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GEOG 357 Quiz 3, Spring 2014 Name : _______________________________

GEOG 357 Quiz 3, Spring 2014 Name : _______________________________. 1. . At which location were Mesoamericans organized into small kingdoms that were perpetually at war with one another? _______________________

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GEOG 357 Quiz 3, Spring 2014 Name : _______________________________

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  1. GEOG 357 Quiz 3, Spring 2014 Name: _______________________________ 1.. At which location were Mesoamericans organized into small kingdoms that were perpetually at war with one another? _______________________ ____2. Concerning “Where Columbus was Coming From” which one of the following statements about Europe from 1450 to 1506 is false? 
a. Until 1492, Muslim North Africans had exerted varying degrees of control in the Iberian Peninsula for more than 600 years b. In the 15th century Europeans used Ptolemy’s Geography to understand the nature of the earth's surface and plan long voyages. c. The Spanish Inquisition forced Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity or leave. d. Most people lived in cities organized into a grid of streets. 8 9 ____3. Which one of the following statements is false? a. Many Maya ruins are considered "pure" archaeological sites.       b. A particular rainy period might have led to the rise of Mayan society. c. Horses allowed Mayans to travel great distances.                         d. Approximately 80% of the Mayan population farmed. ____4. Which one of the following statements is incorrect? a. The encomienda was a grant of land and labor made by the Spanish crown to conquistadors. b. The population of the Caribbean at Contact appears to have been at least 1 million. c. Islands of the Caribbean were connected by a network of maritime trade routes before the arrival of Columbus. d. The peoples of the Caribbean were organized into a monolingual political region before the arrival of Columbus. 10 7

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