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Breaking Bread with the Danielson Teaching Framework

Breaking Bread with the Danielson Teaching Framework. Michael Vespe Instructional Coach CFN 535. Warming Up. How do we define good teaching?. Warming Up. Independently brainstorm ideas, characteristics and attributes for what good teaching is on paper… (5 minutes)

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Breaking Bread with the Danielson Teaching Framework

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  1. Breaking Bread with theDanielson Teaching Framework Michael Vespe Instructional Coach CFN 535

  2. Warming Up • How do we define good teaching?

  3. Warming Up • Independently brainstorm ideas, characteristics and attributes for what good teaching is on paper… (5 minutes) • Meet with a partner (10-15 minutes) • Take turns sharing your answers • Compare and contrast your individual responses • Synthesize your responses to create one consolidated list of the ideas, characteristics and attributes in which you come to a consensuswhat defines good teaching and chart • Then meet with another pair (10-15 minutes) • Take turns sharing your answers • Compare and contrast your pair responses • Synthesize your responses to create one consolidated list of the ideas, characteristics and attributes in which you come to a consensus for what defines good teaching for your group and chart

  4. Reflection • While meeting with your partner and sharing your individual responses for what defines good teaching, what did you notice? Elaborate with examples • While meeting with an additional pair and sharing your partner responses for what defines good teaching, what did you notice? Elaborate with examples • Rate how easy or challenging it was to have to come to a consensus? • Did you always agree? • Sometimes agree? • Never agree? • What ideas, characteristics and attributes were easy to arrive at consensus with in defining good teaching? • What ideas, characteristics and attributes did you have disagreements in discussing to defining good teaching? • Imagine having to meet with another group and coming to a consensus…how challenging would this be? And then an entire school community coming together to come to a consensus for defining good teaching?

  5. Danielson’s Framework for Teaching • Provides a comprehensive framework using a common language for having conversations about teaching and learning—defining teaching on a scale from unsatisfactory to distinguished • Help us to have professional conversations about teaching and learning

  6. Professional Learning Agenda • Warm Up • Overview of the Danielson Teaching Framework • Explore the organization of the Danielson Framework • Element Sort • Unpack the 3 elements for component 3b (Using Questioning and Discussion techniques) and chart “look-fors” • Debrief • Comments • Questions • Concerns • Next steps

  7. Essential Question • How can we use the Danielson Framework for Teaching to have conversations about teaching and learning?

  8. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes 1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources 1e Designing Coherent Instruction 1f Designing Student Assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2b Establishing a Culture for Learning 2c Managing Classroom Procedures 2d Managing Student Behavior 2e Organizing Physical Space Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4a Reflecting on Teaching 4b Maintaining Accurate Records 4c Communicating with Families 4d Participating in a Professional Community 4e Growing and Developing Professionally 4f Showing Professionalism The Framework for Teaching 4 Domains, 22 Components & 76 Elements Domain 3: Instruction 3a Communicating With Students 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c Engaging Students in Learning 3d Using Assessment in Instruction 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

  9. A Common Language for Talking about Domain 3—Instruction • Domain 3 (Instruction) is the the HEART of the framework for teaching • Domain 3 consists of 5 components • Communicating with Students (3a) • Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3b) • Engaging Students in Learning (3c) • Using Assessments in Instruction (3d) • Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (3e)

  10. Professional Learning Activity 2 Diving in to Component 3b with an Element Sort

  11. Diving into 3b—Using Questions and Discussion Techniques • Component 3b Consists of 3 Elements • Quality of Questions • Discussion Techniques • Student Participation

  12. Element Sort—Quality of Questions • Open the envelop for “Quality of Questions” • Read each of the cards • Sort them in order from lowest level of performance to the highest level of performance based on the class that you would like your very own child to attend • Review and discuss the impact of your ordering

  13. Evidence Gathering • Work with your group and brainstorm critical attributes and “look-fors” that would provide evidence that a teacher is proficient or distinguished for this element— Quality of Questions”

  14. Element Sort—Discussion Techniques • Open the envelop for “Discussion Techniques” • Read each of the cards • Sort them in order from lowest level of performance to the highest level of performance based on the class that you would like your very own child to attend • Review and discuss the impact of your ordering

  15. Evidence Gathering • Work with your group and brainstorm critical attributes and “look-fors” that would provide evidence that a teacher is proficient or distinguished for this element— Discussion Techniques”

  16. Element Sort—Student Participation • Open the envelop for “Student Participation” • Read each of the cards • Sort them in order from lowest level of performance to the highest level of performance based on the class that you would like your very own child to attend • Review and discuss the impact of your ordering

  17. Evidence Gathering • Work with your group and brainstorm critical attributes and “look-fors” that would provide evidence that a teacher is proficient or distinguished for this element— Student Participation”

  18. The End…a perfect opportunity for a new beginning!

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