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Taste of Webb Bridge

Webb Bridge Middle School. Invites You to the. Taste of Webb Bridge. Tuesday, March 12, 2013. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Come  and  enjoy  an  evening  of  fun,  food,  family  and  friends  while . sampling  foods  from  some  of  Alpharetta’s  best  restaurants .

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Taste of Webb Bridge

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  1. WebbBridgeMiddleSchool InvitesYoutothe TasteofWebbBridge Tuesday,March12,2013 5:30p.m.to8:30p.m. Come  and  enjoy  an  evening  of  fun,  food,  family  and  friends  while sampling  foods  from  some  of  Alpharetta’s  best  restaurants. Ticketsare$1each.Vendorscharge1to3tickets forfoodsamples.Drinksare1ticket. FoodticketsmaybeusedfortheCakewalk & Webb Bridge baskets. Pre-purchase separate tickets for the iPad mini drawing by filling out the prize formbyFriday,March8th,andreceivebonustickets. Pre-purchasedticketswillbeavailableat thewill-calltickettableonMarch12th. AdditionalticketswillbesoldattheTasteofWebbBridge. *Allticketsarenonrefundable.* Topre-purchasefoodtickets,fillouttheformbelowandreturnit withpaymentinanenvelopetoyourchild’shomeroomteacher nolaterthanFriday,March8,2013. Student’sName:_______________________________HomeroomTeacher:_______________________ ParentE-mail:________________________________________Grade:__________________________ NumberofFoodTicketsPurchased@$1each:________________Total$Enclosed:________________ Make  checks  payable  to  WBMS  PTA Formoreinformationgotowww.tasteofwebbbridge.comorcontactJeanne Longo atjeanne.longo@comcast.net.

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