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Welcome to Sixth Grade!. Bluejacket-Flint Elementary School 2013-2014 Mrs. Gerfen 993-2043 or bjgerfen@smsd.org. Christi Gerfen. College Experience - Pittsburg State University - Semester in Spain - Ottawa University, KS City Teaching Experience
Welcome to Sixth Grade! Bluejacket-Flint Elementary School 2013-2014 Mrs. Gerfen 993-2043 or bjgerfen@smsd.org
Christi Gerfen College Experience - Pittsburg State University - Semester in Spain - Ottawa University, KS City Teaching Experience - Spanish 4-8th grades at Visitation Catholic School - Student teaching in 2nd grade at Highlands Elementary 6th grade at Highlands - 3rd grade/6th grade at Bluejacket-Flint Elementary
Hobbies and Interests • My family is extremely important to me, therefore, my own children’s hobbies and interests are first on my list. Shawnee Mission NW/Overland Park Soccer Club/Olathe North soccer games take most of my free time in the fall and spring. • I enjoy staying physically active by running, playing sand/and indoor volleyball, and indoor soccer. • I enjoy all kinds of music, concerts, and movies. • I love to travel, and just returned from a road trip to Florida. (Camping on Sanibel Island was fun!)
SPECIALS Monday Art 10:30-11:30 Tuesday P.E. 10:30/Music 11:00 Wednesday Comp. Lab 10:30/P.E. 11:00 Thursday Library 10:30-11:20 Friday Comp. Lab 10:30/Music 11:00 Lunch is from 12:03-12:28 Recess is from 11:30-11:55
Schedule • 8-8:15 Bell Work • 8:15-8:45 Reading Workshop with Mrs. Gerfen • 8:45-9:45 Reading with Mrs. Gerfen • 9:45-10:30 Math with Mrs. Gerfen • 10:30-11:30 Specials and computer lab • 11:30-12:30 Recess then Lunch • 12:30-12:45 Math work time • 12:45-1:35 Science with Mrs. Constance • 1:35-2:25 Social Studies with Ms. Fink • 2:25-3:05 Read Aloud, DEAR time, Study Hall • 3:05-3:10 Dismissal procedures
Band and Strings • Strings class is Mondays and Thursdays from 8:15-8:45. • Band is from 8:15-8:45 on Tuesdays and Fridays • It will be the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work during band or strings. It is also important that the student turns in any work due during the missed class period before going to band or strings.
HOMEWORK • Students will have homework every night. • District guidelines state that homework for 6th grade should take approximately 60 minutes to complete. • Every student learns and works at a different pace. What takes one person 15 minutes could take another person 30 minutes. • Assignments are due at the beginning of each day. • Incomplete – receive a study hall to be served during recess • 1 day late – 10 % off and study hall • 2 days late – receive half of the grade earned • 3 days late –teacher will not ask for the assignment again, and it will remain a zero in the grade book if not turned in by the following Monday. If your student has a pink highlighted circle around an assignment, it has not been turned in. You will see my initials in green when it is in.
Homework continued • Any student choosing to participate in band or strings is responsible for checking with teachers to see what assignments were missed and need to be made up. • In some cases, tests and quizzes missed during this time may need to be made up during recess. • EL students: • Must be responsible for turning in all work due on an EL day the morning BEFORE they leave . • Must also be responsible for making up any tests and quizzes missed on an EL day. • If a student is absent for an entire school day, we recommend the student check Mrs. Constance’sweb backpack for assignments. Parents can then contact the school office (993-2000) to collect all assignments for the day missed. • District policy states that for every one day absent, the student has two days to complete and turn in the missed assignments. • Any assignments missed, for any reason, are to be made up outside of the school day.
No Name Papers • 1st Quarter – • Still graded • 10% off • Put in “no name folder” • After 1st quarter… • Recycled!
GRADING The grades students earn in 6th grade are: A+ = 97-100% A = 94-96% A- = 90-93% B+ = 87-89% B = 84-86% B- = 80-83% C+ = 77-79% C = 74-76% C- = 70-73% D+ = 67-69% D = 64-66% D- = 60-63% F = 59-0%
GRADING Grades are based on the following: 1. Assignments/Tests 2. Homework 3. Projects 4. Work Habits, ability to remain on task, responsibility
General Expectations • In seat when bell rings • Students will put forth their best effort and be kind to others • Come to all classes prepared • Have homework completed daily
Bell work • 5 Math computation problems/5 Math concepts (yellow packet) • Must be completed between 8-8:15 and also be ready for each subject’s class period • Graded daily • If absent, student must make up the bell work for the day missed
READING McGraw-Hill Wondersseries: • Integrates reading and writing • Language skills taught through this program • Spelling included
READING • In addition to comprehension, we will focus on reading fluency which concentrates on speed, accuracy and expression. • Each student needs to read for 20-30 minutes/night. • Accelerated Reader (AR) is an independent individualized reading program designed to increase comprehension. The teacher and student will meet quarterly to set individual goals. Dates will be set for goals to be met and this will be a part of the student’s reading grade.
SPELLING • List words will be sent home on Monday to begin studying. • Spelling homework every night, due the next day • No specific time is given during the school day for spelling homework. • I encourage daily oral studying of spelling words throughout the week. • Spelling tests given on Fridays.
MATH • Taught by Mrs. Gerfen • Homework every day • Students need calculator at school and at home • Tests every Friday (Weekly Review) • Chapter tests every 2-3 weeks (announced in advance so students can prepare) • Important to SHOW WORK • Mastery is important. If students do not master an assignment, quiz or test, they will be asked to “Correct and Return” until the skill is mastered.
SOCIAL STUDIES • Taught by Ms. Fink • Focus on Ancient Civilizations • Nelson-Atkins Museum reinforces social studies curriculum • More information to come regarding Country/Culture Reports
SCIENCE • Taught by Mrs. Constance • Hands-on experiments in class • Grades based on class work, lab sheets, quizzes and tests • More information to come on Science projects (end of first quarter) • Studying for tests is necessary in order to receive a high science grade • Engineering component with NSF fellow this year
HANDWRITING • Cursive should be mastered • Will be required to use cursive for assignments in most subjects
TESTING • Sixth graders will be taking MAP (Measurement of Academic Performance). It will be given in the fall and in the spring. This is a computer-based test. • We will also be giving the Math and Reading sections of the Kansas State Assessment in the spring. Social Studies will be tested in 2014. Common Core-New type of test • We will be preparing for and discussing these tests throughout the year.
CLASSROOM MANAGMENT Students will be expected to follow a set of rules that encourage respect, responsibility, and accountability. Occasionally, a student might engage in a behavior that is disruptive to learning. I will expect students to model correct behavior. Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe; Be Ready to Learn 6 key rules to success 1. Work quietly. Do not disturb others while working. 2. When the teacher is talking, be quiet and listen. 3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. 4. Respect your classmates. Treat them with kindness in your words and actions. 5. Keep your hands, feet, and any other objects to yourself at all times. 6. Always walk quietly in the classroom and in the hallways.
Classroom Management Cont. • Marble Jar (Class reward): When the class does a good job and demonstrates positive behavior, or when the class receives a compliment from another adult, Mrs. Gerfen puts a marble in the marble jar. When the class earns set amounts of marbles, they get to choose a class reward! • Ticket System (Individual reward) • Students receive tickets when they demonstrate SOAR behavior. • On Mondays students will trade tickets for special • passes, ie: lunch with a friend, move seat for • day, etc. • Once students have 10 tickets and trade in for • a special pass, they can put them into the leadership • lottery for a special weekly prize drawing
School-Wide Discipline Policy • Students are to raise hands and ask permission to move about the room or to talk when another person is speaking. • It is expected that all students follow the classroom and school rules. • If a student is having difficulty following a rule, he/she will be asked one time to change the behavior. The only acceptable answer to this request is, “Yes I will,” followed by a good attitude. If the student does not choose to follow the rule respectfully, he/she will be asked to move quietly to the SAFE SEAT. • The SAFE SEAT is not a punishment. It is a seat away from the rest of the class where the student can get back on track and keep from getting into trouble. • In the safe seat, it is expected that the student work silently on class work, fill out a THINK SHEET, and wait for the teacher to process with the student about what happened. • A THINK SHEET is a tool that students use to think about their choice and how they will avoid having the same problem in the future. THINK SHEETS will always be sent home to be signed on the day they are issued. • If the student chooses not to sit quietly and respectfully in the SAFE SEAT, then I will ask the student to walk to our BUDDY ROOM.
School-Wide Discipline Policy contd. • The BUDDY ROOM is a designated place where the student is expected to work silently and respectfully in a seat away from other students. The student will complete class work as well as a THINK SHEET and will not move back to the SAFE SEAT in the classroom until he/she has successfully processed with the teacher. • If the student is not able to make good choices in the BUDDY ROOM, then he or she will move to the RECOVERY ROOM. • Students who do not comply in the RECOVERY ROOM will receive an office referral.
Planners/Progress Reports • Planners should be filled out daily and signed by a parent/guardian each night. • Progress reports will come home weekly, usually on a Friday. They will need to be signed and returned the following school day. • If a progress report is not returned signed, the student will receive study hall to be served that day and will miss recess until turned in. • Progress reports are intended for both the student and parents to make note of any late work, missing work, zeros, and current grades. There should never be any surprises when it comes to grade card time!
VOLUNTEERS • Please sign up tonight if you would like to volunteer in any of the following ways: • Field trips and parties • Bulletin boards, photocopying, etc • “Take home” tasks Sign up is on the back table.
Birthdays and Parties • Treats – simple • Nothing that needs to be cut or poured • Invitations – • Can only be passed out at school if the entire class is invited
Conferences • 1st quarter – October 24 and 25 • Please sign up for a time tonight
Field Trips • KC Symphony/Harvesters • Nelson Atkins Museum • SM North Play • Plaza Tour • Picnic at the Park
Jewelry, make up and cell phones • Keep make up to a minimum, if at all. • Jewelry is a distraction – please discourage from wearing it. • Cell phones may be kept in backpacks turned OFF, however if seen or causes a distraction it will be turned into the office and parents will need to come to get it.
FYI • When your child is absent, please either request homework through the office as early as possible or leave me a voicemail/e-mail allowing me ample time to get it all together. • We do go out for recess all days that the weather permits. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately.
If you can, please do the following before you leave tonight: • Sign up for a conference time (back table) • Sign up to be a classroom volunteer if you would like to help out this year. • Join PTA • Thanks!
THANK YOU! • I am very excited about the opportunity to work with your student this year. I believe that every child has unique gifts that he or she can contribute and I look forward to helping your child meet and exceed their individual goals. • Please feel free to contact me any time with questions, comments or concerns. • bjgerfen@smsd.org or 913-993-2043