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Agree challenging targets Monitor and assess risk Facilitate improvement Address underperformance Tackle failure. Gather and analyse relevant data Engage Parents and Pupils Engage with the community. 4. 1. SUPPORT & CHALLENGE. ESTABLISH DEMAND. REVIEW.
Agree challenging targets • Monitor and assess risk • Facilitate improvement • Address underperformance • Tackle failure • Gather and analyse relevant data • Engage Parents and Pupils • Engage with the community 4 1 SUPPORT & CHALLENGE ESTABLISH DEMAND REVIEW • Support system of self governing schools and diversity of providers • Secure a supply of school places • Support fair access • Facilitate delivery of school services • Develop plans for school places (places; diversity; standards) • Develop plans to facilitate fair school access • Develop plans for provision of school services 3 2 PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION Click on the number to drill down to associated activities Click on the circle to come back to here/ progress around the cycle 1 School commissioning cycle 1
VISION Local authorities championing the needs and wishes of parents and pupils; commissioning a genuine choice of high-quality schools and services which respond to the needs and aspirations of the community ESTABLISH DEMAND PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT & CHALLENGE STAGES 2 1 3 4 COMPONENT Gather and Analyse Data Engage Parents and Pupils Engage with the community Develop plans for school places, estate, standards & diversity Develop plans to facilitate fair school access Support system of self governing schools and diversity of providers Secure a supply of school places Support fair access Facilitate delivery of school services Set challenging targets Monitor and assess risk Facilitate improvement Address under-performance Tackle failure Develop plans for the provision of school services • Determine date set requirements • Gather and analyse data for planning places, diversity, school services and for improving school standards • Identify disengaged parents and children & ensure effective communication channels are in place • Drive up aspirations • Support parents and pupils to articulate needs and wishes • Make sure the system meets the needs of the community • Plan school places: the right number of places in the right area • Plan the school estate: new and existing, and sites for new schools • Plan school standards: increasing good quality school places • Plan school diversity: increase self governing schools with diversity of providers to increase choice • Plan school access: a fair admissions and transport system • Plan services for schools to support the delivery of high standards and the achievement of every child’s potential • Plan services delivered by schools to support all ECM outcomes • Encourage all schools to become self governing • Identify potential partners for new and existing schools • Ensure potential partners have access to support to develop proposals • Hold and judge school competitions • Take decisions about proposals outside competitions • Take decisions about school places in community schools • Negotiate about school places in self-governing schools • Ensure providers have sufficient support to set up new schools • Support parents to make informed decisions about schools • Run admissions and transport systems that increase fair access • Appoint well suited SIPs to each school • Act as a broker between suppliers and schools • Commission services where necessary • Develop challenging but achievable targets • Design, manage and employ systems to diagnose weakness and risk of failure • Monitor school performance • Assess risks • Use SIPs to help schools respond positively to identified risks • Support schools to manage their own data • Ensure effective governance models are in place and governors have skills to challenge and plan for improvement • Publicise school successes • Challenge schools not addressing risks • Identify appropriate intervention • Issue warning notices and use intervention powers • Prepare statement of action • Rapidly use intervention powers • Decommission schools and remove governing bodies • Analyse where LA systems failed • Revise processes ACTIVITY 2 REVIEW & IMPROVE REVIEW & IMPROVE REVIEW & IMPROVE REVIEW & IMPROVE
Establish Demand Gather and Analyse Data • Determine data set requirements • Gather and analyse data for planning places, diversity, services to be delivered by and through schools, and for improving school standards Engage Parents and Pupils • Identify disengaged parents and pupils & ensure effective communication channels are in place • Drive up aspirations • Support parents and pupils to articulate needs and wishes Engage with the community • Make sure the system meets the needs of the community REVIEW & IMPROVE 3
Planning Develop plans for school places, estate, standards and diversity • Plan school places: the right number of places in the right area • Plan the school estate: new and existing, and sites for new schools • Plan school standards: increasing good quality school places • Plan school diversity: self-governing schools, increasingly run by a diverse range of providers Develop plans to facilitate fair school access • Plan school access: a fair admissions and transport system Develop plans for provision of school services • Plan services for schools to support the delivery of high standards and the achievement of every child’s potential • Plan services delivered by schools to support all ECM outcomes REVIEW & IMPROVE 4
Implementation Support system of self governing schools and diversity of providers • Encourage all schools to become self governing • Identify potential partners for new and existing schools • Ensure potential partners have access to support to develop proposals Secure a supply of school places • Hold and judge school competitions • Take decisions about proposals outside competitions • Take decisions about school places in community schools • Negotiate about school places in self-governing schools, and propose changes where necessary • Ensure providers have sufficient support to set up new schools Support fair access • Support parents to make informed decisions about schools • Run admissions and transport systems that increase fair access Facilitate delivery of school services • Appoint well suited SIPs to each school • Act as a broker between suppliers and schools • Commission services where necessary REVIEW & IMPROVE 5
Support and Challenge Monitor and assess risk • Design, manage and employ systems to diagnose weakness and risk of failure • Monitor school performance • Assess risks Facilitate improvement • Use SIPs to help schools respond positively to identified risks • Support schools to manage their own data • Ensure effective governance models are in place and that governors have skills to challenge and plan for improvement • Publicise school success Address underperformance • Challenge schools not addressing risks • Identify appropriate intervention • Issue warning notices and use intervention powers Agree challenging targets • Develop challenging but achievable targets Tackle failure • Prepare statement of action • Rapidly use intervention powers • Decommission schools and remove governing bodies • Analyse where LA and school systems did not identify risks • Revise processes 6 REVIEW & IMPROVE