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Welcome to Sixth Grade!. Avon Grove Intermediate School. HOMEROOM INFORMATION. Calling all Volunteers.
Welcome to Sixth Grade! Avon Grove Intermediate School
Calling all Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering, please provide your information on the chart in front of the room and check off how you wish to volunteer. Remember, you must have all THREE clearances up to date and on file with the main office to volunteer. You can contact Ms. Sandy Poole at the front desk to check on the status of your clearances. • Country Christmas Representative is needed from each homeroom to organize and assemble a basket for our Country Christmas craft fair on December 6th. This involves creating a theme, communicating with parents about the theme and collecting donations as well as putting the basket together and dropping it off at school the night before. Many classes do work in conjunction with another class so there may be working with another parent. • Copy Room Volunteers are needed to help staff and run the AGIS copy room. This involves making and delivering copies to teachers as well as laminating items. You will be trained on how to use the copier and laminator. Times and days are flexible for this volunteer opportunity.
Downstairs schedule 8:10-8:30 Homeroom 8:35 -10:00 Specials 10:05-11:20 Block 1 11:25-12:40 Block 2 (snack) 12:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15-1:45 RTII 1:50-3:10 Block 3 3:15 Dismissal
SPECIALS CYCLES 4 cycles including: • Art • Science Lab (Chemistry Unit) • Technology • Music • Physical Education/ Health (every cycle)
Learning support Teachers • Mrs. Drinker • Mrs. Holden • Miss Hunt • Mrs. Jones • Mrs. Logue • Ms. Salvi • Mrs. Deaner • Ms. Midiri • Mrs. Schoen • Ms. Marriott • Mrs. Basilio
ESL Teachers • Ms. Boone • Mrs. Prinsloo • Mrs. Boyd • Mrs. Olski • Mrs. Manrique
homework • Typically given on a daily basis including Fridays, as determined by the teacher. • Expected to be completed the next school day unless otherwise specified. • Recorded in agenda books. • Please encourage your child to reviewtheir notes and read nightly.
AGENDA books • Excellent Parent/ Teacher communication tool. • Must be carried to each class. • Homework is written down daily in class. • NONE is written if there is no homework. • If a student loses it, it will be their responsibility to replace it. • Responsibility Calendars should be kept with the agenda book.
responsibility calendar • Calendars should be signed with every mark AND every Thursday night unless noted differently • Helps students monitor their personal behaviors and identify traits where there is room for improvement. • Communication tool between teachers, students and parents.
teacher websites • Accessible from AGSD homepage athttp://www.avongrove.org/avongroveintermediateschool_home.aspx • Click on Directory • Type in Teacher’s last name or select 6th grade and hit submit • Please check for AGIS calendar, announcements, assignments, due dates…
Thursday folders • All papers sent home will be in the folder (PTA, AGRA, etc…) • Certain papers only go home with the youngest student at AGI. • Please ask your child to see their folder!
behavior expectations EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN Be Respectful Be Safe Be Responsible Be Fair Do your personal best every day!
Edu-blast • District communication system • Automatically calls home for important information from AGI or the District • Snow Days • Reminders • Emergencies
wellness policy • Full policy is located online at the Avon Grove Website. • For the safety of all students, sixth grade will not have edible birthday treats. • Water bottles are permitted in class. • Please provide a healthy/ appropriate snack for your child. • Keep in mind, all classrooms are nut free.
field trips We are still in the planning stages. As decisions are finalized, you will receive more information. If you’re interested in being a chaperone this year you must have your clearances on file with the office. You will need the following: • A criminal history report from the Pennsylvania State Police (cost $10; turnaround immediate); • An original child abuse history clearance from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare (cost $10; turnaround could be several weeks); • And an FBI criminal history report which requires fingerprinting (cost $28.75; turnaround usually 48 hours).
8th Annual6th Grade Career Day • When: Friday 11/7 from 10-12 • Where: Avon Grove Intermediate School You are invited to help make our Career Day a success! We are looking to expose our 5th and 6th grade students to a wide variety of career choices. Forms are available with the ambassadors located in the front of our school.
Picture Day • Fall Pictures are coming up on September 24. • Forms will go home in Thursday Folders shortly.
q & a General questions? Thank you for coming! We look forward to working with you and your child this year!
Content Science/Social Studies
Social Studies Enduring Understandings • Humans adjust to life based on their physical surroundings and they alter those surroundings to meet their needs and wants. (Geography) • Cooperation and conflict between groups of people have produced change in the world. (History) • There are different levels of government; each has its own responsibilities to work to form a unified government. (Government) • Trade influences economic structure and growth. (Economics)
Social Studies Units • Mesopotamia • Egypt • Greece • Rome • China*
science big ideas • Celestial bodies have patterns of movement based on the force of gravity. • All objects obey universal laws relating force and motion. • Systems interact with one another, have specific needs, and continually adapt and change. • Relationships exist among organisms in different ecosystems. • Composition of Matter
science units • Astronomy • Motion & Design • Populations and Ecosystems • Chemistry (Science Lab Special)
projects • Enhance collaborative skills through multiple group projects • Groups will vary in size • Group members will be changed often • Improve interpersonal skills • Students will be asked to reflect about their level of accountability for each project • Oral presentations work to help develop effective communication skills
Ma and Pa Kettle https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4RHCALYMF70dHYyaDZiUWV1M2s/edit?usp=sharing
mathematics concepts • Emphasis on mathematical reasoning and problem solving • Specifically, students will be able to analyze more, discuss more, evaluate more, justify more and explain their thinking and understanding, especially through writing. • Alternative strategies encouraged and valued. • Actively engaged in modeling, working with materials and with peers to solve mathematical problems
Standards of Mathematical Practice #1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. #4 Model with mathematics. #5 Use appropriate tools strategically. #6 Attend to precision. #7 Look for and make use of structure. #8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
6th Grade Core topics • Module 1: The Number System (computation of decimals and division of fractions) • Module 2: Rational Numbers (understanding positive and negative numbers) • Module 3: Expressions and Equations (evaluating expressions and solving one-step equations) • Module 4: Ratios and Proportional Relationships (understanding ratios and proportions) • Module 5: Geometry (area, surface area and volume w/ and w/out the coordinate plane) • Module 6: Statistics (analyze, construct and interpret data through various types of graphs)
Homework • Typically given on a daily basis as determined by the teacher. • Expected to be completed the next school day unless otherwise specified. • Recorded in assignment books. • Emphasis on showing ALL WORK
map testing MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS • 3 times a year – Fall, Winter, Spring • 50-60 minutes typically (untimed) • Students will set goals for improvement • Tool for teachers to differentiate instruction • More information at www.nwea.org
Think Differently https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4RHCALYMF70NWgza3hwRFViWkk/edit?usp=sharing