 5 • INDICATOR Calculate equivalent measurements • OBJECTIVES • Determine start, elapsed, and end time • Assessment limit: Use the nearest minute • Determine equivalent units of measurement • Assessment limit: Use seconds, minutes, and hours or pints, quarts, and gallons • 6.0 Listening 1. Demonstrate active listening strategies a. Attend to the speaker b. Ask appropriate questions c. Contribute relevant comments d. Relate prior knowledge
Routines • Set-up learning environment with accommodations/modifications always in mind • Review outcomes in ‘kid-friendly’ terms at the beginning and end of every lesson • Begin lesson with mini-schedule (What are we doing today?) • Use PCS symbols aligned with individual activities - Velcro the PCS symbols in order on schedule and take off the activity symbol after it has been completed • Review classroom expectations and use behavior protocols consistently • Reinforce behavior throughout lesson with PCS symbols taped to table/desk • Provide sensory/movement breaks as needed
Planning Pyramid • Some students will know: • Time is part of our daily schedule • Telling time to the nearest hour using the term o’clock • Identify that an hour is a measurement of time • Extension activity: Hour is 60 minutes long • Most students will know: • Identify numbers • Identify phrase o’clock • Count from 1 – 12 • Identify numbers 1-3 or 1-5 • All students will know: • The clock is a circle • The clock has hands • Used for telling time
Lesson 1: Parts of a Clock • Lesson Procedure: • Direct Instruction: Introduce the clock - Discuss shape of clock - Discuss parts of the clock. Provide students with the opportunity to touch parts of the clock. Scaffolding will be provided throughout the lesson. • Students make his or her own clock using paper plates. Students will either paste, Velcro, or use magnets to fix on parts of the clock. Keep clocks to be used for the following lessons. • Final step: Review student outcomes and rules. Review mini-schedule. Allow students to check schedules and begin independent work as a break before attending specials. • Materials: • Judy Clock, Talking Clock,Low-Tech Adaptations for Answering (Velcro, Magnet, Answer Chips), Augmentative Communication Devices, Switches, Talking PowerPoint, paper plates, paper parts to clock, fasteners, adapted writing tools, adapted scissors, parts of a clock, smart board, slant boards,
Lesson 2: Numbers 1-12 and the term O’clock • Lesson Procedure: • Direct Instruction: Review prior knowledge and concepts taught on day 1. Provide students with direct instruction on parts of the clock. For students who can be challenged, provide number lines to review numbers 1 -12. Take base-line data on all students’ ability to identify numbers. For some students, numbers 1-3 and 3-5 will be reviewed while other will review numbers 1 – 12. Explain the numbers on the clock and how the numbers are ordered. Provide scaffolding and opportunities for discussion using augmentative communication devices and sign language. Show talking PowerPoint and use Smart board for discussion on number lines and what the numbers mean on the clock/how the clock works. (Multiple Methods of Representation). • Complete a worksheet using a blank clock with hands. Give students the choice to use Velcro numbers onto the clock, writing numbers, or using a cookie sheet with magnetic numbers. Provide some students with a few numbers while other students will have no numbers on their clock. Some students will have lines or boxes to place numbers in or on while other students will not have an outline for numbers at all (Multiple Methods of Engagement). This provides support for representational thinking and differentiation. For students who are not able to step up to this challenge, day 1 activities will continue to be reinforced. Students will also be asked to identify the word o’clock.
Lesson 2: Numbers 1 -12 and the term O'clock • Materials • Talking PowerPoint • Communication Board • Simple voice output devices • Adapted Pencils • Computer Numeration Software • Number line • Smart board • Talking Calculator • Alternative Keyboard • Talking Clock/Watches • Enlarged Clock, Numbers, and Words
Lesson 3: Telling time to the nearest hour • Lesson Procedure: • Direct Instruction: Review prior knowledge. Provide students with an opportunity to see the parts of a clock once again and discuss the shape of the clock. Students working on identifying numbers will continue to work on the number line and will also watch the talking PowerPoint again. Instruct students on how to tell time by the hour given a Judy Clock and a talking PowerPoint on telling time. Students will be instructed on what the hour hand means. For students who are ready to be challenged, the teacher will make a class schedule in order to practice telling time. Routines will be built into the schedule. The Smart board will be provide students with examples of how to tell time to the hour (Multiple Methods of Representation). • Students will continue to represent what they know or understand through a variety of differentiated materials. Clocks, which were hand made, will be used to review concepts taught on day 1 and day 2. Choice will still be given to students in order to use multiple methods of Engagement. Students who are beginning to work on telling time to the hour will be provided with differentiated worksheets with choices (Velcro, write, use magnetic answers) to tell time to the hour (Multiple Methods of Engagement).
Lesson 3 -Telling time to the nearest hour • Materials • Talking PowerPoint • Smart board • Judy Clock • Hand-made Clocks • Computer based software (see resources) • Alternative keyboard • Switch with scanning • Low-tech adaptations for answering (Velcro, magnets, answer chips) • Voice output Clock • Prewritten words/phrases • Adaptive grip pencils • Slant board
Anticipatory Set • After the students finish lunch and enter the classroom, they will be asked to check individual schedules and sit where their schedule card states with needed materials such as communication devices. • Review the mini-schedule for the sequence of activities that will take place. Expectations for the lesson will be reinforced and reviewed before and after each activity. • Student outcomes will also be introduced and the mini-schedule will be reviewed with the students. • Review the mini-schedule and tell children in kid- termswhat activities and concepts will be taught before and after each lesson. • Students will be able to receive a stamp for positive and appropriate behavior, which is outlined as following the classroom expectations and acts as a motivator during all structured activities. • Re-teach the concept before moving onto the next activity. • Use positive reinforcement and high fives throughout the lesson to continue encouragement, success, and motivation.
Multiple Means of Representation • Talking power-points • Parts of an actual clock • Magnetic activities using cookie sheets • Velcro binder books • Cut and paste activities with word banks • Judy clocks • Number lines will be used to represent material in multiple ways • Shape bean bags • Enlarged Blank Clock • Enlarged parts of the clock • Use Smart board to provide instruction with interactive websites • Use sign language and aug. comm. • Low-tech materials including paper clocks • PCS symbols paired with words • Calendar to review concepts of time with PCS symbols
Multiple Means of Engagement • Computer-based activities • Number lines • Talking PowerPoint’s • Smart board • Differentiated clock and worksheets • Assignments will be prepared in advance or students who need the assignment delivered in an alternate delivery mode (ex. Velcro book versus worksheet, Regular clock versus a Talking Clock). • Provide examples for all parts of the lesson to encourage engagement. • Daily Schedules Provided • Screen Magnifiers • Three Group Rotation involves: • Time Activity Lesson 1, 2, or 3 depending on the day - Table 1 • Calendar and Time Review (Morning Business) – Table 2 • Computer Related Activities – Computer station Switch activated activities, website resources (clock and time games), Classroom Suite Activities, Computer Numeration Software, Review Talking PowerPoint’s – Alternative Keyboards, Switch with Scanning, Track Ball if needed, Touch screen.
Multiple Means of Expression • Orally, Using Augmentative Communication Device, Sign Language, or Answer Chips. • Work Samples – Modified Worksheets • Computerized Numeration Software (answers will be printed) • Engage in computer-based interactive websites (see resources) • Build a model of a clock • Velcro or use magnets to express what he or she knows (ex. Velcro numbers for number line) • The use of PCS symbols.
SETT Framework • All technology used in this lesson plan will be selected using the SETT Framework. The teacher and collaborative team will figure out which students need assistive technology before following through with any activity. First, the team will determine what the student’s needs and current abilities are in order for the student to follow through with an activity. The accommodations matrix is a great tool for this part of the SETT framework. The team will have to discuss the learning environment, which relates to the anticipatory set. Tasks involve how activities might be modified for a student. The planning pyramid is a great tool for figuring out the tasks involved in an activity. Differentiation is important in this part of the framework. Lastly, the team will discuss what technology options should be considered for the learning environment. When writing lesson plans, teachers should always discuss the tools available in order to accommodate all methods of representation, engagement, and expression.
Slant Boards Variety of Pencils and Pens with Adaptive Grips Pre-written words/phrases Communication board with pictures/words/objects Talking Clock Simple voice output device Magnifier Schedule Cards Organizer Bins for Cards PCS symbols Mini-Schedules Velcro Binder Jobs Cookie Trays Dry Erase Markers and Boards Judy Clock Modified Worksheets Talking PowerPoint's Computer Interactive Websites and Software Cut and Paste Activities (Make Paper Clock) Paper made Clocks Laminated Clocks for writing parts on clock Fidgets Velcro and Magnet Dots PCS Communication Books Beans or other objects to represent numbers Magnetic Letters and Numbers Low-Tech Kit
Resources • Brain Pop Junior: Parts of a Clock http://www.brainpopjr.com/math/time/partsofaclock/grownups.weml • Book on Judy Clock http://www.schoolspecialtypublishing.com/store/item.aspx?ItemId=2600&DepartmentId=70 - • Telling Time Activities, Materials, Worksheets, and Interactive Activities http://www.fi.edu/time/Journey/JustInTime/contents.html • Telling Time Interactive Practice Clock http://www.time-for-time.com/swf/myclox.swf • Talking Clock, Printable Clocks, Games, Information about Clocks and Time, Worksheets and Lesson Plans http://www.time-for-time.com/talking.htm • Worksheets 1. http://www.senteacher.org/Worksheet/19/Clocks.xhtml 2.http://www.edhelper.com/Time.htm?gclid=CK714r2WpZQCFQKcFQodNFUdtw • Teaching Time Games and Worksheets http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/ • Follow-Up Activity http://www.lessonplanspage.com/MathTellingTimeWithGrouchyLadybug1.htm • How to make a teaching clock using Velcro or magnets http://www.speechteach.co.uk/p_resource/gen_ed/wti_clockface.htm