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Student Success & College Interest through Entrepreneurship Education

The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship. Student Success & College Interest through Entrepreneurship Education. AGENDA. Why Entrepreneurship About Me 7 Low-Cost Strategies Elevator Pitch Competition Getting Started. WHY ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

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Student Success & College Interest through Entrepreneurship Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Student Success & College Interestthrough Entrepreneurship Education

  2. AGENDA • Why Entrepreneurship • About Me • 7 Low-Cost Strategies • Elevator Pitch Competition • Getting Started

  3. WHY ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Entrepreneurship can reach all students • Including ones from difficult backgrounds

  4. CONTEXT • Context = Student Motivation & Interest • Content = Curriculum

  5. ABOUT ME • NFTE Alumnus • Started first business at 16 • Become #1 Youth-Run Web Dev. Co. • Won Three Entrepreneur Awards • Wrote Bestseller, Student Success Manifesto • Motivational Speaker

  6. STRATEGIES • Wholesale Trip • Entrepreneur Interview/Job Shadowing • Selling Events • Competitions • Networking • School-Based Enterprises • Make it real

  7. WHOLESALE TRIP Once students see low prices, they will connect the dots.

  8. MEET LOCAL BUSINESSES Seeing is believing! • Entrepreneur Interviews • Job Shadowing • Company Visits

  9. SELLING EVENTS Nothing Like the First Client! • Apprentice-Style • Celebrations • School Lobby

  10. COMPETITIONS Competitions Motivate • Business Plan Competition • Elevator Pitch Competition

  11. SCHOOL-BASED BIZ Easier Together Than Alone • KISS • Students can buy voting stock • Teachers and administrators can by non-voting stock

  12. NETWORKING EVENTS Learning by Observing • Chamber of Commerce • Local Association Meeting

  13. MAKE IT REAL Title: CEO • Bank Account • Business Cards (vistaprint.com)

  14. Competition • Get into groups of 4-6 • 5 minutes to come up with a viable business idea that your students could implement with less than $100 • 1 minute to present the idea • Top team gets a prize

  15. CURRICULUM • In-School or After-School • Semester or Full Year • Stand-Alone or Integrated Textbook $50.00 Workbook $15.00 Teacher’s Guide $58.00

  16. STANDARDS • National: social studies and mathematics • States: language arts, science, and technology, • Standards defined by: • The National Council for the Teaching of Mathematics (NCTM) • The National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) • The U.S. DOL’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS).

  17. TEACHER SERVICES • 4-Day Off-Site Teacher Training • Professional development opportunities: • Advanced Teacher Forum • Virtual workshops using internet technology • Mentoring program for newly trained teachers • National award/recognition opportunities • Ongoing support: site visits, teacher meetings & CET website

  18. TRAINING DATES Aug 7 – 10 - Wellesley, MA Aug 8 – 11 - Los Angeles, CA Sep 20 – 23 - New York, NY Jan 24 – 27 - New York, NY May 9 – 12 - New York, NY


  20. Success Stories

  21. Thank You!...Questions? • For more information on NFTE, visit nfte.com • For more information on motivational speaking, visit extremee.org/speaking

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